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File: 53 KB, 532x279, snes_vs_sega___doom___by_elias1986-d2ywh7l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1000720 No.1000720 [Reply] [Original]

And yet again we pitch the saga against the snes

Relating to the previous thread

What would you consider the better console. The snes or the Sega.

But this time let's talk game specific.

>snes must plays??
>Sega must plays??

Ps. A console is not considered better because you grew up with is. Only cold hard facts.

>> No.1000745

32X came much later and was of course technically superior.

Even the Sega CD was designed with hardware scaling and rotation plus other features to help bring th4e Genesis to technically parity with the SNES.

That said, give me a SNES any day over a Genesis with Sega CD *and* 32x.

>> No.1000746

Well, in terms of Doom ports SNES wins hands down.

>> No.1000753


The correct answer is why would you ever play Doom on a console

The SNES had much better exclusives. I'm hard-pressed to think of any good Genesis exclusives that weren't Sonic games, whereas SNES had the DKC series, Super Mario World, Link to the Past, Super Metroid, the MMX series and Final Fantasy VI aka III.

>> No.1000759


Morbid curiosity and a general disinterest/apathy towards PC.

As for your second point: Phantasy Star, Vectorman, Ecco, Pulseman, Aladdin, Dynamite Headdy, Streets of Rage, Golden Axe...

You get the idea.

>> No.1000760 [DELETED] 

well according to sega autists those games aren't very good and don't count, obviously you can see the logic

>> No.1000765

>I'm hard-pressed to think of any good Genesis exclusives that weren't Sonic games
Because you obviously haven't played many Genesis games.

>> No.1000771

I tend to see it as the Genesis being more suited to players into arcade games. They both had some genres they just did better I think, like RPGs for the SNES.

>> No.1000775 [DELETED] 

These threads are shit

>> No.1000774


Thats a pretty common belief, yeah.

Genesis had sports games, for example.

>> No.1000778


And Chrono Trigger, Earthbound, Star Fox, Yoshi's Island... man the SNES had so many good games. And yeah, I'm kinda hard pressed to think of Genesis games I enjoyed nearly as much.

>> No.1000781

those games simply aren't as good as nintendo's best. Aladdin isn't even a good game, the capcom snes game is superior in every way

>> No.1000790

The SNES Aladdin wasn't so much better as it was different. They were both rather good actually, just different.

I will say that my favorite games were on SNES though. I can't think of any Genesis game that measures up to Super Metroid.

>> No.1000791

For some reason whenever I play games on the genesis, I can't get into them. It feels like a lesser product and just "cheap" compared to snes.

>> No.1000792 [DELETED] 

there aren't, and segays are buttblasted about it

>> No.1000795 [DELETED] 

/v/ pls go

>> No.1000796


>the capcom snes game is superior in every way

I challenge you to fisticuffs, good sir.

>> No.1000820

Are you really going to sit here and tell me a capcom disney game is worse than a game made by who the fuck cares? I guess it figures for a tripfaggot to be this beligerently idiotic

>> No.1000826 [DELETED] 

If you're going to say that the genesis' library can go title-for-title against the snes' legendary collection of games then you are either blind or delusional, or a fanboy (both). Time speaks for itself I guess :)

>> No.1000903

>s worse than a game made by who the fuck cares?
You mean Dave Perry? He may have had a hand in a very iconic game from that era.

>> No.1000912 [DELETED] 
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>Time speaks for itself I guess :)

>> No.1000942

As a kid, I grew up with both consoles. I preferred the Genesis.

Granted, I didn't have Legend of Zelda, Super Metroid, Star Fox, Yoshi's Island, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, Earthbound, etc. I didn't know about them.

After I discovered emulation, and those aforementioned games, it wasn't long before I thought the SNES just kicked the Genesis to the curb.

However, in recent years, I've grown to really like the Genesis library, and I've realized it has it's own variety of top notch games that easily stand alongside the greats of the SNES.

Also, I've always thought the SNES Aladdin is superior in every single way to the Genesis Aladdin. I have no idea why so many people thought the Genesis version is better.

>> No.1000946


Get back to /co/, Boco. They need you.

>> No.1000961

>I can't think of any Genesis game that measures up to Super Metroid.
Ecco The Dolphin.

>> No.1001032

my post from other thread
Genesis has best action platformers
Revenge of Shinobi
Shadow Dancer
Shinobi 3
Xmen 2
El Viento
Rocket Knight Adventures

Best Shmups
Trouble Shooter
Thunderforce 3
Elemental Master

Best Run N Guns
Mega Turrican
Contra Hard Corps
Midnight Resistance

Best Strategy RPGs
Shining Force

Best Action RPGs
Light Crusader
Beyond Oasis
Crusader of Centy
Wonderboy In Monster World

Racing games SNES, Fighting Games Tie, Platformers Tie, Sports Games Sega,

>> No.1001039

genesis beats the snes in everything except rpgs, but rpgs are for children so who cares

>> No.1001053 [DELETED] 

Faggot janitor deleted my post in last thread.

SEGA, anyone who says Nintendo is a rehash loving, shit eating pleb.

>> No.1001062

Sega Aladdin is better.
SNES Aladdin is a great game but Sega's Aladdin is just top notch.
Better graphics, better sound, it's more faithful to the film. It really feels like an interactive cartoon.

>> No.1001060

Well that was just in my personal experience. SM is one of my favorite games of all time.

Also platformers. And maybe racers as SNES has Mario Kart and F-Zero. I don't really recall any on the Genesis.

>> No.1001073

wtf platformers it has to be a tie genesis has ristar, dynamite heddy, decap attack, sanic and a bunch of other good shit. A lot of the Genesis platformers are over shadowed by over rated garbage like SMW2

>> No.1001081

>more faithful to the film

Well, except for Al stabbing the shit out of everyone.

...I kind of want to see that in a Disney movie now.

>> No.1001087

>over rated garbage
This just screams "2mainstream4me." Just because it's remembered and revered doesn't mean it's overrated, and it sure as shit isn't garbage.

Imo, while they were both good, SMW2 beats the hell out of them.

>> No.1001098

oh fuck off SMW2 can be beaten without looking at the screen. I can't believe any mongo that gives it more praise than the first SMW.

>> No.1001113

>stabbing the shit out of everyone.
If you had played the game you'll find that the swordsmanship is more "slashing" than stabbing. And it is done very comically in a Disney-esque fashion.

>> No.1001114


While the Genesis has a lot of quality platformers, I think Super Metroid outclasses all of them.

>> No.1001118

Super Metriods draw isn't the action sequences or the platforming.

>> No.1001128


Still a platformer.

>> No.1001131

Dave perry made EWJ and MDK and Wild 9. While these are great Capcom is greater

>> No.1001135

That's a joke, right?

>> No.1001134 [DELETED] 

Does anyone else think tripfags make their own replies to themselves? post like these especially.

>> No.1001137

>Best Strategy RPGs
>Shining Force

Ogre Battle trumps them easily

>> No.1001147

ah shit I honestly forgot about that one, but I think it ties with der langrisser. so SNES and genesis are tied there too then imo. All the other really really good ones seem to be on both systems like Gemfire.

