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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 137 KB, 386x259, PetalBlast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10002263 No.10002263 [Reply] [Original]

How did we go from THIS

>> No.10002264
File: 293 KB, 2156x1188, FzJwF-OWIAIWxfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10002271

Genosisters... our time has come

>> No.10002273

Most of the budget was spent negotiating with Square-Enix for the rights to the game and cast that they still hold.

>> No.10002276

>take game with timeless 2D artstyle
>remake it in 3D that will immediately start showing its age before release

>> No.10002281

Mario RPG wasn't 2D, it was ugly prerendered midgets.

>> No.10002283

that UI is the only thing I hate about the remake, its the minamilist mobile garbage

>> No.10002317
File: 78 KB, 937x853, geno_and_mallow_from_super_mario_rpg___by_dudyd_des3pee-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beanie hat bros...

>> No.10002332

Why does it look so… bad? It's like a fan made UE remake that simply took exactly same models and out them in 3D without much regard for style. it actually looks like a mobile game. it's a pale imitation

>> No.10002348

As soulless as it looks, it's probably cheap, and it's the midground between pleasing the kids and the fans

>> No.10002353

SMRPGs spritework looks great because the models were done in 3D first and then translated into sprites. Same technique is what made DKCs spritework look that good, for example. The final product was indeed 2D.
If they were going to try to remake this game, then they should have made it with an exact 1:1 of the 90's CG models and leave it at that. Or if the old models are still somewhere in Nintendo's vaults, just use those! Keep the same models, same lighting, same layouts, same animations, et cetera ad infinium. Any deviation from the original game is a flaw. A remake should ideally be what the game's original art team would have made with today's tech. But that's only an ideal, obviously not possible in today's industry. We all know this is going to be just another soulless cashgrab remake.

>> No.10002387

Don't care, still pirating day one. Looks good.

>> No.10002393

I just dont like the UI, everything else is ok

>> No.10002392 [DELETED] 

Unironically soulless, switchtroons are beyond delusional discord faggots

>> No.10002397 [DELETED] 

i hate this marxist hud that's in every game now

>> No.10002401

This shit is just unnaceptable. The art style was probably SMRPG's biggest appeal

>> No.10002429
File: 148 KB, 525x248, h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10002451

Honestly it does look a bit soulless, but it shows that it's trying since some areas/characters do look how I would expect them to. Others do have that bland New SMB look, like Bowser. I think the lighting might have to do with it.

In any case, I would've preferred SMRPG on NSO but I'm more than happy with the remake since this actually might mean we could get a SMRPG 2 or some of the characters returning in a different game if this sells well.

>> No.10002503

Wow, all those years and a stunt race cameo right under our noses

>> No.10002527
File: 404 KB, 1920x1080, ss_1d15b80314d33e95ca6f4b25ed8672d41a09cead.1920x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>marxist hud

>> No.10002535

Unlike Link’s Awakening, I think I’ll could tolerate this remake.

>> No.10002542 [DELETED] 


>> No.10002550

I know lol I can't be mad about this but remakes are still soulless
Mario Bros Wonder looks a lot cooler than this because they're doing a lot of new stuff while incorporating throwbacks to the original quadrilogy

>> No.10002552

You can tell the overton window has shifted simply by virtue of the fact that even /vr/ is being relatively lax on this remake.

Let it be known all remakes, remasters and even reboots are a cancer. Companies should either re-release old games on modern platforms as-is, or leave them alone. There is simply no excuse for this game to exist, let alone to cost $60 on launch for what is ostensibly just a ROM with worse graphics.

I still feel insane for disliking that Link's Awakening remake, turning gorgeous sprite art into childish funko pop nonsense. Here it's worse, you took that iconic pre-rendered aesthetic only Square and Rare could do well, and butchered it into more generic "low-poly" garbage. Shameful. I'd commit seppuku if I worked on the original SMRPG and saw what it had been turned into.

We're now at the point where people legitimately clamor for and discuss the merits of remakes instead of ignore this disgusting practice altogether.

>> No.10002569

this doesnt look nearly as terrible as some of the other remakes in my opinion. the nu-styled mario/peach are a little disappointing but not surprising at all.
as usual, the ui is completely irredeemable dogshit for some reason. how do they always manage to fuck that up?

>> No.10002632

Well, be happy they plan to redo Xenogears in the same engine they did XV

>> No.10002725

Just the fact they are acknowledging the game at all is a godsend.

Yea a style based off those 90s renders would have been sweet, but i dont think anyone making these games even acknowledges thats a style people might enjoy.

>> No.10002745

because it doesnt matter. people are already hyped and praising it, why would they bother making good games

>> No.10002761

> one of the best mario games finally gets its remake
Holy. Fucking. Based.
> muh soulless meme
Yeah-yeah, go cry about it. Pre-rendered graphics look terrible and you are just delusional about it because it was something astonishing in your childhood.

>> No.10002897

no fucking way

>> No.10002912
File: 1.10 MB, 3840x2160, 1670296199923807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is making something close to that.
If it survives is one thing, but it's a novelty to look at.

>> No.10002928

There is no graphical style less timeless than prerendered graphics.

>> No.10002931 [DELETED] 

>people are unironically frothing mad that you can see what the fucking designs in the game actually look like now

>> No.10002935

Mario and Peach have the same proportions as the original models. Mario is stockier and squatter, as in the original. What did you want them to do? Peach could have the old crown design, sure.

>> No.10002938

If that were true they wouldnt be noticeably different at a glance to make everyone comment on it

>> No.10002939

The fact that they're just glancing is probably the problem.

>> No.10002945

That looks pretty nice. Hope that dude just does his own spiritual successor like that.

>> No.10002946 [DELETED] 


>> No.10002950

you blinfd

>> No.10002953

Yes, you're the one who can see properly, and I'm "blinfd."

