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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10016442 No.10016442 [Reply] [Original]

Do people actually like this game? Sure, its charming enough, but good lord is it clunky. Ristar is an unwieldy little bastard. I want to like the game, but christ.

>> No.10016452

It's the Thinking Man's Sonic Game.

Ristar's methodical platforming is much more enjoyable than Sanic's hold-right-to-win faggotry.

>> No.10016458

The game is boring, is there a game that has done something good with the gimmick of this game. I also welcome modern indie games

>> No.10016460

Goldilocks syndrome

>> No.10016486

But is it pronounced Rai-star, Ree-star, or Wrist-ar?

>> No.10016507

>Walk into game store
>One copy of Rye-Star please!
>Never heard of it, would you like to try this new game Wrist-Arr?
>I don't know what that is
>Walk out empty handed
No wonder it bombed

>> No.10016517

Since he's pole vaulting the whole game I think it's wrist

>> No.10016618


>> No.10016626


>> No.10016645
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>> No.10016720

its 10/10 graphics but 7/10 gameplay

if i want to play a "clunky" platformer, id rather play bonk

>> No.10016736
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>i want to play a "clunky" platformer

>> No.10016902
File: 260 KB, 328x272, 1615604869588.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clunky as a term is too subjective to quantify gameplay. I'd say it's slower-paced on foot when you're not trying to fling yourself around the stage, which I feel is where a lot of the fun comes from.

>> No.10017040

this is a dumb comment, not a huge sonic fan but run right to win is just not true?

Is it "Waaah, game is gotta go fast but I ran into enemies" or is it "Waaah, hold right to win XDD"

Why does this board get so retarded when bringing up Castlevania 4 or Sonic?

>> No.10017114
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Every time people on this board tell me to git gud at their favorite game and call me names for not doing so, I wanna tell 'em to get their ass straight and git gud at a Ristar.

The game is pure candy in terms of visuals/music and plenty fun once you get hang of the controls. Believe me, it's not that hard even for a baby. Sure, there are certain spots where pace drops significantly, like Planet Scorch for example, or maybe planet Automaton, but it's normal for any platforming game. So stop asking questions and ristart your playthrough. Just do yourself a favor and get Japanese ROM.

>> No.10017243
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What is the difference?

>> No.10017254

I beat this recently. It’s good but takes a while for you to get used to the rhythm of the game. It starts off VERY slow and boring.

>> No.10017260

Everyone praised it so I tried it in like 2008 and it was dogshit

>> No.10017267

Astal was better

>> No.10017268
File: 396 KB, 716x540, ristar-and-ios-gc-ns-sg-pc-ps2-ps3-ps4-psp-wii-xb360-xbo-itamor-cat-ristar-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different story and slightly altered sprites.

In JP version, we see Ristar's mom and get some sort of a hint to sequel at the end.
Snow planet's boss is a cat instead of weird snowman robot.

>> No.10017274

Its only feels clunky because of its unique control mechanism, it requires practice.

>> No.10017358

i haven't played it in awhile but i think i remember the stages being too long

>> No.10017367
File: 27 KB, 473x473, 1687738549482867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's the Thinking Man's Sonic Game
>Ristar's methodical platforming is much more enjoyable than Sanic's hold-right-to-win faggotry
What does Ristar have to do with Sonic? Do you just hate Sonic so much that you're always thinking about it and have to shit on it at all times even when the subject is not related?

>> No.10017414

Kind of. It's mostly carried by the charm. Gameplay wise I agree that he feels unwieldy at times. The game often feels like it's not quite sure what to do with its ideas.

>> No.10018068

>Is it "Waaah, game is gotta go fast but I ran into enemies" or is it "Waaah, hold right to win XDD"
It's both.

You know that chart with the low iq guy, normie iq guy, and high iq guy? The low iq guy says Sonic sucks because you can't tell what you're going to run into, the normie enjoys playing sonic, and the high iq guy thinks sonic sucks because the "platforming" in sonic is devoid of challenge and "muh speed" is a shit gimmick to compensate for the absent-minded design.

>> No.10018276

It's really beautiful but I don't love playing it.

>> No.10018701

I think people don't immediately "get" the controls and end up writing it off, but once you get the swing of it, it becomes extremely satisfying treating levels like one big jungle gym. On top of the really original and enjoyable movement system, I think it is one of the most aesthetically on point games ever made, I can't think of a mistake that was made in terms of visuals, its a thoroughly beautiful game. To top it off the music is some of the best on the console. It's for sure a top 10 game for me. Probably top 5.

>> No.10018709

I’d have pronounced it as Rye-Star because it sounds the coolest and puts enough emphasis on the word “star” that you don’t end up getting confused like >>10016507 pointed out.

>> No.10018716

First if you're based
Second if you're an (un)ironic weeb
Third if you're retarded

>> No.10019997 [DELETED] 


>> No.10020002

Why is it retarded if he's vaulting. Also, Wristar would be the weeb pronunciation since it's a short vowel in Japanese, as opposed to the long vowel in ree

>> No.10020029

No it wouldn't. Short i in Japanese sounds like "re" as in "retarded". Long vowels just have a longer duration of the same sound.

There is no equivalent English short i sound in Jap.

>> No.10020037

>Ristar is an unwieldy little bastard.

Only until you learn how to control him, there's a learning curve

>> No.10020081


>> No.10020089

So basically, the long i in Japanese, rather than the short i, is the first vowel in "retard"

>> No.10021520
File: 55 KB, 600x511, E2FZzqqWEAYkgkW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rishit is always going to be in Sonic's shadow, like the rest of other Yuji Naka flops, don't kid yourself.

