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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10024512 No.10024512 [Reply] [Original]

>is the absolute worst way to play these games in your path.

>> No.10024515

wrong, you could be playing them emulated

>> No.10024518

huhu, just what I needed

>> No.10024550

super mario bros 2 on advance was actualy prety dope cus it just made it easier to get thru cus of more hearts

>> No.10024556
File: 96 KB, 902x1033, fix'd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fixes every gameplay issue in you are path

>> No.10024562

Man I loved the GBA as a kid but they really propped that shit up with the SNES ports, didn't they. It would've been nice to get at least one more new sprite-based 2D Mario instead

>> No.10024570
File: 201 KB, 500x592, Wario flex.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nintendo considered 2D Mario to be a dead franchise at the time. Wario took his place until New Super Mario Bros.

>> No.10024574
File: 253 KB, 1225x1226, dr_mario_gba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they really propped that shit up with the SNES ports, didn't they
and NES

>> No.10024579
File: 25 KB, 320x240, 1403051288594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in your le path XD
Go back to /v/, fag.

>> No.10024594

Nintendo really went to shit after the SNES era, the way they treated their classic Mario titles was disgusting

>> No.10024595

/vr/ isn't your safespace
if you can't handle memespeak get off 4chan

>> No.10024597

They'll never fix the cropped image from lowered resolution

>> No.10024601

>how DARE they disrespect bing bing wahoo like that

>> No.10024604

That's true. 2D games ended up regaining so much popularity thanks to indies and NSMB, I forgot they were pretty much considered obsolete and unworthy of mainline games at one point.

>> No.10024618

bing bing wahoo saved video games, they're the only reason you were able to play your sega or playstation or whatever lesser console you got stuck with

>> No.10024719

This was my main problem with the SMA games - I already owned all these games, and in some cases I owend them twice. Hell, I would have bought "Super Mario World But With A New Set Of Levels" I know the Advance 4 had new levels but they locked it behind that stupid peripheral.

>> No.10024767

Well, Nintendo handhelds were always a steaming pile of shit.

>> No.10024787

Odd that you specify Nintendo handhelds. You think others did better? I'd love to hear who.

>> No.10024798

Super Mario advance is the objective best way to play Mario 2

>> No.10024814

What the fuck is this order

>> No.10024831

The only handheld I can truly say I enjoyed was the PSP. They nailed the ergonomics (apart from the lack of the right stick), it had good hardware, lots of games and PS1 back compat. Plus it was piss easy to hack, so you could load it with emulators and stuff.
Everything else I tried was at the very least uncomfortable to hold and play or had other issues like a shit screen, hardware being too weak, few good games, etc. So yeah, I should stretch my statement to almost all handhelds.

>> No.10024838

>lots of games
Such as?

>> No.10024854

The psp kicks ass. So does gba. The end of the golden age.
Go back to plebbit you fucking nigger

>> No.10024861

It's really not. The jerky scrolling is nauseating, it's super easy to miss subspace mushrooms thanks to the resolution and the voices are extremely annoying. The additions don't really make up for all of this.

>> No.10024863

all the extra hearts just make it more of a delight to play than the original

>> No.10024878


>> No.10024897

Yes, this is the definitive version of the game the new mechanics and changes in level design make the game fresh.

>> No.10024920

A single downgraded PC port?

>> No.10024970
File: 148 KB, 1270x840, vita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Last time I finished Yoshi's island was on my 3DS. I don't get why I should play a 30-year-old game which is rather simple in it's mechanics on a big screen with original hardware.
>Inb4 zoomie
We used to own a SNES when I was a kid.
Same here. Exchanged my original DS for one in '06 and the difference was Night and Day.
Finally some genuine 3D titles on the go.
I immediately installed a CFW and this handheld was my introduction to the homebrew scene. Which was rather large @ the time.
It was also the only mobile device which had a decent screen so you could watch some movies and series on the go.
I sold it in 2011 after I finished my national service and had no use for it anymore.
Currently looking @ some listings of the Vita since I'm ought to grab one for cheap.
The 3 GTAs, God of War, SOCOM Fireteam Bravo MGS Portable OPs, Katamari
+Countless other snoy IPs. I also loved all the nihon exclusive animu games from the era.
+Almost any PS1 game

