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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10038370 No.10038370 [Reply] [Original]

In your backlog?

>> No.10038372

I cope by not being mentally ill.

>> No.10038374

When you turn 30 you stop caring

>> No.10038379

You are mentally ill.

>> No.10038382

I start playing some finished games instead.

>> No.10038387

Words that DEFINED the 2010s:

>> No.10038389

I never finished ff12 and 13

>> No.10038390
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>> No.10038401

Nah i will pay you to finish them for me.

>> No.10038412

watcha playing, Shaq Fu?

>> No.10038416


>> No.10038418

I figure there's probably a reason I didn't finish them. Either lack of enjoyment or disinterest. Either way I'm not put out or worse off in life because I didn't finish some video game I didn't care enough to finish/start. Video games are not jobs. They're hobbies. You don't owe them completion.

>> No.10038421

Stop being a faggot.

>> No.10038424

but how will you own anons online without the knowledge from beating the game??

>> No.10038427

anyone who has a "backlog" is a gay faggot

>> No.10038437

Three strikes rule. If I think about playing a game 3 times but find excuses not to then I mark it as DNF with the date and don't think about it for a year

>> No.10038438

Nah ur

>> No.10038443

Jobs are gay

>> No.10038456

yeah they are

>> No.10038461

I just go "I will get to this some day." I also use my Christmas vacation from work to try to get through stuff I started over the year.

>> No.10038509

I thought this was a meme, but then I turned 30 and stopped caring. Game has boring padding? Delete it. Has side-missions? Won't do them unless I really like the game. Don't even remember to go back to finish it? Not worth it then.

>> No.10038527

I play one game at a time until I beat it.

>> No.10038532

I'll get to them eventually, I have many more lonely years still ahead of me.

>> No.10038537

I went back and finished games i stopped playing a decade or two ago, it's never too late

>> No.10038559

This, when it's finished is when I worry

>> No.10038669

I record them and upload them to my youube channel so I have to finish them.

>> No.10038689
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I became an Achievement hunter autist on Steam so I replay games to the point of them being boring. Like squeezing out side missions and such to get my completion rating up.

Unironically feels good, like I was a kid again squeezing every drop of enjoyment out of a game.

>> No.10038707
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>> No.10039127

This is pretty accurate by my experience. It depends how much you're into games and how many different genres but it seems generally for most people by around 30 they realize there are far more games you want to play than you will ever have time for before you die.

>> No.10039131

What's a backlog?

>> No.10039142

Neets can do it all

>> No.10039164

I'll play them when I want to.
I'm 33, I'll never finish everything.
I'll let my son inherit my backlog

>> No.10039185

That's impossible of you have any actual range.
Some games are really bad. Some DOS games are just a drop unless you're a masochist.

>> No.10039192

By playing them. Retard.

>> No.10039203

I dunno man, sounds like work.

>> No.10039204

Only if they have super limited taste in games.

>> No.10039249

Nah u r

>> No.10039253

I already bought more than 1000 games on gog.com, I'll die before I try half of those, so fuck it

>> No.10039256

I don't dwell on it nor do I let it nag at me and that goes for any media be it books, games, movies, music, etc.

>> No.10039826

NTA, but anons online don't play games, so YT tier speedrun / lore summary is enough to mog most of them.

>> No.10040031

I'm 33 and I'm 2 years deep into finishing my curated NES titles

>> No.10040084

I mostly play my old games now and only buy a select few for some side fun like crab champions. I like how I can get a run in super fast and drop it when I get bored.

>> No.10040095

It pisses me off when the game is good but i've dropped it for some tedious bullshit the devs just had to put in the gameplay. Dont care much if the game is mediocre stuff, i'm not a completionist and i've always scorned achievements.

>> No.10040126

How many titles have you beaten?

If your NES list doesn't include Famicom and FDS and doesn't contain at the VERY least 300 games you underestimated it.

>> No.10040157
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I've played a lot more as a kid (SMB3 obviously) but this is what I've considered "beaten" during this backlog
>300 games
Don't even try to bullshit me by saying FDS games like Otocky or Love Warrior Nicole are essential

>> No.10040218

What backlog?

>> No.10040245

yeah okay you've just scratched the surface then, but this is a good start

>Don't even try to bullshit me by saying FDS games like Otocky or Love Warrior Nicole are essential

They're better than 1942 and Strider

>> No.10040446

I cope by deciding if I like the game and then finishing it if I do

>> No.10040605

I had no problem finishing a bunch of games for several decades but eventually I played so many games I just loved I have found just as much enjoyment replaying them as I had finishing them.

You can also look at a large backlog as a good thing because it means you have so much more to enjoy, eventually I realized I didn't need to keep buying as much as I did because I already had so much stuff to complete first.

>> No.10040615

I probably stopped playing it for a reason.

>> No.10040630

A concept that started when modern humans were given the option to let everyone online that they play video games.

>> No.10040638

By not having a backlog. It's real simple. Play what you want to play.