>> No.10022496

Yuji Naka wasn't involved with Chadstar, which explains why it doesn't suck like everything he's ever worked on.

>> No.10022983

>it doesn't suck
Delusional Rishitter bahaha.

>> No.10023737
File: 99 KB, 100x132, ristar_wins.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why Ristar is superior to Shitnic:

>no shitty spindash mechanic that only appeals to ADHD zoomers' need for muh instant gratification
>level design isn't trying to be cinematic and wow you with muh speed as it plays itself
>Ristar can actually swim whereas Sonic controls like a brick underwater
>bonus rounds that aren't just tech demo gimmicks like Sonic's
>has better aesthetics and music than any Sonic game
>protagonist isn't a cringey furfaggot

Cope with it, Sonicucks.

>> No.10024670 [DELETED] 


>> No.10025676
File: 238 KB, 1024x1214, 1680656594835507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has better aesthetics and music than any Sonic game
Also the rest doesn't mean anything when Sonic is more fun to play

>> No.10025994

The fuck is that?

>> No.10026372

>Also the rest doesn't mean anything when Sonic is more fun to play
Yeah, because Ristar takes more skill and a higher IQ to git gud at and enjoy.

Sonic is for braindead casuals who just wanna hold right for 99% of the game.

>> No.10027209 [DELETED] 


>> No.10027553

>looks great
>sounds great
>plays like shit
many such cases

>> No.10027570

I actually played it for the first time recently despite growing up a Sega kid in the 90s. I thought it sucked for the most part. Hard to believe the same team that made Sonic 3 created this turd.

>> No.10029537

Yea, I'm thinkin filtered.

Why are Sanicfags so fucking dogshit at real platformers such as Ristar?

>> No.10029670

Fucking kill yourself

>> No.10029858

just like the i in blister, you don't say bleester or blyster

>> No.10029889

Mr. Ristar the Sister Fister

>> No.10030491 [DELETED] 


>> No.10030507

Sister fisting is pretty based

>> No.10031056

You have never played a Sonic game before, haven't you?

>> No.10031062

I thought it was an ok hand 'em up

>> No.10031376

Sanicniggers still coping over the fact that their games are plebshit? What a shame.

>> No.10032695 [DELETED] 


>> No.10032708
File: 34 KB, 629x694, 1682987431475956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a star with stretchy arms
>he's literally reaching for the stars

>> No.10032836

Sonic 3 had Brad Buxer music, your take is garbage
They focused way too much on graphics for Ristar and forgot gameplay completely, I can see them making it because although it's a turd it's a pretty turd. Still weird that they wasted time on making it

>> No.10032893

>muh ice cap
Overrated. Feast your ears on the superiour ice level's theme:


>> No.10034151

The retarded problems of the retarded and their education system.
God damn how I love this game.

>> No.10034332

That's actually the story and the ending.

>> No.10034660

are the controls in ristar a little unresponsive or is the issue on my end? jumping to do a diagonal grab feels much harder to do than it should.

>> No.10034818

>Ristar takes more skill and a higher IQ
Lmao, even DK King of Swing takes even more skill, and that's a weird ass spinoff.
Sonic but grabs is shit bro, lay on that fact

>> No.10035064 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 310x287, ristar_finger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is your point even? Yeah, there are harder games than Ristar, but Ristar compared to any Sonic game? Ristar fucking obliterates that faggot blue hedgehog's shitty games.

>b-b-b-but MUH SP33D
Take the adderall already and stfu, zoomie.

>> No.10035473 [DELETED] 

Is the Ristranny still seething over based Sonic? Ya' love to see it.

>> No.10036309
File: 518 KB, 2560x1600, ristar_100%_normal_difficulty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do people actually like this game?
I like Ristar a lot. Probably in my top 5 most replayed Genesis/Mega Drive games. Probably beat it like 30 times within the past 5 years alone.
>good lord is it clunky
Never got that impression, I think he handles fine, is responsive, and his weight + jump height is just nice. I think he is comfortable to control and not at all clunky. You're going to have to elaborate on what you mean by "clunky".

>> No.10036320

I always say ree-star but rai-star is pretty cool too. But doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things, people mispronounce game names all the time especially back then. Maybe less so now in the age of the internet.

>> No.10037438

guaranteed soniclets cope replies

>> No.10037452

It's fantastic, one of my favourite ever games.

>> No.10037460

Its one of those throw it on the compilation games because its colorful and looks nice and very Genesissish.

>> No.10037461
File: 290 KB, 500x392, tumblr_nfk3hlGMj91s9677oo1_r2_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because he has stretchy arms and is a star.

>> No.10037478

Who goes into a store and asks the cashier to get the game for you? Nigga just pick it up off the shelf like a normal person.

>> No.10037536

Need some (You) jerky, lil jim?
It's okay, maybe you'll get your kusoge next from Artzest soon

>> No.10039031

Daily reminder Alex the Kid, Ristar, Clockwork Knight will always remain as superiour Sega scotformers and Sanic is for poofters.

>> No.10039387
File: 238 KB, 120x90, Alex_Kidd_SGGG.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wagie wagie

>> No.10040028

this is one of the few games that i loved as a kid but when i played it again recently i just couldnt stand it

>> No.10040036

Rye-Star. Anything else sounds stupid as fuck

>> No.10041718

Ristarchads... we fucking won.

How will the Sonicucks ever recover?

>> No.10041769

If you like Ristar’s music, listen to some Serani Poji. The composer of Ristar wrote most of their music (and later did it all solo) and it’s so good

>> No.10041778
File: 23 KB, 612x408, istockphoto-1178536045-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why'd you save such a tiny image?