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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 75 KB, 256x188, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10031621 No.10031621 [Reply] [Original]

>annoying af music
>controls and level design feel like a bad flash game
>ugly mspaint-tier graphics
this game is kind of shit, isn't it?

>> No.10031634

I assume you're actually talking about SMB3, because SMW is a fucking masterpiece.

>> No.10031639

get new ideas

>> No.10031662

how the fuck does any of that apply to 3?

>> No.10031705

This, the classic Mario games are unplayable skidding garbage (except 2, which is just a reskin of a superior game).

>> No.10031714

if you play as luigi (who can jump the highest) is the most skidding of any mario game lol

>> No.10031748

Flash games weren’t a thing when this got released.

>> No.10031752

that is not even remotely the point you colossal retard.

>> No.10032043

It has its highlights but it's overall a very flat and lifeless game. It's peak "stuck playing this at a friend's house because he had to go somewhere and there's nothing else for you to do there" gaming.

>> No.10032070

>dude popular game... le bad!

>> No.10032545

Smw is good but it probably is the ugliest mainline Mario game I'll give you that.

>> No.10032575
File: 16 KB, 500x448, hearts-and-souls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A game so bad, they had to give it away for free with the console.
picrel, better game.

>> No.10032578
File: 36 KB, 484x383, img (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think they had Flash games in 1991 OP, just saiyan. Admittedly they could've done better with the graphics though, many have mentioned it still resembles an NES game

>> No.10032586

This is one of the best looking games on the system but it sucks to actually play. It's painfully slow and remarkably tedious in a lot of areas. The opposite of SMW, really.

>> No.10032590

I think they both have their own strengths. I do wish more games went the Yoshi's Island route and not the SMB route afterward, though.

>> No.10032592

That sounds like Yoshi's Island.

>> No.10032601 [DELETED] 
File: 579 KB, 2000x1000, Birdo-Trans-Flag-Background.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zoomer here. completely agree. nes and snes games are trash. why didn't they use more colors. also the controls would be better if they used analog sticks. also the story isn't very good compared to super meat boy forever or binding of isaac rebirth. boomers are addicted to bad games. also I'm trans btw.

>> No.10032648

>great iconic catchy music that fits the vibe perfectly
>tight controls and physics, the most fun and elaborate mario level design up to that point
>charming simple graphics that combine with the music to create a cute, quirky vibe
yep, it's super mario world

>> No.10032946

I honestly don't even understand how people like SMB3. There's way better Mario games and way better NES games out there

>> No.10034585
File: 567 KB, 3573x3027, Mario World vs Wonder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True Mario has an honest art style that excogitates ludonarrative resonance, honorable level design which soft-anchors the player to end-user action-items, balanced difficulty that interweaves playtainment with metaskill, soulful je ne sais quoi, and holistic gamefeel.

Nu Mario on the other hand has a dishonest art style, honorless level design, artificial difficulty, forced soul, and it insists upon itself.

This is obvious to anyone who isn't a window licking troglodyte.

>> No.10034590
File: 137 KB, 820x1147, 1656973091713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i never even noticed that the music in this game was the same tune in different styles until a few weeks ago when someone here mentioned it. ive been playing this game for 30 years. am i retarded?

>> No.10034694
File: 181 KB, 1041x781, Baitthreaddiving.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even trying.

>> No.10035294
File: 3.86 MB, 2880x2160, Super Mario World 2 - Yoshi's Island (USA) [FastROM v1.2]-230702-202055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having quite a lot of fun with it, and I don't even like platformers.

>> No.10035298

>SMB3 vs SMW
There it is, there's the dead horse bait. Go read a book or something brainlet

>> No.10035305

I'm glad you are. I'm really disappointed I can't get back into it.

>> No.10035572

OP just said the level design resembles a bad flash game, this does not mean OP thinks flash games were around when super mario world was released.

it has a cool funny dinosaur you can ride though so the it's a great game

>> No.10035582

filtered, hidden

>> No.10035770

You're absolutely right. But, then again, you have bad manners. You come to our turf and don't even state your name.

>> No.10035883

It's impossible to be filtered by a Mario game, none of them have any appreciable difficulty. We just hate Mario because it's boring and inexplicably put on this pedestal like it's one of the "best games ever", when it is not even a decent or interesting platform game to begin with.

>> No.10036121
File: 95 KB, 736x552, 1687543596001451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you truly feel that way?

>> No.10036127

I've never played a Mario game but you're a pretentious fuckhead man.

>> No.10036198

not only mario. all those overhyped mascots are completely shitty - from crash to sonic, from bubsy to rayman. nothing about any of those games is good.

so whats the moral of the story? well, all games are bad. there has never been any good video game ('good' meaning what I - the god of games and this board - deem to be quality). everyone claiming that any video game is good has no clue. all vidya should be how I want them.

now that i acted like a contrarian clown, im gonna go wank my small wiener, cause im feeling proud of myself having trolled you all.

