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10018346 No.10018346 [Reply] [Original]

What are some games where you can recruit/befriend/tame enemies and monsters and add them to your team?
Classic Picks:
>Dragon Quest Monsters
>Monster Rancher
Less Known Picks:
>La Pucelle
>Eternal Eyes
>Tactics Ogre
>Arc the Lad II

>> No.10018349

Rance lmao

>> No.10018357

I mean, you're not wrong.

>> No.10018386

ff tactics

>> No.10018402

theres a few enemies you can choose to execute or recruit in suikoden

>> No.10018410

Been meaning to play one of those games for a while now.

Really? I don't remember that happening in Suiko 1 or 2 but it's been a while since I played em.

>> No.10018448
File: 146 KB, 768x1200, Shinsenden - The Legend of Immortals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10018469

Looks interesting, I'm a sucker for dragon quest lookalikes so I'm putting it on my list.

>> No.10018475

The game very linear but also very challenging. The monster recruiting only appears starting chapter 2 or 3, you get a character who can store a bunch of enemies (up to 6 iirc) and then you can call them to use in battle but only once. Then in the end game you can double that count. The game is super challenging so using the right enemies is key

>> No.10018482

you can choose to enlist teo's generals after you defeat them in suikoden 1, and theres some monsters you can recruit in suikoden 2

>> No.10018490

I see, thanks for the tips! There's nothing like losing your sanity to a NES rpg, Lagrange Point teached me that.

Oh yeah, now that you said that I remember killing the generals in 1 not knowing better and having a squirrel team in 2, good stuff.

>> No.10018520

There was an rpg on ps2. Didn't find the name. You can capture animals and use them as companion. Was more adult than pokemon

>> No.10018681

You will find the name!..

>> No.10018686

Pocket Mortys, obviously

>> No.10018727
File: 82 KB, 500x500, azure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Azure Dreams
Metal Walker
Revelations: The Demon Slayer

>> No.10018732

Will Homeworld count?
Also, thanks for the thread. I darn love the ability to capture/recruit monsters/enemy units, but never knew much games that included it.

>> No.10018747

Eh, it counts I guess.

Nice, heard of Azure Dreams and Last Bible before but not Metal Walker, another one to the list.

Ey, glad to help! monster taming/enemy recruiting is my favorite mechanic and it makes me sad it has been mostly relegated to mobile chink games hell.

>> No.10018754

I've finished Rhapsody once without knowing you could recruit monsters. I thought the Egg, the Boxer and that mage with the bell were your default party members. My cousin later played through the game and the first monster he found was a slime.

>> No.10018762

found it. Jade cocoon. There was a ps1 episode and a ps2 episode. Great game :p

>> No.10018765

Monster recruiting in Rhapsody is very tacked on, really.
Granted, Nippon Ichi was still figuring stuff out but making recruiting beasties only viable by melee attacking with Cornet, a buffing unit, was silly of them.

Ah, jade Coccon is another interesting one, Studio Ghibli did the art right?

>> No.10018767

You can raise monsters and build golems in Legend of Mana. Also FFTA lets you poach beasts with one class so another one can transform into them.
In a semi-related note, some SaGa games allow you to play/recruit Monster characters, which can eat meat from slain enemies to transform into them, depending on certain conditions. Saga Frontier especially has an extremely convulted system that most people ignore because it's easier to play with the other races, but it involves putting abilities you get by eating meat in certain orders on a list to simulate a monster (horn attacks on top, kicks and talons on the bottom, breaths on the third slot, gazes on the second, etc.)

>> No.10018787

Man, I got filtered hard by Legend of Mana and SaGA games in general but the pet raising and monster meat stuff are quite unique, can't deny that.

>> No.10018926
File: 78 KB, 1428x978, mordordepthsofdejenol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can catch some powerful creatures in this but I was never patient enough to get that far. Long game

>> No.10019059

Take a peak at SF1's monster Rabite hole:
If you ever play the game I can bet you will only mess with beasts with Coon's/Riki's scenario and when a Slime makes its way into your party, but it's a nice read. I hope it comes back if a new SaGa game is released

>> No.10019093

Oh lord, that's a lot.
onestly, i respect those incredible deep and sometimes convoluted systems that you can spend dozens of hours thinkering with, as long as having complete understanding and knowledge of the mechanic is a necessity for finishing the game; It looks fun to just mess around and see what you can get while playing the game normally.