>> No.10002954
File: 124 KB, 1000x1323, 1679739787642815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. God I'd love to make a game in that style so bad, but I'd never do it before someone else does it and then we get a whole oversaturation of them

>> No.10002960

I would have to think that would be impossible. It looks better than any game ever made because it's artwork that doesn't have to animate.

>> No.10002976

Nintendo is going to drag this dude to Hell

>> No.10002985

Is that an official image? When did Security cop kremlings ever show up?

>> No.10002993

Yet another victim of modern UI

>> No.10003014
File: 1.32 MB, 3840x2160, D953A041-FEBC-4FB0-92CB-DA630A00A07B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon gets it.

>Other M Samus
Fuck sake...and the Prime Remaster came out a couple months ago too, why are they still acknowledging OM's shit design?

>be happy they plan to redo Xenogears in the same engine they did XV
You'll get HD-2D hyper realistic HIRE THIS MAN filth and you'll LIKE IT.

>> No.10003048

I get the complaints but also don't. It's clear they're really trying to emulate the look of the original 1:1 like some anons are asking here. Sadly they succeed better in some aspects than others. Bowser looks too modern for example and the battles look too boring. The original game is hard to recreate and I wish we had gotten the game on NSO but hey...at least this means a sequel is possible.

>> No.10003058 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 554x816, 54D45270-F4E5-428D-A455-6773E7A719A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


At least pirate it so they dont get money.

>> No.10003069

Pretty sure the director/producer said he wanted to do another one, so maybe if the remake sells well, which I'm sure it will.

>> No.10003084
File: 90 KB, 557x423, A73B0F59-6F2D-4BCB-9C0A-D30F796EF852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sadly they succeed better in some aspects than others. Bowser looks too modern for example
That's my gripe with it too and the same goes for Peach. Mario just looks like a literal baby in some angles -- it's uncanny as fuck, but his battle portrait looks a lot better, so why not stretch him out a touch?
As for the UI, they could've at least TRIED to make it just a bit more stylish without being too distracting to the eyes and unfaithful to the OG design, since it looks simplistically bland in both. In fact, I did a rough draft MSpaint edit of it earlier this morning and to me it genuinely looks a lot better. It just needs touch ups before sharing it for review.

>> No.10003114

that ui is legitimately awful. it's crazy that for as much as people want to talk about ux these days, most of them can not for the life of them make a good and stylish looking ui. that's so bog standard and bland, it should not be in smrpg, it looks out of place.

>> No.10003124

I haven't played this game in about 15 years, are there any improvement mods that have come out since then or is the game still good to play vanilla?

>> No.10003165

damn, now it's going to be like 2 years minimum before the SNES game gets added to NSO. I think that's how long it took Link's Awakening to be added after the remake.

>> No.10003191

>overton window
>low-poly garbage
Someone sure loves to use phrases they don’t understand to lend credibility to their asinine opinions.

>> No.10003203

Will look good on yuzu
Socks to suck if you own a switch

>> No.10003234

I wonder if Culex is getting a new battle theme

>> No.10003240

>Booster has a life sized Peach sexdoll now


>> No.10003243

Prerendered sprites are in 2D you fucking brainlet piece of shit

>> No.10003285

I would think it's an official image for DK 64, there were barrel minigames where you have to find a checker finish line while avoiding the lights of these same security kremlings.

>> No.10003290

You are probably right just based on the fact DK and Diddy look like their later renders from around 64.

>> No.10003298
File: 205 KB, 485x354, 1682613427975709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> It's clear they're really trying to emulate the look of the original 1:1 like some anons are asking here.
I suppose in a vague "chibi versions of Mario characters" sense, but other than that I ain't seeing it.

>> No.10003307

It's the same proportions with their standard design cues (crown, dress color scheme, specific shape of hair). Not 1:1, no, but they could have outright replaced them with standard character models. I don't see what the fuss is about. It's not a replacement for the original and never would be.

>> No.10003321

I like SMRPG Armageddon. It's kinda like Paper Mario Master Quest and there's a normal version as well that's not outrageously hard.

>> No.10003329

>stock-ass on-brand modern Mario polygonal aesthetic, looks like Mario Party
>no clay model sprites or 90s CG aesthetic in HD
What a fucking boner. Meh, I'll still pirate it.

>> No.10003343

The smushed midget redesigns of Mario and Toadstool irk me to no end.

>> No.10003346

god someone going ham and making a 1080/4K game with prerendered assets in this style would be fantastic. We could probably do something that looks like SMRPG's 90s aesthetic in real time 3D these days, but probably not on a Switch. Raytracing would help.

>> No.10003349
File: 41 KB, 500x500, 1370745176103.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait to hear remixes of some of my favorite tracks



>> No.10003358

>The proportions of the original game's models irk me to no end.
ok cool

>> No.10003362

I hope someone will do a futae no kiwami remix for said remixes.

>> No.10003365

That guy was the studio head of Alpha Dream and I'm pretty sure he's not working in the industry right now.
Nintendo can we get a sequel to SMRPG?
Nintendo can we get a mario luigi game like superstar saga on switch?
It's all so tiresome.

>> No.10003370

They're not the same proportions you gaslighting faggot.

>> No.10003371

Wow, so it was always supposed to be this?
I don't get what everything is complaining at, it looks pretty much like the original and it looks like a rare 1:1 remake

>> No.10003372

>overton window
You know what he meant, and he's right.
It's not Quake or PS1 tier but it's quite a bit lower than the modern 3D standard, and certainly doesn't look like 90s CG in HD as it fucking should if they're going to bother. Keep sucking corpo cock for free there.

>> No.10003374

What's up with lighting in these all these remakes?

>> No.10003392
File: 18 KB, 420x359, D9O9yrqVAAAyOtD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reality is that the renders are crusty as hell, but despite that I can't believe they kept the weird ass enemy designs 1:1

>> No.10003396

Square-Enix still owns most of them, so Nintendo likely wasn't allowed to force redesigns on the non-Mario cast if they wanted this remake to be made.