>> No.10036218
File: 20 KB, 320x224, kid_chameleon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not only mario
No, it's just Mario.
>all games are bad
I can see how a tendie would come to that conclusion. Play some real games.
Pic related is vastly more difficult, more interesting, and more content than any of these throwaway shovelware Mario titles.

>> No.10036267

there are no 'real games'. video games are bad in general and cause dementia. theyre invented by the fbi. look it up, its scientifically proven by Me - the god of games and this board.

ive never seen the game you posted, but it must be bad, cause its completely unknown to anyone but you and your four, five friends, which must mean it is even MORE irrelevant than mario, sonic or rayman.

whatever. going back to wanking to gianna sisters porn, still proud of being such an edgy cunt.

>> No.10036767

Can’t tell if it’s ironic or not but either way your body will be alone at its funeral due to your sheer pretentious retardation.

>> No.10036797

This is mostly true. SMW had ugly graphics, simplistic and disappointing sprite art, annoying music, bizarre level design, and far too few powerups.

HOWEVER, the movement system and mechanics are among the best ever created in a platformer. Just one example is "regrabs." Can you name another platformer that offers such precise control of your jumps? There are two types of jumps (normal and spin), low and high jumps, low and high bounces, and different rates of descent depending on whether you do a regrab. Not to mention shell jumps, double shell jumps, midairs, spring jumps, key jumps, p-switch yumps, etc.

This means that SMW is an exceptional "skeleton" for kaizo hacks like no other game. The upper echelons of SMW kaizos are, in my opinion, the best platformers ever created.

SMW failed as a game, but as a "base" for further development it is unrivaled. Everything about it sucks, except the core mechanics are absolutely perfect.

>> No.10036893

imagine this being your childhood over something as magical as mario, edgelord trash

>> No.10036967


>> No.10036974

Quit shilling Kid Chameleon it sucks ass

>> No.10036991

Not shit but loose controls and that overbright aesthetics never made me appreciate it like Mario 3.

>> No.10037018

That was true and common for many SNES games, my man.

>> No.10037285
File: 46 KB, 470x479, QacIOW8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm afraid so.


>> No.10037289

/vr/ contrarians are some of the funniest people to ever exist
Imagine getting this as a kid instead of Super Mario
You'd be disappointed with getting shitty shovelware instead of a good game

>> No.10037294

fpbp, on 3 mario keeps slipping like every level is an ice level while SMW is tight.

>> No.10037686

this is called a leitmotif and is a really basic concept in music.

>> No.10037691

Correct. I need to prove my superior taste by tearing down anyone that thinks differently.

>> No.10037986

Correct take. What are regrabs though?

>> No.10038063
File: 38 KB, 671x768, 1241874146833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luigi is basically a borderline mental case in 2, running in the air like a lunatic


>> No.10038310

>kaizo hacks
>ATM machines

>> No.10038394


>> No.10038406

>replying to Australia-kun non ironically

>> No.10038423

>take game that is well liked
>post image of box art
>talk shit about it
>300 guaranteed replies
You're an addict. Stop it.

>> No.10038453

He thinks that, eventually, he will be able to change the past and brainwash people into disliking games that are liked.
Mental illness, yeah. Love to see it.

>> No.10038562

>ruins your series with collectathons

>> No.10038697

>using a buzzword that didn't exist back in retro times
It will never work, auster.

>> No.10038748

It's obvious in SMW, but it took me like 20 years to realize SM64 does the same thing

>> No.10038894
File: 2.51 MB, 2880x2160, Super Mario World 2 - Yoshi's Island (USA) [FastROM v1.2]-230627-001451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need to collect anything to beat it, anon.

>> No.10039050

Star World is completely fine. The levels are hard but you have infinite lives and free powerups.
Special World on the other hand is a bit fucked up.
They're both optional in any case.

>> No.10039409

I looked this up. tap the button for a short jump then press and hold it again in mid-air to slow your fall and get extra horizontal distance.

>> No.10039416

This is the worst, most obvious, bait post I've ever seen but I'm still going to respond to it, because it made me chuckle, and it totally sounds like something a zoomer would say to dab on gramps when he talks about how great his nintendo games were.

>> No.10039423

Haha baby got spanked and came here to cry about it!
Which level was it? The one that filtered you?

>> No.10039432

Music seemed appropriate desu

>> No.10039479

The narstiest regular level is probably the sunken ghost ship.

>> No.10039510

You didn’t try as hard on the second paragraph lol

>> No.10040326

You sure? You can just hold Z mid-air for that.