>> No.10019392
File: 1014 KB, 716x750, timestalkers manual d4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time Stalkers on Dreamcast featured monster recruiting as an important mechanic. There are even VMU games you can obtain to raise your monsters and a pretty cool mini-rpg.

>> No.10019421

Yeah, it's even better when you can go through the game without a care for those things, but it adds layers and hours of gameplay if you pay attention to them.
Legend of Mana can be played like a regular beat 'em up/action RPG and getting to the ending is fairly easy, but you can pick a guide or two and know a lot about things like produce in the Orchad, tempering, stat raising by weapon, etc; it's one of those games that you want to play blind and then discover the rest of it on a New Game+.

>> No.10019436
File: 1.91 MB, 933x1257, timestalkers manual ML.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talk about soul. The amount of work they must have put in to make mini-games for a memory card, and the game got totally slept on.

>> No.10020167

Rune Factory (all of them)

>> No.10021052

I meant to say "as long as having complete understanding and knowledge of the mechanic isn't a necessity for finishing the game", my bad, was a bit drunk yesterday, but I agree with you nevertheless.

Oh nice, never heard of it before but it looks cool! Adding to the list.

Is rune factory worth it if you're not into the dating sim elements and just wanna farm and fight monsters?

>> No.10021176

>Talk about soul.
tell me what isn't now its all i hear

>> No.10021821

>Is rune factory worth it if you're not into the dating sim elements and just wanna farm and fight monsters?
NTA but yes I think so. Dating is optional but I dunno why you'd want to avoid it

>> No.10021843

Just not a fan of dating sims in general, but thanks for the answer! I'll add the series to my list.

>> No.10021890

Monster Seed and maybe Dragon Seed, both on ps1

>> No.10022178

I remember playing Dragon Seed when I was a wee teen but never heard of Monster Seed, it looks interesting.

>> No.10022252

>Ah, jade Coccon is another interesting one, Studio Ghibli did the art right?

Not Studio Ghibli but one of their character designers that worked on Kiki and Ocean Waves

>> No.10022276

I haven’t played them, but I think Final Fantasy XIII-2 and World of Final Fantasy let you do this

>> No.10022286

>Dragon Quest Monsters
Also Dragon Quest V and, to a far lesser extent, VI.

>> No.10022306

Wow. Incredible that they fit all that shit on a VMU screen.

>> No.10022495

Shin Megami Tensei:Devil Children.

Can recruit/persuade demons to your team as well as fuze them or use them to boost your main demon companion. It has an english translation now.

>> No.10023346

>Is rune factory worth it if you're not into the dating sim elements and just wanna farm and fight monsters?
It's alright, considering that the "dating sim" part boils down to talking to NPCs and doing their quests (you will do both anyway) and an incentive to craft more things (mostly by cooking). Invite an NPC of your choice to the team where its possible to have their affection grow passively, they suffer no penalties for getting killed.
Frontier's farming is fucked by the localizer, use the Runeys cheat to unfuck it.
RF2 plays like a very crippled demo version until you marry someone, so save yourself the trouble and download the save from GameFAQs with all the marriage candidates already prepared, pick whomever you want to be your mom and play the real game from there instead.
RF3 is getting a remake this autumn, so better wait for that unless you're going to play on a real DS/3DS (the remake will add nothing of value). Note that romancing someone is a prerequisite for fighting the final boss here.
RF4S is what you should play if you are not waiting for RF3S, it's the most polished and arguably the peak of the series along with RF3. The downside is that you'll have hard time playing older titles without the QoL of RF3-RF4.
RF5 is a kusoge which the subhuman localizers made even kusogayer. RF6 is on the horizon, but the devs clearly have no idea what the fuck they are doing with the franchise (the original devs went bankrupt after RF4), so you can ignore it altogether.
There's a zombie RF thread over at /vrpg/, you can ask them for details and come back next day for a reply.