>> No.10003398

They could have made prerendered assets in HD at a DKC/SM64 promo level for this one, or used clay models. That's effort n sheeit though.

>> No.10003404
File: 722 KB, 2156x703, imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-SdcBYpKs5KbNl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They did the chibi thing to make it look like the original. Look at this, the characters are exactly the same

>> No.10003406

a whole game like this, with backdrops, appropriate lighting, and not just a white space hugely highlighting the crust would have been cool though

>> No.10003408

Aside from adding more details to Mario, Bowser, and Peach so that they better adhere to Nintendo's standard designs.

>> No.10003410

I'm not complaining, I'm praising it because that would be the first thing they'd fuck up normally, especially since the enemies in this are weird as fuck. I'm REALLY glad they look great and as they should
Why the fuck would they use clay models

>> No.10003414
File: 2.32 MB, 2576x1863, 1667558244996029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1:1 remake

>exactly the same
Did these phrases change meaning or something? Regardless of if you think the remake looks good or not, it is no way "1:1" or "exactly the same". Come on now.

>> No.10003415

I suppose but there was absolutely no way they would reuse the crusty stuff. You can look at the fanmade image above, the environment looks good for the charas are uncanny

>> No.10003417
File: 1.96 MB, 2105x1072, UI Modern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well here's a basic edit.
Still working on the Classic-Modern Mix.

>> No.10003419

Because a lot of people are fucking sick of remakes along with the low amount of quality titles studios release these days. I don't think remakes themselves are bad per say but at this point they are definitely being far too overused. If developers were churning out games like in the 90s or early 00s then I don't think remakes are a problem.

>> No.10003423

I just think the style would suit a high res 2D remaster of a crude early prerendered game like this. Might just be my weird opinion though. The proper remake style for this game should have been that or HD renders in the old style. I just don't think real time 3D is a proper fit for this. It needs to be 'chunky' in geometry and animation.

>> No.10003425
File: 47 KB, 266x369, Booster_Artwork_-_Super_Mario_RPG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow the characters changed placed, call the police
Wow the blue void has been filled, what the fuck, where's my void?
Wow, they're not reusing the crusty ass CGI? Clearly this is wasted effort (See included crusty CGI)
This is fucking dumb and you know it. Otherwise the game looks 1:1 and they didn't fuck with anything major

>> No.10003427
File: 576 KB, 1117x768, Peaches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also did a Peach edit for fun.

>> No.10003434

No. It isn't dumb. A game that looks like that would stand out. What they made looks like 3D World and Mario Party and every other half-assed Mario game. The 90s jank and currently off-brand look is part of the aesthetic and charm.

>> No.10003441
File: 960 KB, 1330x678, 2023-06-21_23-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know how business work, it's either this or it never gets mentioned again. This is especially major considering it's already the "game to never be mentioned again". Sales of this might actually lead to the sequel the director wanted to make
I'm just glad it looks like they didn't fuck it up for once or changed it significantly
What do you mean high res 2D? The 2D-3D thing square is doing lately? People would have complained regardless, there's a high amount of people that seems to fucking hate it. I don't mind it, but it's not suitable for this due to the CGI source
It looks nothing like these, at all. In fact it looks slightly CGI-ish under a new paint

>> No.10003448

I don't know, it definitely looks nicer but I appreciate how out of the way their UI is too. It's extremely simple and soulless but at least it doesn't seem to be obstructive.

>> No.10003452

Maybe they would have complained but a game with high resolution prerendered assets in a dated style would at least be unique. Lots of games look like nuSMRPG, including several non-mainline Mario games from the last 8 years.
>looks like 90s CGI
No it fucking does not. It looks like a modern medium budget 3D game to anyone not being disingenuous.

It should have been 2D prerenders or clay. I refuse to elaborate more. You know I'm right. I'll still pirate this, though.

>> No.10003454

lol the director doesn't even work in the video game industry currently. He was a founder of Alpha Dream and it's bankrupt. Any hope for a sequel is just a pipe dream. This is always the carrot held against an argument that remakes take up development resources for new, original, games. Whatever, eventually they'll run out of shit to remake, it's already happening to Capcom with RE and the industry can finally accelerate it's inevitable demise.

>> No.10003458

The right side looks better.

>> No.10003460
File: 399 KB, 540x402, tumblr_ouvineLMsS1rrftcdo1_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said it looks CGI-ish, and no you're not getting 90s crusty ass CGI, how many of these pictures I need to post to prove the point that the CGI was objectively TERRIBLE and it only works because it was crunched to pixels. Booster looks like absolute fucking shit

>> No.10003467

As contrarian as it sounds I feel the same despite it being modern minimalist/iphone garbage that plagues most games these days.

>> No.10003468

Yoko Shimomura is coming back to do them too

>> No.10003471

>90s 'crust'
GOD FORBID a game comes out with a unique look, or an aesthetic unexplored in decades, in a 2nd tier product that's prime real estate for experimentation. You're a fucking tool with pedestrian-ass taste. Who cares if it would have lost a few sales because vanilla retards like you would have been put off. They could have make something interesting.

>> No.10003473

it's simply never happening you imbecile

>> No.10003475

My favourite cartoon of all time but the old renders were kind of shit. The lighting is vastly superior though because it has black shadows and starker contrast but this is how I feel about so many games vs 90's cgi.

>> No.10003479

No shit this fucking soulless half-a-corpse industry wouldn't dare produce such a thing. That doesn't change the fact that it would have been superior and far less boring.