>> No.1001150

In defense of Doom for the 32X it would have been much better if Sega had not rushed it out for the holiday season. Some guy even did videos about how the music could have sounded if they spent more time on it.


>> No.1001154
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>I'm hard-pressed to think of any good Genesis exclusives that weren't Sonic games


>> No.1001157

Well they fucked it up, just like sega usually does. Why did they make so many shitty decisons

>> No.1001161
File: 53 KB, 720x540, 1356420282790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why did they make so many shitty decisons

Cause Sega does what Nintendon't.

>> No.1001162 [DELETED] 

Lol, SNES is only good for jap RPG faggotry, so naturally the weebs on this site love it

>> No.1001164

great to know your opinions come straight from nintendo power. Like you list some platformers and some JRPGs big fucking whoop, I play action games on my Genesis, and RPGs I stepped the fuck on up to PS1 probably the best JRPG console of all time. SNES isn't even the best option for your intended purpose. Stop being such a pleb

>> No.1001182


Because the people running Sega were huge retards.

>> No.1001183

Grew up with a Sega Genesis, never owned an SNES during its heyday and still acknowledge the SNES's superiority. I've played the Genesis's greats such as Vectorman, Sonic the Hedgehog, numerous Shining Force entries, numerous Phantasy Stars and even Gunstar Heroes. All good quality Genesis games, but the SNES has Final Fantasies IV, V, VI, Super Mario RPG, Chrono Trigger, Earthbound and, of course, the Super Mario Bros. games. I can see why if you wanted a good adventure you'll go SNES.

>> No.1001187

Langrisser II is slightly better than Der Langrisser and several other games are mediocre or bad (Shining Force). The SNES wins easily in terms of SRPGs because of Fire Emblem. It also has Front Mission, Tactics Ogre, etc.

In terms of games released in America, though, I'd give the edge to the Genesis since Warsong (Langrisser) is decent.

>> No.1001194 [DELETED] 

it doesn't even do that the best most of them are too stupid to figure out playstation emulation lol

>> No.1001197

Whats bad about shining force I thought it was a pretty cute little SRPG and made the genre a lot more approachable for noobs.

>> No.1001203

Back in the day it was okay, but I tried to play Shining Force II recently and it was awful in terms of gameplay mechanics, level design, story, characters, music, etc.

Being approachable for new players is a good thing, but I feel like it went overboard in that regard so that it's only playable by children.

>> No.1001208 [DELETED] 

That right theys dumb LoL!

>> No.1001456
File: 1.49 MB, 1200x969, Look at all those blasting processors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the interest of disclosure, I never owned either console growing up (parents wanted me to concentrate on schoolwork).

I would also like to note that the Mega-Drive AKA Genesis was released in 1988, the SNES in 1990. For two years, it was Genesis vs. NES, not SNES. IMHO Genesis beats the NES handsdown. You may disagree, and thats okay.

As for SNES vs. Genesis, as much as a stupid cop-out answer this is, I say SNES wins purely because I like its library of games better. FFIII (or V), Fire Emblem, Langrisser, E.V.O. , Ogre Battle, Super Metroid etc.

INB4 Nintendo Power, Muh Blast Processing, opinion invalid because didn't own one at launch, not liking Sanic etc.

>> No.1001463


>> No.1001587


Actually the SNES version of Doom released almost a year after the 32x version.

>> No.1001597

>All the black kids at my old school had Genesis
>All the white kids had SNES

Why? I just remember it being almost invariable. Was it the sports games?

>> No.1001642

I was obviously only talking about the hardware, I don't care what game OP used in his pic.

>> No.1001657

Same here, I didn't get a genesis until wayyyyyyy later

>> No.1001668

nah nah nah, the stereotype is that every kid you knew with a genesis had parents who got divorced

>> No.1002136

If you want RPGs, SNES is the way to go.

For action games and platformers, Genesis blows the SNES out of the water.

>> No.1002162

While that certainly wasn't the case when I owned one, that actually was true of my neighbor.

>> No.1002193


I had a Mega-Drive.
Shortly after my parents got divorced.

Maybe they went crazy from hearing "Wize From Your Gwave!" too many times?

Hory Shet

>> No.1002302

I didnt know anyone with a SNES when i was a kid apart from my cousins, probably because they cost like twice as much and the games were really expensive too.

>> No.1002304

Are you a Russian by any chance?

>> No.1002315

SNES by about a mile. A lot of Genesis games feel weirdly.. I dunno, I wanna say "cheap" in comparison, especially RPGS and platformers. Not to say there aren't good platformers on the Genesis (Vectorman, Sonic, etc) but for ever one you could name you could name two or three on the SNES that are just as good if not better.

>> No.1002318

>Anything but RPGs
is dis nigga serious

>> No.1002331

weird how that as a one song game. you think with how well it sold Sega would have made a series out of it.

>> No.1002338

much like MS with xbone they lost touch with what the market was willing to put up with, however unlike the xbone they didn't have the internet and what not to scale how bad their actions were, they only found out how stupid they were when it started to cost them money.
Hell there going third party has shown to be a bonehead choice in the long run.

>> No.1002358

>Hell there going third party has shown to be a bonehead choice in the long run.
They shrunk to being able to maintain not more than four franchises in the west, this is terrible. The impending death of Japanese arcade is not helping them either. If only Hayao Nakayama didn't step down...

>> No.1002363

>why would you ever play Doom on a console
>what is Doom 64
>what is Playstation Doom

>> No.1002382

SNES version has more levels and better music, but it looks and runs like shit.

32x version has less levels and awful music, but it plays decently.

Honestly they're both awful ports, but I'd take the 32x version any day due to it being playable.

>> No.1002526

>Langrisser II is slightly better than Der Langrisser
I dunno if I'd say that. The main differences I remember is the graphics (which are pretty irrelevant imo), Langrisser II being a bit harder and Der Langrisser having multiple story branches. Between these I'd say the branching story gives Der Langrisser an advantage over all.

>What are platformers?
Sorry but SNES's platformers beats the shit out of Genesis'.

>> No.1002532


there's a really good total conversion of Doom64 already (and one sort of Remix in The Absolution), and it's easy enough to get the PSX music going in PC doom. All with better controls.

>> No.1002969

I've always found that people who preferred Genesis to SNES when it came to graphics had weird fanboy bias problems. Genesis had some advantages, but graphics weren't among them.

>> No.1002992


People who say the MD/Gen had few great exclusives are usually Nintendo fanboys who have only played a handful of MD/Gen games, being largely ignorant and thus only playing the cross-platform titles.

Herzog Zwei (Nintendo fanboys not mentioning this legendary game shows their ignorance)
Alicia Dragoon
Revenge of Shinobi
Shinobi III
Gain Ground
Thunderforce IV (on the SNES too but the MD version is far superior).
Phantasy Star II, III, and IV
Shining in the Darkness
Shining Force 1 and 2
Ranger X
Gunstar Heroes
Kid Chameleon

And that's just off the top of my head...

>> No.1003000

> I can't think of any Genesis game that measures up to Super Metroid.

You haven't played Revenge of Shinobi, Shinobi III, or ESWAT, then?

