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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 78 KB, 1024x576, marathon-1994-1024x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10024617 No.10024617 [Reply] [Original]

It's like Doom with weird Dr. Radiaki reloading and a plot written by a fucking schizo who read too much sci-fi in high school. I actually really like it. The music is awesome too. Great game. Save for some levels that are really bad.

>> No.10024638

its actually like wolfenstein 3-d

>> No.10024654


>> No.10024684

The Marathon series is easily the best in the shooter genre of that era. The levels are the most complicated, the story is really weird and intersting, the combat is really fun, and the visuals are beautiful.

>> No.10024687

It is though, saying Marathon is a descendent of Doom is totally false

>> No.10024692

>read too much sci-fi
You can never read too much sci-fi

>> No.10024697

You 100% can. All those books are total dogshit. Its weird we got so many cool games inspired from that dogshit era of nerd sci-fi and fantasy. I think all that stuff is embarrassing and awful. "inspired" from LOTR, more like your weird gross teenage wet dreams. Thats what all that 70s-80s nerd shit is. Terrible. AWFUL! Local library has truckloads of those kinds of books. Just awful. Thank god they are mostly paperback. Yet I'll play games inspired from those things and they are actually good. Weird

>> No.10024712

I never said Marathon was a descendant of Doom you fucking schizo, but it is far more similar to Doom than Wolfenstein 3D, which is not up for debate. The Fortress of Dr. Radiaki is similar to Wolfenstein 3D, Marathon is similar to Doom. Do you even understand what you're talking about?

>> No.10024716

ok kid

>> No.10024721

Yes you can. Just look at how people coom over books like Dune or games like Wing Commander or Mass Effect. Losing their minds over non-real fucking realities in endless discussions. Completely fucking depressing.

>> No.10024778

Maybe if you read ameritrash. Euro sci-fi is superb.

>> No.10024790
File: 44 KB, 510x680, cat-witfi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give some examples anon, please I'm curious

>> No.10025269

Doom release date: 10 December 1993
Marathon release date: 21 December 1994

>> No.10025278
File: 432 KB, 890x606, syshock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path with masterkino*

>> No.10025380

Pathways into Darkness August 1993

>> No.10025390

First game for so many things that are taken for granted in current gaming

>> No.10025392

too bad it inspired a boring as fuck genre that took all the wrong lessons

>> No.10025415

>It is though, saying Marathon is a descendent of Doom is totally false
Retard. When they first presented Marathon in early 1994 using the Pathways engine no one gave a shit and they realized how far behind they were from Doom, so Jones spent that entire year doubling down on the math and physics textbooks and scrapped the maps twice-over before rushing Marathon's release just before 1995. That's not to say Marathon didn't have an edge on Doom in certain ways, or that Marathon was nothing more than a Doom clone, but Doom was a massive undeniable influence.

>> No.10025417

>Pathways into Darkness August 1993
Far more primitive engine-wise than Ultima Underworld, March 1992

>> No.10025418

Nah Marathon is its own league. Doom sucks my shit

>> No.10025451

>if the descendant surpasses the patriarch it means they aren't related

>> No.10025452

Marathon is from wolfenstein

>> No.10025460
File: 44 KB, 480x360, 458460_2545907250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It all sucks this is better

>> No.10025462

Nothing but facts.

>> No.10025468
File: 32 KB, 640x480, Marathon_Zero_beta_screen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only version 0 before Doom's release

>> No.10025539

>Doom release date: 10 December 1993
>Marathon release date: 21 December 1994

Marathon was always meant to be a Doom-like game for the Apple Machinstosh. because it was designed for the mac specifically, it did take advantage of mouse look and other mac-specific features. Doom still ended up on the Mac.

>> No.10025671
File: 116 KB, 640x480, IMG_3875.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Unblocks path with SPNKR SSM launcher*
Why even try to compete with your crappy techno dungeon crawler?

>> No.10025804

>no dedicated display nor video signal
If Nimrod is a video game, then so is the lightbulb

>> No.10025840

It was a fucking blindly obvious joke you complete retard

>> No.10026734

It did everything Marathon did but better, and a month earlier. Not to say I dislike Marathon, but it can't compete with the professional design of System Shock. About the only thing it's got is the great story, whereas System Shock's is simple by comparison.
Survival of the fittest: new Marathon is diversity POCslop and the new System Shock is a based, merciless and faithful remake.

>> No.10026796 [DELETED] 

of course you're a nusystem shock fan

>> No.10026808

I think it's the best we could have gotten in le current year. I'm not completely satisfied with it.