>> No.10003484

*favourite cartoon was Reboot

Forgot a word

>> No.10003486

Holy shit shut up nigger you sound like a hysterical woman but I can't even look at your tits while i tune you out

>> No.10003489
File: 737 KB, 1464x2048, 1670119096612850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wow the characters changed placed, call the police
Not what I was referring to.
>Wow the blue void has been filled, what the fuck, where's my void?
Also not what I was referring to. In fact I like and appreciate that they went the extra mile to fill in the blank space around areas.
>Wow, they're not reusing the crusty ass CGI? Clearly this is wasted effort
It's not the models themselves I'm complaining about wanting back, it's the art style. Peach's model could be 12 quadrillion polygons in the remake, but she'd still look boring and bland since she's in the style of the modern Mario games.

IMO The toads shown in this scene >>10003441 are actually a decent attempt at emulating that old art style the original SMRPG used, compared to the main cast anyway. It's just fucking Bowser sticking out like a sore thumb here like he was copy-pasted from Mario Party 8.

>> No.10003490 [DELETED] 

Slurp up your slop, mongoloid.

>> No.10003493

Look, I also love the old Donkey Kong. I probably would have loved Reboot had I had the opportunity to watch it back then and I've watched a lot of other CGI crust too, some of it looked good in it's own way, but it's just that the reality is "bring back the 90s CGI" is simply something that has no chance of happening, not even a 1% pipedream, it's just simply something that is never going to happen. It has its charm, but it simply looks bad
The fact that it even look slightly CGI-ish instead of just normal models or whatever the hell, the fact that the enemy design has been respected and is well modeled, the fact that you can compare screenshots and it's rather 1:1 and we even have a look into Booster's toybox, which is the exact same as intended and we can finally see the two other references we never knew was there is already fucking crazy
I don't quite get the issue with peach, but Bowser looks out of place, yes

>> No.10003497

Chibi Mario has existed since Mario Bros 1

It's fucking insane to me that anyone would be bothered by chibi mario now after 30 years because he looked even weirder in the original.

>> No.10003504

>complaining about this
It looks good, and this being released means the odds of getting a new Super Mario RPG have gone up by a huge amount.

>> No.10003505

My ass. Cap this, see you in 5 years.

>> No.10003506

You're right, but t's a remake and you're on /vr/. It's best for everyone not to bring it up.

>> No.10003507

Oh shit I never realized that was the Famicom disk system thing

If you're sick of remakes you can just play the originals or another game...? It's not like the Star wars specialized editions

>> No.10003510
File: 114 KB, 500x387, 1668127107524784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting a new Super Mario RPG

>> No.10003512

My dick is up we're going to get so much new porn.


You dumb nigger I said 90's cgi was shit.

>> No.10003514 [DELETED] 

Stop saying goyslop for the love or Christ

>> No.10003516

Maybe now I can finally get someone to draw my ENF version of the scene in Marrymore where Mario and Bowser accidentally barge into Peach and send her wedding accessories flying. My dirty little mind imagined an alternative where they sent all of her clothes flying off with them. Tried a few times to get it realized, but drawthreads are going through hell in recent years.

>> No.10003517

Yeah the Toads have that 90's cgi lighting

The closest i've seen to a modern game with 90's CGI was Donald and Goofy in the KH4 trailer and maybe KH3's Toy Story level but it has the weird modern lightinb thing. Maybe nostalgia or Toy Story tricked my brain.

>> No.10003518

I meant to say i just want the old lighting back not the cgi itself but I called you a nigger my bad

>> No.10003525

Yeah, I think it looks okay, but like all modern remakes it stumbles in lighting. NOBODY understands lighting theory anymore, it's all the same boring washes over everything. It takes all the depth away.

>> No.10003528

Yeah I wasn't sure after probably fast reading your post missing words, but I also just wanted an opportunity to fully word my position
>old lighting back
That's an hard one but lighting is very costly in general, no? Considering that SGI workstations were their own special thing and apparently rendering took hours in the DKC days, that's gonna be a tough one to properly replicate. Isn't that why raytracing is such a big deal? Unfortunately, I don't think the Switch could support it, it has to be already built in the chips, no?

>> No.10003547

The switch from baked in lighting on textures to modern graphics really ruined a lot of the lighting in games nowadays. I don't understand anything and I'm kind of a dumbass so I have no idea how it works beyond that.

The environments look a lot better though: >>10003441

But only the toads feel like they fit in here

>> No.10003557 [DELETED] 

Kvetch moar, rabbi.

>> No.10003569
File: 70 KB, 640x634, 3311_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Square still helping them this time? I feel like it won't be the same (or good) without them

>> No.10003648


>> No.10003657

As somebody who was hyped as fuck for the release of SNES SMRPG, I will say that I'm extremely excited for this as well - it's as close as I'll get to being able to replay SMRPG again for the first time. From what's been shown, it looks like they put actual effort into updating the graphics while remaining faithful to the original, Valentina's lack of tittyshaking aside.

>> No.10003658

A remake isn't a "new" game.

>> No.10003696

The fuck is "crusty" about this, you colossal fag?

>> No.10003709

>it's as close as I'll get to being able to replay SMRPG again for the first time.

That's the thing though, you won't. Nothing will ever recapture that feeling. As someone who remembers driving an hour with my dad to toys-r-us to buy this on release just before starting kindergarten, I know that feeling you're looking for. As a kid I could never get past Johnny, but in my 20s I emulated it and beat it for the first time. Even then the nostalgic feelings were bittersweet but nothing came close to the space this game (along with many other amazing SNES RPGs) took up in my developing brain.

They know this, and they just took your memories and put a shiny coat of paint on them. They know you'll pay for that unattainable goal and never get there, and then they'll do it again for yet another game from the days when people actually made new things.

Give me a legitimate Super Mario RPG 2 and I'll be there. Give me a new Chrono game. Give me a new Breath of Fire that isn't a shitty phone game. I just don't want to spend my life chasing the high of old memories. Let me make new ones instead. Evolve, don't stagnate. That's just my take though.

>> No.10003736

Didn't ask.

>> No.10003745

You have zero idea what low poly means, but keep trying to fit in retard.