>> No.1003009

Tom Kalinske and Nick Alexander (the guy who made the Master System a success in the UK, remember the SMS had to compete in a games market dominated by the Spectrum and C64).

When Kalinske and Alexander left, Sega went to shit.

>> No.1003019

Speed was the Megadrive/Genesis's strong point. It had a fast processor.

Also, later Megadrive games managed software scaling and rotation which made the Mode 7 irrelevant. One of the advantages of a fast processor is you can pull ff demanding tricks like that.

>> No.1003032

RoS and Shinobi III, yeah, I'd say they're definitely on Super Metroid's level, but E-SWAT? Ehhh, it's good, but the Super Shinobi games are damn near perfect.

>> No.1003045


never played them but i know the SNES games were superior.

>> No.1003113

Just Shinobu III, and no, it's no SM.

>> No.1003116


Seriously, anon.

>> No.1003145


yea. there's a reason SNES games are critically acclaimed.

>because the SNES was more popular!

because it had better games.

>> No.1003178

>Mode 7 irrelevant
Hardly, it was/is much easier to make such games when you have hardware to do things like that for you instead of having to code the engine yourself. There was never an F-Zero technological equivalent for Genesis, and F-Zero was a SNES launch title.

>> No.1003184

...the fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.1003213


you can argue that i'm wrong, but to say you don't understand? don't be difficult.

>> No.1003332

The Genesis was often used as a silencer of sorts for people too poor to have a Super Nintendo. Kids would often beg for nintendo and get Genesis instead.
It led to a lot of tweakers spawn, niggers, red necks, and general human filth getting in on the genesis.
Anyway, I had SNES as a kid up until about the time Sonic 3D Blast came out. I got a Genesis and rented that game. I thought it was okay. I eventually had Ms. Pacman, 6 Pak, Ecco the Dolphin, the 3 Sonic games but not S&K, Castle of Illusion, and some wierd wrestling game. I eventually got bored with the Genesis and started playing my SNES again. about a year after that, my dad noticed that I wasn't interested in it and he gave it to some kids that lived across the street. I hadn't even noticed that it was gone for a couple months. I honestly didn't care it was gone when i found out either.

Later as an adult I bought a Model 1 for $3 and have built a meager collection. Just the main sonic games and a few games I played on SNES or NES that I was curious about the Sega port/version. Of all the ports, only Mickey Mania is better on Genesis. Everything else looks/sounds shittier, and often plays worse because the genesis had less buttons. B.O.B. is nearly unplayable on Genesis if you've ever played it on SNES. It's pathetic.

>> No.1003336

None of those games are even on the same league as Super Metroid. Not even close.

>> No.1003338

>The Genesis was often used as a silencer of sorts for people too poor to have a Super Nintendo. Kids would often beg for nintendo and get Genesis instead.

They were pretty much always the same price. Don't you remember every time the Genesis cut its price the Super Nintendo would do the same, and vice versa?

>> No.1003348

I had both SNES and Genesis. Including the Sega CD and 32x.

God, it was a GLORIOUS time to be a gamer. GLORIOUS.

I cry manly fucking tears recalling that glorious era.

>> No.1003363

Genesis was $189 at launch
SNES was $199 at it's launch 2 years later. By that time, Sega was selling it's Genesis for $149 with a copy of Altered Beast/Sonic

>> No.1003369

>Capcom is greater

Capcom WAS greater. Never ever make that mistake again.

>> No.1003372

My first console was NES. Then I got the Genesis and then the SNES.

Genesis had better games.

>> No.1003406
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>this thread

>> No.1003409

>Genesis had better games.

Please tell me the names of some. as a SNES kid, I wanna play some of them.

I'm dead serious.

>> No.1003429

Well, the Genesis was better suited for faster games, so Thunder Force series, Ranger X, Sonic series, Road Rash 1 and 2... Gunstar Heroes, Dynamite Headdy, Alien Soldier, Contra Hard Corps, Rocket Knight Adventures...

>> No.1003436

Shinobi II and Shinobi III
Rocket Knight Adventures
Sonic 1, 2, 3, & Knuckles, 3D Blast
Streets of Range 1 - 3
Battletoads and Double Dragon
Phantasy Star II and IV
Crusader of Centy
Metal Warriors
Gunstar Heroes
Castle of Illusion
Mickey Mania
Quack Shot
Alien Soldier
Vectorman 1 and 2
Goldenaxe (all)
Beyond Oasis
Ecco 1 and 2
Contra: Hard Corps
Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine
Dragon Slayer I and II
Earthworm Jim 1 and 2
Fatal Fury 1 and 2
The Lion King
Mega Man: The Wily Wars
Pac-Man 2 The New Adventures
Pitfall: The Mayan Adventures
Primal Rage
Ranger X
Shining Force (any)
Spider-Man and Venom: Maximum Carnage
Strider I and II
Sword of Vermilion
Target Earth
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist
Spider-Man: Separation Anxiety

>> No.1003476


Thank you kindly.

>> No.1003531

Shut the fuck up right now fanboy. Revenge of Shinobi is on equal ground with super metroid. SM might have better graphics but its a newer game. It might not look as nice as Shinobi 3 either but I think its the best one. Comparing the two is apples to oranges though they are both pretty much perfect games in their genre and one being better than the other is only a matter of preference. Revenge of Shinobi has one of the best soundtracks ever, SM has a really good soundtrack that fits the game perfectly but its not anywhere on revenge of shinobi level. Apples to oranges though but seriously don't deny the ninja beats yuzo is dropping they are amazing

>> No.1003537


>Sonic 3D Blast
>Primal Rage
>Pac-Man 2
>Spider-Man and Venom
>Spider-Man: Separation Anxiety

Are you being serious? Those games are ass.

>> No.1003541

Try harder, pls.

>> No.1003543

>Pac-Man 2
>not the best point & click adventure game ever made

>> No.1003550

>metal warriors

By the way, i love genesis' shoot em up library, snes has a few good too though, like Super Aleste or Axelay.

>> No.1003546


They are actual ass. I played them when I was a kid. I played them years later on emulators.

They were ass then, they are ass now. There are way better games for the Genesis than those pieces of shit.

>> No.1003565

Try just a wee bit harder. You're almost there.

>> No.1003568


Primal Rage is a jank ass fighter that isn't fun to play, Sonic 3D Blast makes you collect birds ALL DAY, and Separation Anxiety is more of a watered down beat em up than Maximum Carnage is.

But Pac-Man 2 isn't hot garbage like the other ones, it's so interactive and funny. Have a change of heart for the game that's somewhat entertaining

>> No.1003575

Why are you talking to yourself

>> No.1003584


My main issue with those Spider-Man games is the fact that you have beat 'em ups that aren't garbage that you can play. They have nothing unique to offer.

And same with Primal Rage. Once the novelty of fighting with weird dinosaurs wears off after 10 seconds, you go and play a fighting game that isn't terrible.

Pac-Man 2, fine, I'll reconsider. Mostly because I don't really remember it as well as the other games.