>> No.10024983
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>> No.10024987

DS has a lot of hidden gems, but it had shovelware and the touchscreen gimmick hasn't aged well though I miss adequate stylus in touchsreen devices nowadays. I hate that cell phones are almost going to subscription system you don't own anything

>> No.10024990

portable so its better

>> No.10025002

The PSP Katamari is pretty bad, the original director left and the team just half-assed a new entry with nothing new or interesting about it. PS1 games aren't enjoyable to play due to lacking buttons. The GTAs and God of War entries are B-tier spinoffslop. No idea about SOCOM, Portable Ops was pretty okay.

>> No.10025012

PSP library is just better
>faithful port of PS2 titles
>Actual fighting games
>A lot of action RPGs
>The best portable mh games until 3DS was released
PSP is actually underrated and it was quality over quantity and no gimmicks

>> No.10025020

So many PSP games are just uncomfortable to play, they really seemed like they were designed with a nonexistent second stick in mind and you're stuck with awkward controls as a compromise.

>> No.10025025

Despite being a guy who plays everything on the keyboard only I never felt uncomfortable with my PSP.

>> No.10025036
File: 321 KB, 812x442, the claw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you play the Monster Hunter games?

>> No.10025060

>lot of hidden gems
True. But I looked for other, more 'mature' titles' in the Oughties so it was a perfect fit.
However I played a lot of those gems when I got a SuperCARD for my 3DS years later.
>I miss adequate stylus in touchsreen devices
Same. I also prefer the graffiti PDA systems used to have over a virtual keyboard. Speaking of these, give me a physical kb I can touch!
Not a fan so I've no idea. However judging from the rest of your post I'd guess it's mediore to pretty decent.
>PS1 games aren't enjoyable to play due to lacking buttons
Untrue. It depends on the titles. I remember playing the original Resident Evil and Twisted Metal and it was fun.
>GTA GoW=slop
How do I know that you never played them? The two GTAs were so good they actually released them on the PS2 as well.
VCS in particular has a better story and world than the original.
With GoW they'd made some compromises but other than that the two are full fledged GoW titles.
The 1st one was pretty gud just like the home console counterparts. You received a wee headset so you could communicate via audio.
The latter titles turned out bad and it was just more of the same.
And tbqh they were always mediocre. It was COOP novelty @ the time which made them fun.
You just seem to dislike the console for no reason. I kinda agree with the 2nd analog stick ordeal but that's it. Otherwise the PSP was awesome!

>> No.10025147

The scrolling is literally the same as it was in NES
>too dumb to see mushrooms so game BAD

>> No.10025187

I never had one, but seeing it's just a PSP with proper dual sticks I'm sure it's super comfortable. Maybe I'll buy one when I go to Japan. The support was cut off pretty early, but it managed to have a nice library over there.

>> No.10025218

All Kino.

Shame they didnt advanced the SMB 1 and 2 from All Stars.

>> No.10025302

they are on gameboy color as super mario bros deluxe and were actualy pretty quality there too

>> No.10025312

there is a boo racing mode on super mario bros deluxe that is hugely overlooked on the fact that nobody knows about it

>> No.10025314

Mario 3 and Namco Museum on GBA helped me appreciate older games.

>> No.10025738
File: 48 KB, 506x620, img (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Yoshi's Island port is actually good for a couple of reasons, mainly since there is no Super FX chip, meaning handhelds that have trouble emulating SNES can play it just fine. The rest are better played on SNES.

This is what the GBA needed, but we had to wait until the DS. At least we got Yoshi's island DS out of it though

>> No.10025750

Plebbit? More like "draggit". LOL! You've been pwned once again!