>> No.10003768

>Let me make new ones instead
>asks for sequels instead of playing new IP's

>> No.10003798

Other than the UI which as >>10002283 said looks a bit mobile-ish (especially that weird percentage meter), it's not too bad. If anything I actually wish they did a little more rather than go the Pokemon Brilliant Diamond route and make it THIS close of a 1:1 remake. There was a LOT of cut content left over on the original ROM. Looks a lot better than the pixel-paper-mario-octopath thing they tend to do nowadays with stuff like the Star Ocean 2 remake.

>Or if the old models are still somewhere in Nintendo's vaults, just use those!

I highly doubt 30+ year old models that were never meant to be directly animated would likely even in any reasonable way be loadable in any modern applications, much less look good when blown up to 1080p and fully animated from every angle when the originals were designed to take photos of stills for a 240i game. I highly doubt the original models had any rigging or animation and were very likely manually posed for each render/screenshot. To say nothing of the fact that the original rendering also likely used raytracing for the lighting.

Holy shit, that was supposed to be Diskun all this time? Actually pretty cool that we can see all this detail that was actually originally there but reduced to a small handful of unrecognizable pixels from the technical limitations of the time.

>> No.10003801
File: 73 KB, 500x222, IMG_0062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comparatively to 2D, the 3D one looks worse.

>> No.10003809

>I highly doubt 30+ year old models that were never meant to be directly animated would likely even in any reasonable way be loadable in any modern applications
Not to mention Square undoubtably threw out the sourse code and original renders/assets like the majority of the stuff they developed at that time unless 'tendo's the one that's holding onto them, but what you said likely applies in spite of that.

>> No.10003816

Grow up /vr/

>> No.10003818
File: 89 KB, 969x496, Mario2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In any case, I would've preferred SMRPG on NSO but I'm more than happy with the remake since this actually might mean we could get a SMRPG 2 or some of the characters returning in a different game if this sells well.

I honestly far prefer this over just tossing the ROM on NSO since it's not like any of us don't have a million different ways to play Mario RPG other than NSO, that would not even be the first official way to play the original Mario RPG other than having a SNES. If anything I feel this makes a sequel more likely (assuming it sells well) than just having the ROM on NSO.

It looks like they tried to stick to the original artstyle as close as possible... even if that's for the worse in some cases (Looking at you Pokemon Shining Diamond) so there is definitely some care there, unlike Link's Awakening which looks so removed from attempting to convert the "look" of gameboy sprites to 3D that the visuals look like a bunch of Playmobil figures.

>Mario Bros Wonder looks a lot cooler than this because they're doing a lot of new stuff while incorporating throwbacks to the original quadrilogy

I was disappointed that nobody seemed to notice all the classic NES-era poses Mario was striking during that trailer, like when he first gets the mushroom and basically strikes the same pose as the Mario 2 cover art. (I am also pretty sure I saw that pose used in art even older than Mario 2, that swimming pose looked very familiar as well)

But yes, when the trailer first started I had no interest because I thought it was yet another NSMB game, but it quickly won me over by being something far more unique.

>Square-Enix still owns most of them, so Nintendo likely wasn't allowed to force redesigns on the non-Mario cast if they wanted this remake to be made.

Huh, a rare instance of S-E being based. Look at how Nintendo massacred the Mario and Luigi remake for example.

>> No.10003823

It's Greek, mate. Not Latin. Tetralogy.

>> No.10003824
File: 15 KB, 283x310, SMRPG_Jonathan_Jones_Artwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the remake going to make it clear if Jonathan is a shark or some dude in a shark suit?

>> No.10003829

Did I accidentally click on /v/?

>> No.10003831
File: 211 KB, 1920x1080, S-E Confirmed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Isn't that why raytracing is such a big deal? Unfortunately, I don't think the Switch could support it, it has to be already built in the chips, no?

No, just about all of that raytraced 90s CGI was made before even 3D GPUs were even a thing after all, it was calculated on the CPU. That being said, a CPU would be insanely slow doing it, but you can sort of "emulate" it on GPUs, but that is also insanely slow for GPUs that don't have built in hardware to do it. That being said, if you was doing some very very light raytracing it could be enough without bogging the GPU down too much.

>Is Square still helping them this time? I feel like it won't be the same (or good) without them

See picrel

(Personally, as this was the first game I ever owned from Square, it's going to feel weird to boot up Mario RPG and see "Square-Enix" instead of "Squaresoft")

You are quoting me while replying to a person that I quoted rather than replying to something I said

People debated this? He's clearly a shark considering all of his other crewmates are obviously sharks and he lives UNDERWATER.

>> No.10003835
File: 1 KB, 29x31, SMRPG_Birdy_idle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These flying "birdies" are clearly costumed things with glowing eyes though. People debate if that glowing circle in Johnny's mouth is also supposed to be an eye.

>> No.10003846
File: 121 KB, 728x724, imgbin-super-mario-land-super-mario-maker-super-mario-3d-land-wii-u-mario-game-HEqRdnpmJrVCgSgZk81D7Kjw0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually really like Mario's design in the remake. It's exactly how I imagined classic boxart Mario would look in 3D. Would not mind at all if Mario were redesigned in the main games now that we know shorter limbs can work in 3D. The 3D design they've been using since the GCN era is stale.
Shame Bowser and Peach had to suffer the modern treatment, but they looked uncanny in the game's original artwork anyway.

>> No.10003851

what nintendrones actually believe

>> No.10004101

>even if that's for the worse in some cases (Looking at you Pokemon Shining Diamond)
The issue with Pokémon is that it's a double digit million sellers every time and they're still acting as if they're a small indie company. They even gave this one to a small company to do it, it's absolutely puzzling

>> No.10004119

They use a new artstyle for SMB Wonder. Seems like they want to change it up a little

>> No.10004124

>original Peach doll is sitting up but still clearly slumped over on a pile, looks like a flexible doll
>original Samus is leaning against the wall of the box, has the feeling of a real plastic toy in a box
>new Peach doll is standing up perfectly straight with unnatural balance, seems more like a porcelain figure than a toy doll
>new Samus stands perfectly unnaturally straight and doesn't seem like a toy in a box at all
Unironically, the remake version is soulless. They failed to capture the naturalistic appearance of toys piled in a box, it all looks so stiff and unnatural. It's the difference between a box of toys and a stack of video game assets.