>> No.1003601

Maximum Carnage actually has some pretty interesting mechanics for what it is. The power hits, for one thing, aren't random; they're given to you for landing consecutive hits, awarding you for playing really well. That and it's really, really fucking hard, which to me, is a very good thing in a beat-em-up. It's an awful, awful looking game, but it's really fun to play once you get everything down.

That said, as much as a Genesis enthusiast as I am, that version is terrible. The music was really, really poorly converted and everything sounds very samey. It's a shame, had it been converted by someone like Matt Furniss it would've sounded fantastic.

>> No.1003605

>The power hits, for one thing, aren't random; they're given to you for landing consecutive hits, awarding you for playing really well

Battletoads does the same thing. And that has really fun levels, awesome music, and looks decent at least.

>> No.1003621

Battletoads doesn't have that feature at all. Are you confusing that with the end of a combo? Look, by all means Maximum Carnage -should- be awful, but it isn't. I didn't play it until friends recommended it to me in the late 2000s and I expected another awful Spider-Man game and did end up hating it for the first few minutes I played it, but after a few levels it really grew on me, once I got over the ugly looking enemies.

>> No.1003628


Uh. So what's the difference between "consecutive hits" and a "combo"?

And my other complaint is that the environments are really samey, and you basically fight the same enemies throughout the entire game.

>> No.1003642

Consecutive hits meaning hitting enemies without missing a punch or getting hit yourself. It's a really interesting mechanic and you can build them up if you're good enough. The guy who did the speed run on SDA explains this in better detail; that's how I found out how it worked in the first place.

It also has some other neat things going for it, like being able to use the webs to grab enemies and whatnot, swinging, etc, and the vertical levels are pretty fun.

Like I said, it's an awful looking game, that's an objective fact that can't be argued, but if you can look past that, it really is a lot of fun.

>> No.1003647


That still sounds exactly like Battletoads. Or any beat 'em up with combos.

Guess I'll go look this up then.

>> No.1003650

A combo can be executed by pressing the button a number of times. The other poster is talking about consecutive hits. This means chaining your strikes without missing or getting hit.

It's not rocket science.

>> No.1003656

A combo in a beat-em-up is just the sequence of buttons you use to either knock down or kill an enemy. Usually it's like three or four hits.

The way I mean "consecutive" is doing this several times perfectly, without ever letting any enemies hit you or ever missing an enemy. As in, the game counts how many times you throw a hit and land it. The higher the count goes, the more frequently the game will give you power hits (Which are combo enders). Once you miss or get hit by an enemy, the count goes back to zero.

>> No.1003659

Yep, that's exactly like every beat 'em up ever. If you just mash buttons, you do just a basic punch over and over again.

Okay, that's a bit different then. Sounds like an interesting mechanic. Fine, I'll check the game out again.

>> No.1003664

>Yep, that's exactly like every beat 'em up ever. If you just mash buttons, you do just a basic punch over and over again.

Oh god you're retarded. I said the same thing as >>1003656
Don't be bitter because I called you out on your stupidity.

>> No.1003686


That guy explained it properly.

You didn't.

I wasn't being bitter, I was just trying to ascertain what was so unique about this mechanic.

>> No.1003693

It took four posts for you to finally understand simple English about a simple mechanic. I didn't even know of the mechanic and yet the first post that the guy had explaining it was perfectly clear to understand. I think something is wrong with your brain.

>> No.1003724


I just misunderstood, I guess?

When I read "consecutive hits", I just thought punching a dude over and over and not having your combo interrupted.

Didn't think at the time it meant not being hit at all, even outside of a combo.

>> No.1003770

Sound chip: It just depends on how you prefer your music.

Colors: SNES clearly wins. 256 at a time vs. 64 at a time. Plus the SNES has a bigger palette.

Speed: Genesis clearly wins. Its CPU is about twice as fast as the SNES CPU.

Controllers: I prefer the SNES controller. The Genesis 3-button controller is unwieldy and uncomfortable. The Genesis 6-button controller is fantastic, however.

Backwards compatibility: Genesis clearly wins. Power Base Converter is true backwards compatibility, the SNES cannot officially play NES games in any possible way.

Games: Also depends on what kind of games you prefer. The SNES excelled at slower games like RPGs and platformers while the Genesis excelled at faster games like shmups and run n' guns.

I grew up with an SNES, so I'll probably always prefer it, yet I think the Genesis is an amazing console and well deserving all of the praise it gets.

>> No.1004448


Target Earth, my fucking double nigger

>> No.1004585

>metal warriors

Don't know why I thought that was Genesis. Regardless, everyone should play that game.

>> No.1004606
File: 7 KB, 363x323, ffghgf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pac-Man 2
Go fuck yourself, faggot.

>> No.1004624

Yep, the best part is that Pac Man 2 was on the SNES as well.

>> No.1004654

Except the Genesis version features Jr. Pac-Man, which was an entirely new Pac-Man game whereas the SNES version only had Ms. Pac-Man.

So the Genesis version was superior.

>> No.1004796
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SNES never had Gunstar Heroes

Genesis wins

>> No.1004813


According to the cold hard fact, the SNES is technically superior.

>> No.1004823
File: 30 KB, 250x173, 250px-SMAS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genesis never had Super Mario All-Stars
SNES is back in the lead.

>> No.1005168

Too bad cold hard facts don't make good games

>> No.1005185
File: 96 KB, 731x468, Sonic-Compilation-Megadrive-EUR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1005219

SNES has the Super GameBoy, though.

>> No.1005228

I liked Genesis for some of the more niche games, like StarFlight 2.

>> No.1005245

Try going back and replaying SF 1 nowadays. The AI in that game was so dumbed down. I loved that game as a little kid; it was the first video game I ever beat.

>> No.1005261


Are you sure number 2 came out on genesis? Must find it!

Google says no :'(

>> No.1005415
File: 245 KB, 1400x896, 1fcf81bbe155a0c630e0809e42b8c37a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my favorites. The storyline was simple, but it had a great overarching theme. It was pretty fun and the animal power system was great. It was primarily aimed at kids, and it shows, but its very well made.

>> No.1006901

What are the greats of the SNES anyway? And really, how can you count the plethora of SNES RPGs as good games? They basically all play the same. And only a kid would think the stories are good.

>> No.1007013
File: 86 KB, 640x890, 1375925907803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is so good. The recent sequel was terrible, though.

>> No.1007036


could never beat that wobbly boss so gave up eventually, loved it up to that point, great game all round.


>> No.1007064

What didn't you like about the new game? I thought it was okay.

>> No.1007068
File: 94 KB, 482x344, pier-solar-megadrive-1294323603-003[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who can't appreciate Genesis probably don't appreciate Sega-style games.

If you don't appreciate Sega style you probably don't appreciate Saturnor Dreamcast either.

If you don't appreciate Saturnor Dreamcast then you should just gtfo right now. Even not appreciating Genesis is pushing it.

Damn Nintendrones.

>> No.1007071

Well, I haven't played it since it was released, but I just remember it being worse in terms of level design, I didn't like the new artstlye (a minor complaint), the gameplay wasn't as solid, I don't even remember the music at this point... It didn't really do anything new and didn't even do the old stuff as well as the original. There was nothing engaging or interesting about it.