>> No.10023669

Came here to mention this. I don't think it's a particularly great game, but it's.... oddly compelling, I'll say that. Definitely worth a shot if the idea of a dungeon crawling rougelike with extremely light SMT monster recruiting mechanics appeals to you. I haven't even played the VMU minigame for this one, but god I loved those gimmicks on the DC.

>> No.10023797

More mainline DQ games should have monster taming mechanics, but at least there's a new DQ Monsters game on the horizon and most of the series has been translated.

I remember the GBA ones being translated, but are there any plans for the PS1 entries?

Thanks for the effortpost, I though localizers fucking things up was a thing of the past but that's modern gaming for ya! Will definitely give RF1 and RF4S a try.

>> No.10024228

ogre battle

>> No.10024235

Get over it, zoomie. If you have to ask, you don't have a soul of your own.

>> No.10024760
File: 1.02 MB, 702x729, timestalkers manual editor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll agree. It's something I would recommend for those who want to experience what RPGs the Dreamcast has to offer, but there are way better games to play first.

I think it has the most VMU support of any DC game just in terms of the amount of individual minigames available. You just have to purchase them in-game each time you download them to the VMU. Pretty novel for the time considering it came out in '99.

>> No.10024797

pokemon like games
such as
monster crown

>> No.10025502

The Destiny of an Emperor line of RPGs, you can recruit basically every notable warlord from the three kingdoms period.

>> No.10025532

Never actually played this but it sounded cool, might give it a shot one day. The GBA version of Shaman King had the monster recruiting mechanic too.

>> No.10025585

Fire Emblem: Fates

>> No.10026731
File: 478 KB, 741x564, Telefang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10027381

Oh, I thought it was one of those super complex war strategy games but it looks pretty nice, thanks for the recommendation.

Yeah, that's the one anon was trying to remember earlier, played it recently and I liked it a lot!

>mfw the only complete Telefang translations available are from wet market bootlegs
Why even live.

>> No.10027943


Yeah Destiny of an Emperor 1 and 2 are decent, though not great, and recruiting dudes is fun. First game is simpler and can be tedious, but it does have a great soundtrack. I don't know about the other game(s)... I think there was a SNES one and a surprisingly different Genesis one, maybe? But I couldn't find translations or something (I forget the details) so I didn't play them.

Here's another one: In Temple of Elemental Evil, which can be quite good or kinda crappy depending on what you're looking for, you can (if you want) use standard D&D magics to charm an enemy and keep it in your team at least semi-permanently. I remember doing this with a bugbear once. I think I could even put armor on it and stuff? I didn't like the game that much and never finished it, but that aspect of it was cool. You could do a lot of things in that game.

>> No.10029443
File: 167 KB, 1024x576, mutagen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, can't have enough Isometric RPGs, will give it a try as well;
Similar to that one is the Geneforge series, where you summon and control an army of beasts and one of the few instances where the remasters are better than the originals.

>> No.10029830
File: 24 KB, 240x240, Shiren5_Shiren,_Monster_Professor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiren 2 for the N64 had a momster catching mechanic. You could use an item to catch and befriend an enemy, have them level up by deafeating other monsters, and place them in a sanctuary to collect em' all.

>> No.10031659

Valkyrie Profile

>> No.10031712
File: 7 KB, 208x147, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rhapsody 2 dropping in 8 weeks

>> No.10031735

Loved the first Shiren, this onpy makes me want to play the series even more.

Nice, adding it to the list.

Wait what
>It's real
What the fuck?? Glad I completed the first one recently, fuck yeah I can't wait!

>> No.10031740
File: 33 KB, 422x262, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bomberman Tournament + Jetters Densetsu no Bomberman

>> No.10031891
File: 428 KB, 635x482, Eternal purgatory of can't-ing japanese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why even live.

>> No.10031965
File: 205 KB, 811x800, magi-nation-game-boy-color-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what I remember this game had monster fights that were somewhat slow, but I liked it since TV show was okay.

>> No.10032574

wizardry 4 or 5 cant remember