>> No.10040759

I play a game from the backlog.

51 replies and this is the sane and only answer.

>> No.10041007

>realize there are far more games you want to play than you will ever have time for before you die
this applies to other mediums as well, but mainly anime. when I was 15/16 I said I'll watch every single anime and at some point I was watching 36 episodes and a movie per day. maybe it would be possible if I watched everything at x2 speed and kept going until I'm 70, but each year more and more anime keeps being made
now I'm watching 3 and got 16 on plan to watch that didn't air yet and only pick up what really interests me

>> No.10041021

if you feel the need to beat games you care more about consumption than simply having fun. you should try to mature that part of yourself.

>> No.10041119

This is what people who don't beat games and never get good tell themselves

>> No.10041217


>> No.10041242

Sometimes I play a game for 5 minutes, sometimes I beat it, sometimes I never get around to playing it. If it bothers you it’s probably because you wear dresses and your parents will never accept you

>> No.10041252

Didn't ask.

>> No.10041253

I realized I have had this backlog of games to play, movies to watch and books to read for years now and I never really made an effort to go through with any of it.

>> No.10041260

Didn't ask either.

>> No.10041265

I was replying yo OP who was asking a question, you fucking retard. Do you always come into threads about topics asking questions you're not interested in to complain? How's that work out for you?

>> No.10041406

This, also surviving an accident/serious sickness helps you realize life's too short for shit that's not worth it, and that most shit isn't.

>> No.10041421

Yup, same. I think it's both a change in priorities just due to age and also just a change in priorities from having been there, done that already. There's only so many games you can force yourself to play through before you lose a taste for the concept. Now if a game doesn't immediately grab me, I don't care to devote more time to it out of obligation. And I've played so many games by now that I often get a game's "number" pretty quickly so that even if I do play through it, it doesn't do anything that surprises me. You develop a sixth sense for where a game is going without actually having to play it all.

>> No.10041440

If ur from reddit or pol please get out.

>> No.10042490


>> No.10042497

>In your backlog?

Let me put it this way: my backlog keeps getting bigger and bigger, and my fucks fewer and fewer

>> No.10042505

Pretty much this

>> No.10042580
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That means I have many more years that I can look forward to. So far this year I've beaten 40 games.

>> No.10042581

I stopped caring now
Not 30 yet

>> No.10042847
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Let it go

>> No.10042887

true. git gud faggots BTFO, cheating chads are where its at.

>> No.10042892

I don't have a backlog because I'm not a fucking idiot. Imitating obsessive compulsive behavior is retarded.

>> No.10043025

He's probably some schizo fishing for replies like yours.

>> No.10043026


>> No.10043187


I know that games are basically shit now, with one one good game coming out every two years or so. My roms and Steam backlog will provide me everything I need for life. No need to blow any more money ever pretty much. If a game comes out that's good, I can wait until it goes on sale too. 1337 cope

>> No.10043261

Ok tranny

>> No.10043269

More like when you get a full-time job

>> No.10043282

I cope by actually working on it. It may be a long backlog, but that just means I have many years of free entertainment ahead of me.

>> No.10043285

Project harder, menhera faggot, go count your stickers on Steam.

>> No.10043304
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>> No.10043307

I don't care, I'm not some weirdo trying to rush through all the games as fast as possible just or the sake of completion

>> No.10043330

bad games i don't even get into.
boring games put me to sleep.
tedious games i abandon.
i don't even play multiplayer games on my own unless my friends are on and also want to play it.

where are all the "fun" games :(

>> No.10043449

I think the best way to get through a backlog of retro games is to really ask yourself how much you want to get out of them.

DOOM is the best example. Just playing I & II isn't enough, you've also got Thy Flesh Consumed, The Master Levels, TNT & Plutonia, in addition to SIGIL and No Rest For The Living. Then there are all of the fanmade megawads, weapon packs, that one disc from the 90s with like 10,000 maps and so on. How about TCs like Aliens and SRB2? What about the GZ Doom games like Supplice and Hedon and Rekkr? What about actually making your own levels and mods? Hell, what about the ports to other consoles, what about doing a nightmare run or trying UV+? Fucking christ, what about deathmatch?

>> No.10043805

>I was watching 36 episodes and a movie per day
Jesus. You must have suffered through a lot of trash.

>> No.10044007
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Just play what you want you big dumb dumb

>> No.10044073

Nah, it was a bit after I started watching anime, so Skip Beat, K-ON!, Lucky Star, Death Note, Lagann, Lain, NHK, Hokuto no Ken, Jojo's, FMAB, to name a few. Got a torrent from Demonoid full of old OVAs, used Crunchyroll in it's infancy and the good old Animefreak.
Now that I've pretty much slowed down to a crawl, I just downloaded Cardcaptor Sakura, Sailor Moon and a few Beyblade and Yu-Gi-Oh movies. Also currently on episode 112 of Bleach, since I was only watching Naruto as I grew up. Last things I watched was the Street Fighter 2 movie, Fate/strange Fake and Mashle.