>> No.1007076

None of RKA's sequels were nearly as good as the original. How do you compete with the Contra: Hard Corps team?

>> No.1007130

You could make a similar argument for the Sega fanbase. Hell, you're the ones most often parroting shit like "Sega does what Nintendon't" and "Blast processing!" like children.

>> No.1007151

Sega games had real gameplay.

SNES games were mostly menu based.

>> No.1007158

I haven't heard any of that since the 90s and I'm dead serious about that.

>> No.1007185

So either you are new or have a selective memory. Got it.

>> No.1007204 [DELETED] 

this shit troll thread has been around for almost three days and tards are still fighting

RIP in peace /vr/

>> No.1007215

Let me translate for you.
>Sega does what Nintendon't
When we say this we are referring to the fact that Genesis was years earlier to market than SNES and side by side comparisons with NES games made them look like a joke
>Blast processing
When we say this, we are referring to the fact that even when SNES finally came out, it ran at almost exactly half the mhz of Genesis which is why all the frantic arcade ports came out for Genesis and why SNES could never do Sonic style speed games.

It's not our fault you don't have such bitchin' sweet catch phrases for the areas the SNES has the edge.

>> No.1007291 [DELETED] 

This thread has been pretty good, though. Ironically, you're the only shitposter here right now.

>> No.1007307 [DELETED] 


>> No.1007323 [DELETED] 


>> No.1007410
File: 820 KB, 1600x1024, quackshot205bjap5d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else play this?

>> No.1007415


>> No.1007429

Fuck year, I played the hell out of that game as a kid. Probably didn't help that I only had 3 games or so.

Plunger onto anything bitch. Anything.

>> No.1007458
File: 153 KB, 640x908, BR mickey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back in the day where I live, every person who had a Mega Drive owned either Castle of Illusion or QuackShot.

Disney games were massively popular for a good reason: they were awesome.

>> No.1007462 [DELETED] 

What are you babbling about, Woman?

>> No.1007476

Or I stay out of threads like this because they usually devolve into these dumb kind of arguments. I've been on here for a month and a half. If that's new, so be it. Stop acting like a typical 4chan jackass, it ain't funny.

>> No.1007481
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>> No.1007483

Stop being a jackass to other people.

>> No.1007503

Stop being a disembodied horse head with a deathly complexion.

>> No.1007510

I was always a big fan of Mickey Mania as a kid. Apparently it got panned for being too difficult.

>> No.1007523

This was a great game. Just started playing it. The music is catchy and it feels a lot like zelda. But i love how it questions a lot of the typical "good" and "evil" roles. Its cute.

>> No.1007528

Then you shouldn't have said that to begin with, because in this situation it demands the question of how man threads like this you've seen/how long you've been around for. You brought it upon yourself.

>> No.1007557

> But i love how it questions a lot of the typical "good" and "evil" roles.

Yeah, the story is especially great for little kids since it's simple to understand and has a strong message. It's a neat parody on the typical fantasy RPG world.

>> No.1007761

You're projecting.

>> No.1007767

Just because SNES was RPG heaven doesn't diminish its action game library. What a weird thing to say.

>> No.1007913

>Just because SNES was RPG heaven doesn't diminish its action game library

Except the fact that it had a very small and poor action game library and the console was dominated by menu based games.

>> No.1007918
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>that segamind

>> No.1007962



>> No.1007971


>> No.1008089

>You haven't played Revenge of Shinobi, Shinobi III, or ESWAT, then?
I'd say I prefer the genesis over the SNES for most of the library. But no. Few games in history compare to Super Metroid. As good as it is, it's not the entire library. Even bringing it up in a discussion is bullshit. There not even any other game in the SNES library that measures up to it.

Sure you can say, well everyone should at least play or own a SNES for SM. Cool, but that doesn't make the SNES nor the rest of the library better than the genesis. They both have their share of strong titles and and weak titles and their unfortunate preferred genre spam, RPGs vs Sports. Though RPGs are marginally better than sports games.

>> No.1008094

>Speed was the Megadrive/Genesis's strong point. It had a fast processor.

>> No.1008108

Well I did state that my favorite games were on the SNES, so it'd be natural that SM would be one of them. I prefer the SNES because it has more the kind of games that appeal to me like RPGs and platformers, as opposed to the more arcade-like games of the Genesis.

And when I say platformers I mean more like Mario or Metroid than 'action' platformers (though SM could count as an action platformer I guess).

>> No.1008123 [DELETED] 

tripfags aren't people

>> No.1008125

Both systems had roughly the same amount of platformers. So really your consideration would be for the RPGs. Which the Genesis only had a small batch, of which a few weren't all that good anyway.

My entire point anyway before was... Very few games do what SM did as a whole. Even if they're similar in nature.

>> No.1008129

Genesis had a superior line-up of platformers, sans Mario.

>> No.1008148 [DELETED] 


Fuck you

>> No.1008150 [DELETED] 


>> No.1008161 [DELETED] 

good to see you took your trips off faggets

>> No.1008169
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>Spider-Man and Venom
>Separation Anxiety

These are the same game.

>> No.1008280

>Spider-Man and Venom

Was referring to Spider-Man and Venom: Maximum Carnage.

>> No.1008305 [DELETED] 

good to see princess attention whore is cam whoring for the janitor. its not the hurrr anon that's legion that's the problem its oh look at me I'm a unique special snowflake take note of my posts. fuck you for allowing it to go on, fuck you for being an enabler.

>> No.1008316 [DELETED] 

I was literally preparing my phrasing of a similar comment since I'm the person who's relatively innocuous post picking on her got deleted.

That's very interesting. Very interesting indeed. I could probably be persuaded to pick on her 20% less...

>> No.1008703

>what is Doom 64
A superior PC version was made.

>what is Playstation Doom
Why do people like that trash? Its new levels were garbage, the ported levels look like shit compared to the original pc versions, and some enemies were dumbed down or removed. Only thing that was interesting was the ambience and the sound effects.

>> No.1008716

Could someone give me a list of good non-RPG games for the SNES?

>> No.1008737

start here and keep going


>> No.1008749

Game Boy games aren't backwards compatibility, especially since the Game Boy was still very relevant for the entirety of the SNES's life.

>> No.1008776

Good point. So SNES wins a completely different category then. That's fine too.

>> No.1010075

I wouldn't use F-Zero as an example because it looks like you are on a track which is inked in on a piece of paper.

Mode 7 was terrible for racing game tracks, and mostly looked bad in most games in general.

>> No.1010080

>None of those games are even on the same league as Super Metroid. Not even close.
You are right, Shinobi III is leaps and bounds better.

>> No.1010121

So true.

>> No.1010491


>Even comparing the two
You haven't even played SM have you?

Shinobu 3 is more along the lines of a standard action platformer. You go through levels that are largely linear, killing enemies along the way, gaining temporary power-ups and sometimes having vehicle/horse sections or something.

SM is an open world, no levels. The emphasis is on exploration as much as killing enemies. You search for power-ups which are permanent and actively help you open up new areas and kill enemies.

Bottom line is that you are welcome to your opinions, but let's not kid ourselves: SM is a much richer, deeper game.

