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10020621 No.10020621 [Reply] [Original]

What are the supposed great Saturn games that never got released outside Japan? It seems to be all shmupshit where 4/5 of them are also on PS1. Every notable game that could be considered impressive on Saturn DID get released in the West. Even many games that you think wouldn't get localized.

>> No.10020634


>> No.10020637

>where are the games? I only see shmups, visual novels, rpgs, sidescrollers, all types of 2D games, experimental games, puzzle games. As I only like AAA slop and FPS, I deem these games non-existent.

>> No.10020641

yes full of mediocre games

>> No.10020643

Lol this, people trash the library then you ask them what they like and they either disappear or just regurgitate “top 10 retro gems” AI generated lists off google. Stick to your slop.

>> No.10020648

seething VNtranny
visual novels will never be real games

>> No.10020656

No one has named a single Saturn game so far

>> No.10020676

Name drop some games instead of being a massive faggot

>> No.10020686

I love the fact that auster is so obsessed with the Saturn he just can't stop posting about it daily.
Get over it, old man. Saturn is better than your amiger, your specter, and your shitty PAL shovelwarestation.

>> No.10020691
File: 3.92 MB, 1440x6201, Saturn List.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10020693
File: 2.70 MB, 2048x1102, saturn collage.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10020695

Now is the part where they disappear or conveniently find a reason why they don’t enjoy *any* of those, my vote is on the second for this particular loser

>> No.10020696

Guardian Heroes
Saturn Bomberman
Virtual On
Shining the Holy Ark
Keio 2
Super Tempo
Deep Fear

>> No.10020698

>uuuhh bro what's this ching chong ling long game lmao such a goofy game where's Battledoom 69???

>> No.10020708
File: 58 KB, 554x554, IMG_1707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best Godzilla game is on Saturn. It's like Advance Wars but you fight against Godzilla monsters. It's similar to the Game Gear game in that respect, but its way better. It also has cutscenes that use clips from the movies which is amazing. This is an absolute gem and one of my favorites.

>> No.10020714

>Real Time Monster Attack Simulation

Kino genre

>> No.10020750

light gun games
racing games
3d fighting games
2d fighitngs games



racing games
football games
compliation games

>> No.10020754

tbf we got most of those in the west, I was just restricting meself to JP releases only

>> No.10020759

I'm pretty sure it was released in the west but the Shinobi game on Saturn is super kino and I love the live action cutscenes.

>> No.10020767

Literally every single row has several ports and or VNs in the Japanese section.

>> No.10020775

Yeah some pretty crazy stuff got localized, all thanks to Working Designs.

>> No.10021356
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I was looking for something like that Game Gear game but this somehow slipped past my radar.
Thanks man!

>> No.10021401

Idk I just fell for the saturn meme. Bought a working one from japan with 6 games and when it arrived it wouldn't read discs. had to open it up and it looks like the disc drive messed up during shipping and got unattached from the gears so I had to adjust the pieces back. thankfully it works now but the fighting games i got with it suck ass. nights is fun though.

>> No.10021950

>Every notable game that could be considered impressive on Saturn DID get released in the West.
Off the top of my head the following are pretty impressive or just overall good games and didn't get localized on Saturn:
Lunar Silver Star Story
Lunar 2 Eternal Blue
Shining Force III Scenarios 2, 3, and the Premium Disc
Deep Fear (No US release)
Bulk Slash
Stellar Assault SS
Dead or Alive
Street Fighter Zero 3
X-Men vs Street Fighter
Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter
Vampire Savior
Dungeons and Dragons Collection
GunGriffon 2
Thunder Force V
Silhouette Mirage
Radiant Silvergun

>But some of those were released on PS1!!!!
Sure but in many cases it was years later (Grandia, Thunder Force V, Silhouette Mirage, etc.) and in most of cases they're noticeably worse on PS1.

>> No.10022061

Anyone has a list of all arcade conversion games?
And I don't meant port shit, conversions are games made on arcade with console based hardware

>> No.10022354
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Much of the American section are inferior ports of arcade games or worse ports from other consoles too. Very very few actually enjoyable games in it. And this is coming from someone who modded my saturn years ago with a PAR and had a stack of discs with many of these burned onto them. Saturn just ain't that great.

>> No.10022590
File: 189 KB, 245x406, IMG_3711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>List of Saturn games
>Not one of them is Scud: The Disposable Assassin
Absolute dogshit list.

>> No.10022596

It's no Mr. Bones, that's for true.

>> No.10022682

I agree with this list excepting Deep Fear. It's not a good game.

>> No.10022782
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>Visual Novels

Time to get yourself a prostitute or something, boy. Giddamn

>> No.10022808

Redpill me on this guy

>> No.10022982
File: 795 KB, 1400x1400, HTColumns_Saturn_JP_Box_Front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's primarily shmups, RPG's, VN's, and puzzlers. The most notable actual exclusive I can think of is Radiant Silvergun, personally not my favorite shmup on it but it's by Treasure. I prefer Hyper Duel and a handful of others like Sengoku Blade and Purikura Daisakusen. There are also a lot of fighting games, a few of which use the 4MB RAM cart which makes them look better than on the PS1. You are correct that the vast majority of games are also on PS1 or Neo Geo, though. Some games like Symphony of the Night are actually significantly worse on Saturn, the other Konami shmups are fine though.

The things people always get wrong are 1) Saturn being made for 2D, it was literally designed to play Virtua Fighter, 2) Every 2D game looks better, huge lie, it is literally only the games that use the RAM cart, and 3) only the Japanese exclusives are worth playing, which completely rules out the majority of actual first party SEGA games on it. It's not a bad system but fanatical weebs always spout nonsense like this and actually kind of degrade the quality of it. The best Saturn games imo are still very much the first party games, followed by anything by Capcom. The Japanese games are a fun distraction but never the main course - not on Super Famicom, not on PS1, and certainly not on Saturn. I would say the sole exception for this is TurboGrafx which barely got any North American games to begin with. Stuff like Ninpen Manmaru doesn't hold a candle to actual SEGA games like NiGHTS, Daytona, and SEGA Rally.

Pic related, it's one of my favorite Saturn puzzlers, actually made by SEGA

I never cared for visual novels personally and there really aren't that many sidescrollers outside of shmups. Tryrush Deppy is okay but not amazing. Keio 2 is alright but I prefer the first one on SEGA CD. And Super Tempo I haven't even been able to play yet. I'll agree with you on puzzlers but most of those are on PS1 as well

>> No.10022995
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I can't believe they actually went in and put Bernie Stolar images on each game. Good example of the crazy side of Saturn fans, also why even list games that are unplayable without knowing Japanese? Otherwise it's mostly a good list. A few of the games in the Japanese section are also available wordwide though, like Fighting Vipers and Christmas NiGHTS,