>> No.10044115 [DELETED] 

Ok tranny

>> No.10044123 [DELETED] 

Didn't ask.

>> No.10044146
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lol backlogs, zero initiative

>> No.10044150

I miss wanting to watch anime... I woke up one day and just had no more urge anymore. I shouldnt say no urge I do want to enjoy anime but nothing interests me enough to start watching or it doesnt hold my interest.

>> No.10044183

That's mainly why I'm going back to old stuff. There's only so much of the new stuff that interests me. The problem with old ones is that they're big as fuck.
I'm also going to Japan soon, so that might re-ignite the flame. Currently learning japanese, so I always have the incentive that if I learn it, then I can read raw chapters and watch raw episodes.

>> No.10044187

Don't care now, back in the day just felt the game was too hard, or died to bullshit like off camera enemies, shit camera angles or OP bosses.

>> No.10044658

I was never this retarded but when I was in middle school or high school I refused to drop a show midway even if I absolutely hated it so once I started a show I would be on the hook to finish it, and I regret wasting my time like that.
I don't even remember why I did it, so I could say my opinions were fully formed? It's not like I had anybody to talk about anime with.
Anyway I rarely watch anime nowadays, like 90% of it is trash and all the discussions I see about new series and movies hasn't changed my mind. Is there a modern Satoshi Kon?

>> No.10044790

>YT tier speedrun / lore summary
you are what is called a poser

>> No.10044813

Well, you'll probably never experience this, but when you have kids, when they're still young, you sign them up for sports. The reason is so that they can work hard at something and then lose. This loss is important.
Your unfinished games are the same thing, your supposed to learn a lesson that games are not important, that they don't need finishing, and that you can stop wasting your life on meaningless things and be productive and to have virtues in your life.

>> No.10044815

If I remember a game I haven't finished, and get the urge to play it again to finish it, then it will be finished. I'm okay picking a save file up I haven't touched in 3 years (as long as it isn't story based/rpg) then I usually make a new save.

>> No.10045624

I feel like people have a lot more games than they should in their play later list because they consider themselves gamers and want to play everything major even if it's in a genre they don't like. I will never play Silent Hill because horror games like that bore me to tears.

>> No.10045868

I will /try/ to play games in unfavoured genres if they seem vaguely interesting to me, but I won't feel nearly as bad about dropping them than I do with games of a genre I actually like. Downside is that I love RPGs the most.

>> No.10045943

I'm 31 and I stopped caring about having a backlog when I was 24 or so. Treating games as some sort of list I have to go through is not enjoyable. There are thousands of games I want to play, and I have accepted I will not be able to play everything worthwhile that has been made. I'm not going to rush through a game so I can get to the next game, to rush through that one, and then move on again and again, just to say I finished an ever growing "list". I actually take my time with games now, enjoy the side content, atmosphere, challenge, and replay them if I am still having fun and want more of it. I replayed MegaManX2 3 times this week.

If you have to cheat to playthrough a game, you aren't truly enjoying it. Drop the game and move on, instead of ticking off another game from your backlog so you can quickly move on to the next.

>> No.10045946

I barely buy new games anymore. Don't really play games anymore either that take a huge commitment to make real progress (MMOs and such). I play multiplayer games pretty casually as well. Mostly just focusing on single player games nowadays.

Organizing your steam library (or something else a spreadsheet or something) into games you want to focus on also helps.

>> No.10046124

>I refused to drop a show midway
I still do it, but I've always done it because I believe the only way one can truly appreciate the good things, one must experience the bad ones, and there's some anime that ended up being good if you can get through the "bad" episodes. It might just be autism though, since I drop western movies and series.
>Is there a modern Satoshi Kon?
Not really. Abstract and left field stuff won't attract zoomers, so no one wants to do it.

>> No.10047040

this desu senpai fr fr ong ong
went from finishing multiple games a week to finishing like 2 a month once I got a life.

>> No.10047106

I don't really get the question.

Life is finite. Because of this, there is a vastly larger number of things that I want to do than the number of things that I will be able to do. Of course this sucks. But am I going to single out my video game backlog for this? not really.

>> No.10047230

The correct answer is easy mode hacks.

>> No.10047332

i hardly ever finish games really, unless they keep my attention. also games that have a difficulty spike where i didn't save such that I can get out of it. like persona 5 got that business guy boss and mass effect legendary had some dlc bit that just throws this ridiculous boss at you... i'm too lazy for this shit..

>> No.10047870

What I imagine people who complains about "lists" or "consumer mentality" etc to be like:

They've beaten maybe 2-10 games per system, on the most popular system only (probably doesn't go below 16-bit because it's "too outdated" and needs """QoL""" hacks for SNES games), never got good, is the sort of "gamer" who comes on /vr/ to post how "popular classic is actually shit" and in short, just don't know SHIT about video games.