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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.81 MB, 1650x2550, XboxJP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10043249 No.10043249 [Reply] [Original]

Was there even a decent attempt at trying to make games on the Xbox appeal to Japan but it was just doomed to fail no matter what?

Or were the Japan-exclusive games released on it all over the place and completely missed the mark at trying to appeal to the Japanese?

>> No.10043259

Space is a concern for wagies in Japan, so a big bulky piece of shit like the original Xbox wouldn't be welcome. I think the original phat PS3 sold poorly for the same reason.

>> No.10043260

>I think the original phat PS3 sold poorly for the same reason.

Pretty sure that thing sold badly everywhere for many reasons.

>> No.10043265

>Pretty sure that thing sold badly everywhere for many reasons
Another nail in its coffin then lol

>> No.10043279

>Was there even a decent attempt at trying to make games on the Xbox appeal to Japan
No lmao. But who gives a shit, I got to play cool jap games on Xbox and thats the only thing I care about.

>> No.10043280

Not really /vr/ but 360 had a lot of good Japanese shmups, mostly from Cave and Konami. For original Xbox I have no clue

>> No.10043284

is this a list of still exclusives? cause i dont see metal wolf chaos

>> No.10043290

>metal wolf chaos
Hasn't been an exclusive for years now. Got ported to everything.

>> No.10043296

That's what I meant by "still". I feel like not showing games that were exclusives at the time is a dishonest look at microsoft's attempt.
That said, I'm surprised there's even that many. 25+ seems like a decent bit

>> No.10043310

I've never thought it was fair to suggest Microsoft didn't try to make the Xbox successful in Japan. Maybe if they had put up the funds for a slim model, including the DVD remote with the system, that might have helped it sell better?

>> No.10043327

>I've never thought it was fair to suggest Microsoft didn't try to make the Xbox successful in Japan.
This implies Snoyfags play fair.

>> No.10043341
File: 40 KB, 385x545, images - 2023-07-06T233203.001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, Microsoft actually did try quite hard to make the Xbox succeed in Japan but unfortunately their attempts were pretty misguided. The S controller that later became the standard Xbox controller was originally for the Japanese market, for example. Microsoft was very close with Sega during this time and as a result the Xbox had a lot of nice exclusives although they were obviously still publishing games for PS2 and GameCube. But really all of it was sort of in vain because the Xbox had no JRPG's, the Japanese had no brand loyalty to Microsoft over the two competing Japanese companies in the same space, online gaming through Xbox Live was culturally seen as "anti social" and finally the console was just too damn big and ugly for Japanese tastes.

Still, there are plenty of interesting Japanese exclusives for the system and people like Itagaki loved the Xbox because of how powerful it was.

>Jet Set Radio Future
>The best version of Outrun 2
>Dead or Alive 3 and DOA Ultimate
>Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball
>Metal Wolf Chaos
>Genma Onimusha
>Otogi 1&2
>Panzer Dragoon Orta
>Ninja Gaiden Black
>Steel Battalion
>Shin Megami Tensei NINE (Never played it but it's an interesting release for the Xbox)
>Blinx the Time Sweeper
>Phantom Dust
>Crazy Taxi 3

None of these are system sellers but you get my point. There was a small but dedicated fanbase for Halo as well. Here's a little montage of Japanese Xbox commercials I put together a while ago:


>> No.10043358

Magatama is very good
Tenerezza is cute
Tiny helicopter rules
Thousand land is unique
Dennou taisen dronez is cool

>> No.10043420


>> No.10044459
File: 59 KB, 535x400, FBWNGvxXMAMZisv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think most of the ones in that OP image are... or were, but I don't think anyone is really that interested in playing C.A.T. or NUDE.

I got the list of Japanese-exclusive xbox games from here:

They definitely tried, I think few would believe there wasn't even an attempt. It's more a question of if the attempt was even halfway decent. And if they did release games that Japanese people would want but the system was just rejected no matter what, or if it was rejected because they didn't have any games the Japanese would want.

Just about none of those you listed were Japanese exclusive

I also noticed that many later exclusives didn't even come out in Japan, and most of the actual Japanese exclusives are missing in modern lists of Xbox exclusives, which implies they got ported.


Nearly all the games in that first list are not there, and it mentions that: "Video games in this category have been released exclusively on the Xbox, and are not available for purchase or download on other video game consoles or personal computers." Which seems to imply nearly all the Japanese exclusives eventually got ported. The only ones I noticed still on the list are C.A.T. and NUDE. The first was a mediocre magical-girl SRGP taking place in a computer, and the second was a short experimental "game" (No, it had nothing to do with nudity).

I am sure it's flagship franchise being Halo didn't help matters. Although I recall before Halo MS tried to make Blinx their mascot. But yeah, making your flagship a FPG didn't help it's Japanese sales but I am guessing by that point hey had given up. (Even though one of the PS1's launch titles in Japan was also a dungeon-crawler FPS... although it probably helped that the characters were all anime, including one of them being a sword-wielding foxgirl)

>> No.10044516

Literally mogs the sharturn JP catalog

>> No.10044528
File: 70 KB, 614x642, 20221005_143529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The 3DO remains the only foreign console the nips actually embraced

>> No.10045016

By "Japanese exclusives" I meant JPN games which were exclusive to the Xbox

>> No.10045742
File: 370 KB, 367x498, pa.127663.1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clannad on Xbox360, but not on Xbox

>> No.10045890
File: 3.06 MB, 4032x3024, Test_my_will_Test_my_heart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They had TV ads, their own magazines, promo material, trade show appearances, etc. They gave it their all in trying. I guess the console being code named Midway after an American decisive naval victory over Japan and the redesigned smaller controller code named Akibono after the first American sumo wrestler to defeat all the Japanese sumo for the title of yokozuna may not be in good taste. Aside from that negative perception, Xbox is like Steven Segal mastering Aikido and going to Japan to open his own dojo there to teach it back which is pretty impressive. The reviews in Japanese Xbox magazines were pretty positive for the games, so there's a lot of appeal there. Maybe if they had even more support from 3rd party publishers and leaned on their great MSX legacy, their outcome may have been better.

>> No.10045896

>Yes, Microsoft actually did try quite hard to make the Xbox succeed in Japan
No they didnt. There are two jarpigs on the entire system and both suck fucking ass.