>> No.1010587

Oh yes, Backtracking: The Game is so rich and deep. I just love exploring the same areas over and over.

>> No.1010593

I guess if you enjoy going straight forward killing enemies to be the entirety of the game, that's fine. I just prefer a vast world full of secrets.

Only thing Shinobi III has on SM is Not-Mecha-Godzilla. But then SM has Fat Godzilla.

>> No.1010594

Sonic was shit. All you had to do was hold right to win.

>> No.1010758

I prefer good gameplay. Shinobi III was worlds ahead of Super Metroid in terms of gameplay. And Super Metroid was not a vast world full of secrets. That's complete bullshit.

>> No.1010853

Too bad SM's gameplay is worlds ahead of Shinobi's, but as I said, I prefer more from games than just "Run to the right and kill enemies." And thanks for confirming you haven't played SM, because Metroid is famous for having hidden power-ups all over the place.

I also prefer Turtles in Time to Shinobi, though that is probably cause of the co-op.

>> No.1010921

>Too bad SM's gameplay is worlds ahead of Shinobi's

Super Metroid is a run and gun with little variety. You either shoot a projectile or drop a bomb. Every power up exists just to get you through a new door or corridor.
Shinobi III is a fast paced action game and requires a lot of technique to play successfully. You have melee attacks, running slash attacks, shurikens (and shuriken cancels), timed double jumps, angled attacks and super attacks. It heavily encourages cancels and abusing invincibility frames.

>And thanks for confirming you haven't played SM, because Metroid is famous for having hidden power-ups all over the place.

And tons of backtracking. Super Metroid is a very short game with a small world for one that tries to be focused on exploration.

>I also prefer Turtles in Time to Shinobi, though that is probably cause of the co-op.

They're completely different types of games. What a retarded statement.

>> No.1010926

Super Shinobi is better imo, both are on equal ground for everything except S3 has the graphics of course but Revenge of Shinobi
>dat rambo
>dat terminator
>dat batman
>dat spiderman
>dat godzilla

Super Shinobi is almost too much for most people's brain handle sheer awesomeness. It's one of the best games of all time imo. I didn't really get to play it much as a kid either so I don't really have any nostalgia for it. Like its just such a classic action platformer bosses have those special gimmicks you need to learn to beat them like shooting the very first one in the face. I think I like the game so much though because it just has everything in it I loved as a kid, ninjas, two of my favorite super heroes, terminators. I wish Revenge of Shinobi got more apreesh instead of being overshadowed by 3.

Shadow Dancer is better than super metroid though fuckin ninja dog, fuck yeah!

>> No.1011672

>You haven't even played SM have you?
Not only have I played it, I have it on the SNES. Don't even say Shinobi III is just a standard action platformer. The further you progress the more complex the platforming becomes with it constantly making you doing wall jumps, double jumps, and clinging onto the ceiling along with crouch walking. The entire last level is just phenominal because it is just a huge course of you using every single platforming skill and sense of timing to get through it all.

Super Metriod's regular combat with the standard enemies and the level structure that requires platforming is usually basic through out. It doesn't force you to utilize all of your skills. There is an option, but there is zero need to do so. Since Super Metriod is about exploration and going back to previous places with your newly acquired bombs, missiles, shots, and so on they had to scale back how complex the platforming was since you will be retreading areas and the type of combat you will do with enemies. Usually just small enemies to sometimes medium sized that are mostly slow (though very few rare occasions of fast ones).

The main emphasis of Super Metriod is exploration, but I found that dull because the world just wasn't fun to play in since it almost always felt like the first level in any other action platformer, very basic through out.

>> No.1011679

Super Shinobi definitly has a huge arsenal of moves but every part of the game (except the bosses) can be done with just the most basic techniques

The enemies mostly die in one hit. All it takes is for you to have an even bad memory of where the enemies are for you to throw a shuriken and kill them the moment they spawn.

Even if you fuck up if you make it a habit to hold the block butten often you will end up blocking any counter attack they have.

Holy shit man shinobi would be such an easy game to 1-life if it wern't for the bosses (which are pretty tough)

>> No.1011701

They die in a single hit because there is an emphasis on speed, hence why you can do a lunging sword attack and an dive kick. There was a great sense of speed in Shinobi III compared to the previous entries.

>All it takes is for you to have an even bad memory of where the enemies are for you to throw a shuriken and kill them the moment they spawn.
That isn't different from any other game I know of. If you vaguely know where enemies will come from and know what to do when that time comes those sections will be much easier compared to when you don't know where they will come from, what the enemies are, and what their patterns and attacks are.

>Super Shinobi definitly has a huge arsenal of moves but every part of the game (except the bosses) can be done with just the most basic techniques
You mean attacks or everything? You can't pass stage 2 with only being able to jump, move, throw the shuriken, and do the ninja art. You have to be able to ceiling latch and wall jump which you did in stage 1 as well. Not all enemies die in a single hit, and often times because of this using the sword is ideal because you will have your speed, then you have to time your attack with hitting the enemy and sometimes using the sword to dodge an attack since there seems to be an invincibility frame, and then do more damage with the sword. There is a risk versus reward for getting close, doing a run, and doing the sword attack. If you like to play it safe the game gives you that option as well.

>> No.1011710

there are LOTS of games where even after you memorize where the enemies are they can still fight back. This is usually done by making there be more than 2 enemies on the screen at once (which shinobi rarely doesnt)

And theres no risk vs reward on shinobi (except for the bosses which are actually complex) because theres no fucking risk to weak enemies they throw at you. You rarely fight more than 2 enemies at once, they die fast. If you use the shuriken you have an instant block to cancel any enemy attacks. If you use the sword you get invulnerability frames during the entire animation and a huge range on the attack. There isn't very much timing involved in the sword.

>> No.1011886

>Shinobi vs. Super Metroid
what the what

>> No.1011971

>This is usually done by making there be more than 2 enemies on the screen at once (which shinobi rarely doesnt)

Shinobi usually has 4+ enemies on screen at any given time. The rest of your post is just as wrong.

>> No.1011972

Sega was technically superior.

SNES was superior in reality however.

>> No.1011975

SNES never had ThunderForceIV, but Genesis never had Super Metroid... and both of them could never have handled The King Of Fighters '98!

>> No.1011983

SNES was superior in every way EXCEPT sports games. For some reason games like EA's NHL and Madden franchises were absolute shit on the SNES.

>> No.1011991
File: 116 KB, 494x700, monster_world4_box_jp[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um, guys, you're forgetting about MW4
pretty much best platformer on MD

>> No.1011994

and Ristar, um, and Ranger X, and of course 'Headdy

these super n.e.s. kids not b knowin

>> No.1012004

I didn't know that got an actual release. I thought it was fantranslation only

>> No.1012016

No... snes is technically superior too. The genesis just had a faster clock speed.

>> No.1012075

>SNES was superior in every way EXCEPT sports games.

First off, SNES had the best soccer games. Secondly, that's wrong.

>> No.1012380

Snes wins hands down for me. I collect and play games for both consoles.

Genesis is more like cousin of Amiga, it has lots of same games to "mature" audiences. In other words, sports games and plain shit.