>> No.10040692

uh oh stinky

>> No.10042036


>> No.10042084

Uh huh
Hidden btw

>> No.10042736

...We are discussing SMW. There is no "Z" button.

Yes, in SMW you fall slower if you hold the jump button. Try it. Jump to max height, then release the button. Then jump to max height and hold the button. You fall slower.

Even with lower jumps, if you press ("regrab") the jump button going down, you fall slower and get additional distance. It's subtle, but present.

This is universally known and understood among kaizo makers. Numerous kaizo hacks require you to do regrabs to clear enough horizontal distance to make it to the next bounce.

For reference, this is demoed in Learn2Kaizo, 2Kaizo2Learn, and Kaizo Kindergarten.

>> No.10042794

Cape is for people who only eat fast food.

>> No.10042815

>There is no "Z" button.
Whatever is a spinjump button.

>> No.10042907

The SMW engine and mechanics do not lean well to krapzo hacks because you get terribly unfun levels where you die for shit like touching the side of a muncher.

>> No.10042910

The spin jump doesn't make you fall slower. It has the exact same physics as the regular jump, except it's 1 tile lower. You still rise and fall at the same speed.

Regrabs also work for spin jumps, so if you hold the jump button you will fall slower after a spin jump.

>> No.10042914

>>controls and level design feel like a bad flash game
You may think this because most flash games were trying to emulate Mario world's physics.

>> No.10042917

Gay punjabi retards don't know it's copypasta

>> No.10042923

The controls and graphics are literally it's greatest strength compared to SMB3. That and the more open overworld + hidden Star Road and Special world are all it has going for it.
In all other aspects SMB3 is just superior
>better level design
>better difficulty curve
>more varied levels and worlds
>all the unique powerups
And if you play the All-Stars version even the graphics advantage is gone

>> No.10042930

Really? Thanks. I've been using them while playing SMW hacks and for some reason it felt like it was working just like in Mario Maker.

>> No.10044413 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 515x516, Love it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Summer Trilogy, you guys know the drill!

>> No.10044447

Playing debug Prototype rom

>> No.10045225

Classic Mario might not be the masterpieces they're made out to be but unplayable trash? Come on. Let's not blow things out of proportion.

>> No.10045302

I honestly don't think any of the Mario games are bad. They are very good, in fact. SMB 1 and 3 are classics. SMB2JP an USA are classics. SMW and YI are classics. SM64 is a classic. The weakest opinion that I have is the Land games, but they are good for handheld standards.

>> No.10045491

World is better than 3 because dinosaurs are more fun than monarchs. 3 also has very short levels just so it can boast more of them, and i can never enjoy some flow state gameplay because of this. 2/u.s. is the best of the NES games, and the remakes of it are even better.

>> No.10045498

shitty flash game platformers never had weighty momentum.

>> No.10045980 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 250x366, Elric brothers approve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This desu.
I agree with you 100%.

>> No.10045983

It doesn't. That anon is a simple inbred monkey.

>> No.10045985 [DELETED] 
File: 435 KB, 1675x2400, Happy Ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A game so bad, they had to give it away for free with the console.
>picrel, better game.

>> No.10045986

No, it doesn't.

>> No.10046337


This is my favourite platformer. I'm trying to complete the game 100%. Extremely cozy and comfy game. It's up there with Zelda lttp and Stalker in terms of mood.

>> No.10046396

>the fish reels the fisherman

>> No.10046401

>this does not mean OP thinks flash games were around when super mario world was released
It's an inference one could make because he's imputing the effect as a cause.

>> No.10047384

Which filter plz.

>> No.10049318

It’s a classic

>> No.10051000

Fucking tranny jannies and mods!
I hope you all die of cancer and shit, gay motherfuckers piece of shit. Banning me for nothing!

>> No.10051010

Yeah you are It's OK tho bro took me ages to realize the ending is a remix the overworked in smb2

>> No.10051018


>> No.10051887

yeah it is.

>> No.10051904

It's quite amazing remembering the days of old /vr/, pre-2015, without so much /v/ and mental ill shitposters and comparing it to modern /vr/.
Night and day.

>> No.10051986

Sorry that you're tendie echo chamber was taken over by the big bad fans of retro games.

>> No.10052131

That's literally what a kaizo hack is. It's a super-hard level that's designed to be beaten in exactly one specific set of movements, testing your fine-tuned execution.

If you don't like that, there's also numerous other non-kaizo romhacks and fan games that function move like conventional Mario levels.

>> No.10052139

Old /vr/ wasn't a "tendie" (/v/ console war word btw) ecochamber, it was just older guys who liked the video games they grew up with.
Then came bitter bongs and aussies who grew up with britjank and /v/ shitposters.

>> No.10052385

Alright, let's settle this. I've seen for a pretty long time that blame game between americans and britishers. Who's the real villain?