>> No.10027148

System Shlock is just Ultima Underworld in space. Wow, so revolutionary. Marathon brought mouse-look, grenade hopping, and secondary fire to computer FPS games.
Now, don’t take what I’m saying as being mean to you; I respect your opinion. But let it be known that System Shock is inferior to the absolute SOVL that is the original Marathon.

>> No.10027279

Live free or die

And enders game series are kino scifi.

>> No.10027358

plus the gameplay is fun (except all the stupid proto Valve puzzles)
nothing more rewarding that running up fast and punching a bug in the mouth for a one hit kill

>> No.10028009

System Shock is borderline unplayable using original settings, whereas Marathon's mouselook is the closest thing to a 3D feel.

>> No.10028019

system shock isnt a good shooter, it's a dungeon crawler

>> No.10028094

Everyone who is looking for the game(s),
source ports are available here:
Just stop playing vidya then and quit using boards like this one.
Dune is fucking awesome btw.
even more true. I'll never understand how you can prefer a shooter over an immersive sim.

>> No.10028178

System Shock brought many improvements from Ultima. This is just a very ingenuine post. It may not have beaten Marathon on mouse-look (it technically did, but you had to use keybinds or the HUD to look up and down, and the mouse only moved the camera left and right), but it did beat it on looking up and down, and many, many other elements that no Marathon game ever possessed, because let's be honest, it's a Doom clone with very few if no extra new mechanics to its gameplay controls. Jumping, leaning, crouching and proning, seamless level transitions, more complex enemy AI, just to quote a few. System Shock not only had readable parts of its story and worldbuilding, it also had audio logs, which I'd argue are far superior to Marathon's terminals in a gameplay sense. It's a far more unique GAME, with a better legacy, and that's undeniable.

Completely fine and playable to me. Maybe you were filtered. And that's really the thing; you only hate System Shock if you don't bother to give it a fair shake... of which zoomers never do.

Love Marathon but let's be honest. System Shock mogs it.

>> No.10028245

>make a boring mazey clusterfuck FPS with shitty clashing texture choices
>put a novel worth of text in it
job well done

>> No.10028295

The MGS/Xenogears of FPS games

>> No.10029453

>It may not have beaten Marathon on mouse-look
>it technically did
>and the mouse only moved the camera left and right
>but it did beat it on looking up and down
>but you had to use keybinds or the HUD to look up and down
This is the most deranged sentence I've ever read, only a Looking Glassfag could write a cope like that

>> No.10029462

System shock is unplayable dude and I grew up with it

>> No.10029471

>Completely fine and playable to me. Maybe you were filtered. And that's really the thing; you only hate System Shock if you don't bother to give it a fair shake... of which zoomers never do.
I played System Shock for the first time at age 14 (2004) and had a fun time, but returning to it again this year, nah, it's just not worth it unless playing Enhanced Edition (which is still a bit clunky; shit like crouching doesn't add anything fun to it). Marathon is still basically effortless once you adjust the mouse acceleration.

>> No.10029581

Is Bungie the Pixar of videogames?

>> No.10029590
File: 573 KB, 810x793, 6ne686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blizzard is.

>> No.10029594

You retards are comparing System Shock on DOS game to a modern sourceport emulating Marathon. Pure bad faith in your arguments. It took until 2021 or 2022 for Aleph One to even run Marathon at higher than 30 fps, and good fucking luck emulating the original game on computers today. System Shock you could always use DOSBox, and even run one of the many old fan-made patches to give it a modern control scheme. Furthermore, there's more than just a single sourceport made for it.
I've beaten the original System Shock on its original control scheme 4 times at this point. It's completely doable, and I'd say it works better with it. You're supposed to take it slow and deliberate. Land mines and nitropacks have better use.
It takes a few minutes to get used to the controls. Your own inability to learn isn't an argument.
Crouching has been a mechanic since the original, same as proning. They are required to enter some areas.

>> No.10029596

I think you are retarded, but we both got it wrong anyhow. Mouse-look refers to being able to move the camera with the mouse. Free-look refers to being able to look in all directions with the camera, not necessarily with a mouse.

>> No.10029848

I played Marathon Durandal for the first time as a kid in 1996. It took like 15 years for Aleph One to even change the mouselook acceleration. It's not nearly as significant a difference as Enhanced Edition is to the original SS1.
>30 fps
On my PowerMac it ran at probably closer to 15 fps and it didn't matter
What did I get wrong? Marathon (all versions) allows you to use a mouse to look in all directions.

>> No.10029972

can scummvm run system shock

>> No.10029974

it is an argument men. how the fuck am i supposed to play system shock on original controls? this is fucking awful. and it doesnt have to be this way.