SNES game library has more must-plays such as nintendo exclusives, awesome Konami and Capcom games etc.

SNES also winds Genesis in almost every aspect when it comes to specs. Except the processor.

>> No.1012484

>Genesis is more like cousin of Amiga, it has lots of same games to "mature" audiences. In other words, sports games and plain shit.

Probably one of the biggest pieces of bullshit in this entire thread.

>> No.1012495

genesis had a better DMA it was better at doing multiple things at once because of its DMA. The SNES DMA is a piece of shit, genesis had a fast clock speed and could switch between tasks fast as fuck because of the DMA. For someone who pretends to be in love with the 68k and stuff you don't know fuck all about the mega drive

>> No.1012501

>Genesis is more like cousin of Amiga, it has lots of same games to "mature" audiences. In other words, sports games and plain shit.
>durr sports games are automatically shit

you sound like one of the people who complain about "normalfags"

>> No.1012503
File: 42 KB, 960x768, 2674_screen24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In other words you know absolutely nothing about Amiga

>> No.1012513

>Super Metroid is a run and gun with little variety.
Just like Shinobi III is a run and attack with little variety. It's easy to cherrypick, which is what you are doing, as clearly all projectiles are created equally. This neverminding that as you progress you gain different beam functions, missiles, super missiles, bombs, power bombs, grappling hook and screw attack. Oh and SM has those 'secret' moves too that even allow for sequence breaking, something that is impossible in Shinobi. The main difference is they are also used for exploring the world and aren't as flashy, so if you prefer style over substance then sure, Shinobi is better.

>And tons of backtracking. Super Metroid is a very short game with a small world for one that tries to be focused on exploration.
But it IS focused on exploration. I guess if you prefer GOTTA GO FAST games then good for you, but there is just as well a place for exploration and yes, backtracking. And it's not like Shinobi III is a particularly long game either.

>They're completely different types of games. What a retarded statement.
You could say the same about SM and Shinobi III,and need I remind you I didn't bring the comparison up.

That's just it though, all of that is based on style, using fame to sell in your case.

Also I haven't played Shadow Dancer but I'll be sure to. I always feel that the Sega fanbase relies on obscurity many of these arguments, so I make sure to play every game I can.

>> No.1012527

Theyre both action platformers and I originally compared the two because I am fucking sick of hearing SM fanboys jerk off their game and treat other good games like shit. Thanks for helping me feel better ya fucking douche, you say stupid shit like Shinobi 3 has little variety, that tells me you haven't played the game or you watched some clips on youtube and your bias left you unimpressed. Like fuck Metroid fans are the fucking worst ever


I love metroid but the fans are the biggest fuckin faggets and thanks for proving that point /vr/

>> No.1012534

>Just like Shinobi III is a run and attack with little variety

Except no. I already explained the differences in gameplay, but you can't even be bothered to back up your claims. gg moron

>> No.1012536

I was thinking about playing through Earthbound, what do you lads consider to be the best SNES emulator?

>> No.1012546

I can't fucking stand nintendrones, all of their games are gods gift to the earth while sega is just fucking garbage shit for nigs. They all have no problem waving their bias in your face and telling you Sega is shit, I can't think of a single genesis game I have heard a nintendrone boost

>> No.1012550

>Theyre both action platformers
Even if they are, one look can tell you that they play very differently.

>I originally compared the two because I am fucking sick of hearing SM fanboys jerk off their game and treat other good games like shit.
Saying "I like SM better" = treating Shinobi III like shit? OK then, sounds like we've found the real problem here, being that you're upset that it gets more recognition.

>you say stupid shit like Shinobi 3 has little variety, that tells me you haven't played the game or you watched some clips on youtube and your bias left you unimpressed.
Just following your lead. I don't actually think it has little variety, but then it's equally unfair to claim the same of SM.

>I love metroid but the fans are the biggest fuckin faggets and thanks for proving that point /vr/
All you've done is proven that you're still suffering from the Genesis inferiority complex of WAH MY CONSOLE DIDN'T END UP BEING MORE FAMOUS! Or go ahead, imply that it isn't the Genesis fanbase that tries to stir shit up most of the time?

>> No.1012584

Well, there's a reason why DK, Kirby, Mario, Zelda and all the other classic snes games are remembered fondly and all the one-off mediocre game sega genesis fans like to list off in a futile attempt to make the genesis seem like it was a huge success and had an amazing library, when in reality it has a modest collection of titles compared to the snes because the genesis did pretty poorly in every place besides the us. The console only ran on the vapors of the childish smear campaigns against the snes but ultimately sega just squandered the lead they had by being fucking dumb, as per usual. Segautists have some sort of complex about the snes, claiming every game it has "isn't that good guys, really!" and then list menial boring shit like Ecco the fucking Dolphin and shinobi III.

By the way, Shinobi III may have a nice soundtrack and nice graphics, but it's gameplay is piss-easy even on hard mode, and it's ultimately a forgettable game beaten in an afternoon. Comparing it to SM is fucking moronic beyond belief.

Anyone who tries to claim that the Genesis' library trumps the snes' and tries to use intangible things as arguments (that "sega quality" "the arcade feeling") Can seriously go choke on a dick.

>> No.1012590

No you moron you don't realize before the 32x Sega was the king, Sega held the larger market share, Sega were kings in 94. You are too young to remember how awesome shinobi was because you're just a child. They're both really good games stop trying to tell us yours is better fagget

>> No.1012602

So we have to "remember" how awesome games are now? And sega was only king in the us, due to their aggressive ad campaign and "edgy cool" image. A good game is always a good game.

>> No.1012606

nobody remembers truxton because you little faggots cant get past the first level

>> No.1012613

And it's a pretty forgettable game after you spend a couple of days playing it, if that.

>> No.1012617

You just don't like shmups, I would take ay bottom tier crapcom shmup long before some gay nintendo platformer

>> No.1012621

Yeah and thunderforce 3 is always going to be better than any shit on your stupid nintendo. Its a timeless classic, metroid is dated shitty old nintendo platformer. Its pure junk shit crap garbage, pure shit for gays

>> No.1012625 [DELETED] 

Ladies and gentleman, here is your typical Segautist

>> No.1012632

>dat napoleon complex

>> No.1012635

First of all, Sega was only really 'king' if you lived in Europe I believe. In the US things were much more equal. If you claim that Sega 'won' the console wars then you are a fool; there was no really definitive winner.

And I never even said Shinobi III was bad. That was your assumption on the basis that I think SM is better. It's still quite good. I consider SM to be about the best of that entire console generation.

And oh yeah, you're the one being so angsty about how your Genesis games are so much better than the 'overrated shit' on the SNES.

>> No.1012651

Sega won in 1994 the height of the 16 bit generation, after that the SNES took over sort of like the PS3 of last generation.
>dat bias
I own a sega and a SNES and I love them both dearly but the metroid fans on here are the biggest fucking douchebags on 4chan and could probably give redditers a run for their money

>> No.1012664

I myself never said they were better I just stated I am fucking sick of hearing your shit. You guys think popular = good. By your logic justin bieber is the best, fucking nintendo fans seriously

>> No.1012673

Stop replying to him. Report and ignore his posts. Anyone who uses autist as an insult in 2013 should not be taken seriously.