>> No.10004135

Ruining this board like they ruined /v/

>> No.10004138

Lol I remember that remake cut the Geno cameo, DK skeleton.

>> No.10004143

>stiff and unnatural

I can't imagine typing this when we have pictures like this >>10003425

>> No.10004148

Enjoy your victim complex. Just like everyone else.

>> No.10004149

I'm talking ONLY ABOUT THE TOYS IN THE TOY BOX. Learn some fucking context before talking out of your ass.

>> No.10004157

There was no need to reply to my post. Are you replying to every fucking post, here, to seek validation or attention?

>> No.10004237

>Other M Samus in a game from 1994
why are the gooks like this?

>> No.10004249

both look like shit

>> No.10004261

>since this actually might mean we could get a SMRPG 2 or some of the characters returning in a different game if this sells well.
I agree with this. Remaking SMRPG out of nowhere seems like a random choice unless they have further tentative plans for the series or characters.

>> No.10004295
File: 84 KB, 357x308, 2023-06-22_10-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But also I'm guessing Nintendo is preparing for the Switch 2, hence why all the ports and smaller projects
In the individual videos, only the new Mario beats it by twice the view amounts, SMRPG has 1.6m views and those two stands above and beyond the rest and that's kind of very good news for "possibly more"

>> No.10004397



>> No.10004401

>He thinks Mario RPG was pre-rendered CG
Shut the fuck up zoomie

>> No.10004406

Left is so fucking soulless

>> No.10004408

They didnt say pre-rendered CG. they said pre-rendered.

>> No.10004438

Bitch please! If this was made by a fan, you would praise it.

>> No.10004459

everyone was mentioning how mario looks squashed down in the Wonder trailer but my first thought was that he just looks like the artwork in the NES games manuals. It looks kino

>> No.10004462

Not the anon you're responding to, but people tend to give fan games praise because they're made out of love of something we both like. They're also not doing it to replace the original which Nintendo very clearly is. Unless I missed a classic graphics option, or an option to buy the original instead?

>> No.10004464

I've been begging for classic art off-model Mario for years, I'm so glad they finally decided to move in that direction.

>> No.10004479
File: 457 KB, 600x450, georgecostanzabat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Paying money for a re-skin of a SNES rom.


>> No.10004480

>The issue with Pokémon is that it's a double digit million sellers every time and they're still acting as if they're a small indie company. They even gave this one to a small company to do it, it's absolutely puzzling

Also the fact that they have done better before. Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire was a great remake for the hardware it was on, even being on the 3DS it looks better than the mess that was the Diamond/Pearl remakes. "Keeping the look" doesn't even make sense since that "look" was a hardware limitation of the overworld sprites and the game even had properly proportioned sprites in the battles. Even the fucking Let's Go games didn't bother to "Keep the look" despite the mountain of other problems they had, because unlike Mario RPG the look was a technical limit, not intentional.

>They use a new artstyle for SMB Wonder. Seems like they want to change it up a little

Yes, it's a very new look, I liked it quite a lot. Did you notice that when Mario was running it was a cartoon-like rapidly moving bunch of legs under him rather than the model realistically moving it's legs? Going to be an interesting look for the game.... as long as they don't milk the fuck out of it like they did with NSMB.

>Lol I remember that remake cut the Geno cameo

Probably a hassle/money reason. In the original the credits actually thanked Square for the use of Geno in the game. But yes, many of the more unique characters were replaced with generic ones.

>> No.10004498

It still has that washed out Unreal Engine look
Character moels are spot-on though

>> No.10004506

Cool it with the antisemitism.

>> No.10004517

I'm starting to think people aren't actually mad but just complain because that's what their programming tells them to do.

>> No.10004518

It really makes the NSMB-ish style way less generic in general

>> No.10004526

>It's not a replacement for the original and never would be.
Fuck right off.
You remake apologists always say this shit.
This doesn't make the remake not pointless and not dogshit

>> No.10004532

>the characters are exactly the same
Get glasses

>> No.10004540

>Using standard Peach in the boxart anyways
It's clear they don't give a shit

>> No.10004541

If DateOfObject >= 2005 Then Complain = True

>> No.10004551

She reminds me of Peter Dinklage

>> No.10004557

You have garbage zoomer taste and should kill yourself

>> No.10004559

She'll ruin them like she did with Kingdom Hearts and Live A Live

>> No.10004563 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself

>> No.10004570 [DELETED] 

>Thing I don't like is marxist
You're trying too hard.

>> No.10004585 [DELETED] 


>> No.10004587

>I still have the mind of a 12 years old and still have galaxy levels of impossible expectations and cannot appreciate the rare good things that comes to me

>> No.10004589

The remake is what nintendo wishes they could do but they lacked the capability then, instead of prerendered sprite cope these are full-fledged 3d models, that can be animated (reason why 1:1 cgi models wouldn't work would have mega gay animations). If you don't like it play the originals, they haven't disappeared.

>> No.10004593

looks like fucking shit, I can't believe some of you autismos want this.

>> No.10004598

That's funny because only a zoomer would defend that garbage, it looks like shit, it would animate like shit, it would be worse than that 3d donkey kong cartoon.

>> No.10004607

I'm so fucking excited for wonder, new super mario bros. was just barely scratching my 2d mario itch, gonna get me a nice aftermarket controller with a solid dpad and get to some kino bing-bing wahoo.