Please help keep the cancer contained to /v/.

Thank you very much.

>> No.1012690

What does justin bieber have to do with videogames? That is a such a flawed logic... You have the argumentative skills of a 13 year old

>> No.1012697

And no, we think good=good.

>> No.1012695

>Sega won in 1994 the height of the 16 bit generation, after that the SNES took over sort of like the PS3 of last generation.

Except, no. That's not how it happened. the snes had healthy sales and game releases throughout its lifespan. stop this revisionist bullshit

>> No.1012709

I was talking overall, not individual years. And what, I can't like SM more than Shinobi III despite, as I said, being rather different games anyway? Sounds like you've got some bias of your own.

I never said popular = good though. I said I considered SM to be good. Get over your obvious Nintendo hate and read all of what I'm saying.

You wanna know why the SNES and Nintendo in general is more 'famous' (so to speak) than the Genesis/Sega? It likely has little to do with whether the Sega/SNES was better. Rather, it's because Nintendo kept putting out successful consoles.

>> No.1012716

Can you read what he said? Moron he said they are both equally good and to stop your bitching. Metroid is not better SO FUCKING DROP IT, I can see why he would be frustrated. Its like talking to a wall

>> No.1012721


1994 sega kicks the shit out of super nintendo. After that everyone had either moved from the Genesis to the PSX or Saturn, Only babies bought SNES after 94. Sorry to burst your bubble nintendrone.

>> No.1012724

First post in this thread.

If you think people were buying tons of Saturns and PlayStations in 1995 you're delusional.

>> No.1012726

How many times have I said that I like SM better? As in my opinion, my preference, etc.? Because it's more the type of game that appeals to me? OH NO HOW DARE I THINK SUCH A THING!!!

Like Shinobi III better if you want, but try and get over yourself.

>> No.1012815
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Funny how you mention Konami when the better Konami games were on the Genesis.

>> No.1012825

>The main difference is they are also used for exploring the world and aren't as flashy
So you haven't found some of those out of the way one-ups or ammo pick ups in Shinobi III with doing a ton of double jumping, ceiling grabbing, and just exploration?

Shinobi III is more than just style, it doesn't even seem like you have even played the game. It has some intense instances like when you are hopping from rock to rock, or the factory level with the conveyor belts, or hell the entire last stage which is almost all platforming. Needing to fall off of a ledge into a place with an electric field so you can push up against a wall and then wall jump upwards into a rod on the ceiling in which you then grab and platforms that go in and out of the walls which you have to time your jumps so you won't fall down when they disappear and anticipating when they will reappear from the wall.

>> No.1012828

>And sega was only king in the us
And Europe, and other areas that weren't Japan.

>> No.1013002

>Genesis is more like cousin of Amiga
I call this catering to "the Turrican crowd." SMS/MD were very popular is yuroland so it got a lot of yuro games.

It got a lot of light-hearted fun games from Japan too, though, so I can't agree completely. However I still prefer SNES myself as well.

>> No.1013010

TF3 is my favorite classic shmup and SNES is my favorite console because of its incredible library. Quit trolling.

>> No.1013014

>...are the biggest fucking douchebags on 4chan and could probably give redditers a run for their money
You sound pretty bad yourself. You can't even get basic history of the past 20 years right.

>> No.1013035

>kicks the shit out of
That's a very funny way to look at those numbers. A young child stuck in the '90s who cared way too much about Nintendo vs. Sega would probably say such a thing.

>> No.1013039

incredible literal library, press a to advance story. You have RPGs that is it.

>> No.1013051

1994 sega was ahead, I was only making the point that yes sega was on top at one point. You fucking idiots think your precious nintendo is so untouchable. Listening to underage fags talk about super nintendo is painful. They were both amazing back in the day and somehow people getting angry over posters refusals to acknowledge sega at all. The only revisionists are you fools under the impression nintendo was always on top, just remember Sega was king too even if it was only for a while. Just because you weren't alive in 94 doesn't mean Sega wasn't popular too

>> No.1013075

Well I was more referring to permanent power ups as compared to temporary/1ups. I recall there were some you had to wall jump to (which I will say was better done than SM, where it was a bit of a bitch).

We can go in circles about "Well you clearly didn't play the game." When I said "style" I was referring to how Shinobi had famous character expies in it, as that anon pointed out.

And yet we aren't the ones who constantly bring it up. We aren't the ones pushing about how the Genesis was "king" and calling anyone who would openly say they prefer the SNES underaged like, ironically, a damn child.

Did it ever occur to you that someone could like both systems but prefer the SNES? Or am I just a stupid underaged Nintendo fag for not praising OUR LORD AND SAVIOR Sega?

>> No.1013078

>You fucking idiots think your precious nintendo is so untouchable.
I know what I prefer, whereas you know that you have a quota on anti-Nintendo/pro-Sega posts to make per day.

>> No.1013080

>You have RPGs that is it.
I refuse to be trolled further.

>> No.1013087 [DELETED] 

You have shmups and that is it. See how easy that is! :)

>> No.1013103 [DELETED] 

we have shmups
run n guns
action adventures

everything else is a tie except RPGs

>> No.1013104

20 years later the console wars are still going strong

>> No.1013105

Saying sega was just as good as nintendo is not anti nintendo. You guys are so anti-sega anything boosting sega is a knock on nintendo to you retards

>> No.1013114 [DELETED] 

>run n guns
>action adventures

And SNES somehow magically doesn't have these because the genesis does?

>> No.1013123

nobody said genesis was king, they said it was king in 94 learn to read. Every post that says something about sega being best explicitly states that happened at their peak in 94.

ITT Sega fans throwing shitfits because nintendo fans don't know how to read.

>> No.1013128 [DELETED] 

It has those, your contra is just shit compared to hardcorps, your turrican is not as good as mega turrican, your gunstar heroes is non existant.

You have those games they just no good.

>> No.1013130 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1013132 [DELETED] 

>being this butthurt

>> No.1013140

Kind of funny, reading this thread makes me feel like I'm back on the playground again.

>> No.1013146

>boosting sega
what a life

>> No.1013148

I did. I only responded as such because they keep pushing that as a declaration of it being the best even if that is only one year.

>> No.1013156 [DELETED] 

Don't even acknowledge it. Report and ignore this butthurt Seattleite.

>> No.1013153 [DELETED] 

>megaman X 1, 2, and 3
>rendering ranger
>sunset riders
>demon's crest
>metal warriors

You know what, why am I even bothering? You're just going to say "HURR DOSE GAMES r SHIT!! SEGA COCK 4 LYFE"

>You have those games they just no good.

That's an opinion, and a pathetic one at that

>> No.1013196 [DELETED] 

Now you know how we feel listening to you retards do that all the time.

>> No.1013382

i have Jr pacman on atari 2600

>> No.1013392

its well know that the genesis processor is faster than the snes one, somebody managed to get a buggy version of star fox running on a stock genesis without any sort of FX chip.

>> No.1013764 [DELETED] 

Oh look what happened. Janitor confirmed for tripfag loving cancer.