>> No.10004665
File: 221 KB, 2048x1152, 86E040B0-3DD1-434B-A92A-CE81897B90F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Complains about attention seeking
>Upset when he didn't get attention

Nitpicking's the norm with shit like this on 4chan and nowhere else does it border on being hyper autistic, though I appreciate /vr/'s autism because it shows they care, over /v/'s since all they spout is "SOUL/LESS" endlessly with no thoughtful grievances/suggestions this shot being an example.

Remake for comparison.

It sticks very faithfully to the original look. So much so that the shooper's so fucking picky with the small touches (the flags) that it comes off more like a personal gripe than anything.

>> No.10004697

This is what entitlement looks like.

>> No.10004765

Quit replying to me.

>> No.10004771

Stop being so tsundere, anon~

>> No.10004971
File: 39 KB, 472x1083, the-return-of-a-legend-what-other-characters-should-make-a-v0-q67qcalexh7b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we're all in agreement: Geno w/Mallow is getting in the next Smash, right?

>> No.10004973

There is no Smash without Sakurai.

>> No.10004975 [DELETED] 

>pre-rendered is bad... because I say so, ok?

>> No.10004986

Too bad he couldn't get into Ultimate, the next Smash is going to suck. There is no way they are going to pull off something like Ultimate again, I doubt they will even be able to get all the licensing agreements to port it to Switch 2. Probably going to start over on the next Smash, maybe even do something completely different.

>> No.10005047

It looks like the wanted to combine the look of the old game with the current look of the characters

>> No.10005124

What is the appeal? Why wouldn't I just emulate the original into perpetuity? This is a cash-grab to shut out emulators: nothing more. It's completely derivative - thirty years after the original and the most they can muster is an unaesthetic graphical upscale. "Remakes" are a cancer to the video game industry.

>> No.10005163
File: 51 KB, 437x408, shh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why wouldn't I just emulate the original into perpetuity?
To complain about it on 4chan instead. Curious...

>> No.10005220
File: 530 KB, 2107x1090, And you'll STILL complain!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too lazy to clean it up, but here's a more semi-classic+modern look.

>> No.10005237

>(Personally, as this was the first game I ever owned from Square, it's going to feel weird to boot up Mario RPG and see "Square-Enix" instead of "Squaresoft")
Yeah, who the fuck is """Enix""" anyway? Sounds like penis.

>> No.10005249
File: 3.38 MB, 2103x1476, cc3a8e25-e52d-4c62-a6ca-ed44ff2dc780[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah, who the fuck is """Enix""" anyway?
How dare you!

>> No.10005251

There's still a slight chance of Smash getting more characters, just like Mario Kart 8 got some super late DLC
Or maybe they'll go with the port route on the next Switch and they'll just tweak it along with with new content addition to make you buy it again

>> No.10005253
File: 317 KB, 498x474, bowser-crying.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is the appeal?

A game that people love being re-made with modern visuals and tech, and likely some QoL changes, possibly even some new content, that's the appeal.

>Why wouldn't I just emulate the original into perpetuity?

Because you wouldn't have the above (for example, would you have known at all that the box of toys in >>10002429 has a Samus, Diskun, and Stunt Race doll in it in the original?).

If you don't care about any of that, then that's fine, nothing is stopping you from just emulating the original.

>This is a cash-grab to shut out emulators: nothing more

.... HOW? How the fuck does the existence of a remake somehow shut out emulators? Even if by some black magic it somehow was, how would shutting down emulation of a 30 year old game that hasn't been produced or sold in decades somehow be a "cash grab"? There is no cash being lost to emulation here TO grab.

>It's completely derivative

.... do you even know what any of the words you are saying actually mean? Because that's not what derivative means.

>thirty years after the original and the most they can muster is an unaesthetic graphical upscale.

"They changed it, now it sucks!"
"It's the same, now it sucks!"

We all know you will pick one of those complaints and nothing they can do will please you, because you just want to complain.

Hope you don't mind, I posted a picture of you along with this post.

>> No.10005256

I do remember reading the name of that game somewhere, but clearly not enough people have, or maybe the developer wouldn't be permanently affixed to the base of Square's cock in the perpetual ritual of humiliation that is being the second part of a hyphenated name.

>> No.10005262

now with more bugs!

>> No.10005264

>>This is a cash-grab to shut out emulators: nothing more
That's the part I don't get either. If this faggot isn't being ironic and ever comes back I want an explanation on my desk by tomorrow.

>> No.10005272
File: 291 KB, 1920x1080, DraQue-Day-Message_05-26-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enix is most well known for polishing this niche obscure little RPG series called Dragon Quest, you may have heard of it.

Oh, they also published games like Valkyrie Profile, Grandia, Star Ocean, and Actraiser.

Basically, two RPG behemoths such as Square and Enix merging was like the computer equivalent of if Microsoft and Apple merged..... if Apple actually made good products and didn't suck cocks that is.

>> No.10005273

So why is Enix the bottom if it made that jip-jap nip crap the whole country wants in their ass?

>> No.10005279

I dunno, ask Enix themselves, they apparently made that call:

>Square Enix was formed on April 1, 2003, with Enix as the surviving corporate entity and Square dissolving its departments and subsidiaries into the new company. Around 80% of Square's staff transitioned into Square Enix. Square's last release was the Japanese version of X-2.


I guess they figured Square-Enix sounded better than Enix-Square

>> No.10005281

It does, but wait, Japanese is read from right to left, so it actually is Enix-Square to them. Huh.

>> No.10005283


I don't think that applies to Latin letters regardless if it's a Japanese name or not.

English sentences in a Japanese game intended for a Japanese audience are still "Written like this" and not "This like written"

>> No.10005293

Is a SMRPG remake needed? No. Will it surpass the original and become my go-to replay version? Almost assuredly no. Am I extremely excited to play the remake? Absolutely. So far it looks really nice, and there's always the hope that they'll include some new content.
If it's garbage and inferior to the original in every way, then just don't play it. I really don't get the complaining, other than agreeing that a full proper sequel in this style would be preferable, but as somebody who had long accepted that SMRPG was a dead property filled with original characters who will never be seen again, this is at the very least a glimmer of hope.

>> No.10005296

My opinion of this game entirely depends on how good Booster's song is.

>> No.10005306

Japanese is only read from right to left when written vertically. Written horizontally or in Roman characters it's read left to right.

>> No.10005307


>> No.10005335

>Is a SMRPG remake needed? No

Why not? By what logic are you arguing if a remake is needed or not? I assume your logic is to just claim a remake is never needed, ever. That's a pretty silly argument to make. Especially when the original is not going anywhere, unless you want to argue semantics on what counts as "needed" since then nothing will ever count as needed, but then that's like arguing if a game should exist if it won't end world hunger.

Out of all the trailers on both Nintendo of US and Nintendo of UK's YouTube page, it's the second most-watched trailer by a mile, only behind the trailer to Super Mario Wonder. And on the Japanese Nintendo Youtube page it IS the most watched trailer.

Pretty safe to say that most people are in agreement about wanting it made.

>I really don't get the complaining, other than agreeing that a full proper sequel in this style would be preferable, but as somebody who had long accepted that SMRPG was a dead property filled with original characters who will never be seen again, this is at the very least a glimmer of hope.

Exactly, it's not like when SEGA pulled the original versions of Sonic 1-2-3-CD from Steam when Origins came out, the originals are still there. And if anything if this remake does well it could influence them to finally make a proper sequel and not that Paper Mario that we got. I don't hate Paper Mario, I like most of the games in the series, but it's no Mario RPG 2 even if that was it's name during development and I far preferred RPG over it.

And considering those YouTube numbers I mentioned I didn't realize the majority was also that interested in it, so I am starting to become hopeful of it doing well and a sequel being seriously considered.

>> No.10005634

>Why not? By what logic are you arguing if a remake is needed or not?
Something something you can just emulate.
Something something normalfags and their ineptitude.
Something something it's replacing the original.

>> No.10005690
File: 33 KB, 500x470, 60BF6041-3916-462E-B1F9-5F1E72E9799C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Says a remake's not needed
>Believed the property to be dead
>Knowing this, wanted a sequel instead
Nintendo wouldn't waste time and, more importantly, money (despite making bank since the Switch) developing a sequel to a lesser known Mayro title to normalshits, in favor of something they KNOW is guaranteed to make a profit. Thus far, they've gotten pretty lucky taking risks, considering Metroid's newest title which lead to Prime's remaster and rumored remasters of 2 & 3 and even with Pikmin surprisingly, but considering the trends, it was the safer move to test the waters with this remake first and so far the numbers are looking good.

>> No.10005786

I am honestly shocked that the Toads still have their gender differences and are clearly different from generic Toads.

For comparison, Mario & Luigi remakes completely gutted all the unique Toads. Even the "mother" Toad in the beginning of Bowser's Inside Story was changed to a generic Toad with no gender differences, so it'd say that this is a big deal that no such change is present here.

>> No.10005856

A lot of the garbage aesthetic choices in the M&L remakes were because Alphadream was dying and needed to reuse as many preexisting 3D assets as possible, so they just reused generics whenever they could get away with it. Some of the weird original designs were preserved, though, when there wasn't a more standard alternative to lightly tweak as a replacement.

>> No.10005957

DKC artwork sucks and I'm dying on that hill

>> No.10005971

That does make me feel better if it's true, that it was due to last-minute budget cuts to rush out a game before bankruptcy than Nintendo intentionally wanting to turn anything that was unique into generic toads and koopas.

>> No.10006103


>> No.10006228

I love how they associated him with mario movie imagery. No doubt rosalina is in the next one, imagine if they tie it in. He's a heroic star warrior and not the edgelord people made him out to be, he's a wholesome little luma

>> No.10006239

If we wind up getting a Super Mario RPG 2 in this style I will be so happy

>> No.10006290

>pre-rendered sprites

>> No.10006360

It was ugly prerendered at that. Donkey Kong Country looked alive and animated. Mario RPG is just stiff and lifeless.

>> No.10006425

What about Culex?

>> No.10006435 [DELETED] 

Well the Mods sure took a long time to get rid of that Satanic Panic thread.

>> No.10006793
File: 1.08 MB, 1034x764, portapotty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate remakes with a passion and I don't have a Switch, but even I'm making an exception and purchasing a copy that I'll never open and will eventually resell eventually for dat mintbux to support that prospect.

>> No.10006803
File: 26 KB, 551x650, 1492527521966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Respectable enough mindset. Here's to hopefully seeing a SMRPG 2

>> No.10006925 [DELETED] 

>3D, new
>3D, old

>> No.10006970

this whole time i thought his nose was his mouth in the old render and he was making like a pouty puppet face

>> No.10006974

i chose those screenshots to be ironic

>> No.10006978

I also found the game a bit ugly, square did a better job with the crystal series

>> No.10006980

I always thought a true sequel would have entirely new characters but it would undoubtedly have to have geno at this point given the attention he gets. Or at least the same star spirit taking over a new model or similar toy

>> No.10007329
File: 25 KB, 150x125, also why the fuck do they have so much shipping art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would a true sequel introduce elements of the Mario franchise that came later, like Bowser Jr. or Toadette?

>> No.10007340

oh wow, an ugly game was made uglier, big deal.
the only snes game uglier than mario rpg is donkey kong

>> No.10007491


>> No.10007556

You are gay and nigger and cringe

God I hope not

>> No.10007561

>Mario's eyes

Literally soulless

>> No.10007569

Honestly, it's going to look like a somewhat contemporary game that's stuck playing like a 1996 RPG. At least with old graphics the game plays somewhat like it's era it came out. Now you have some weird hybrid which plays weird and satisfies nobody.

>> No.10008092
File: 14 KB, 256x224, SMRPG_MushroomPeople.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno man, the retainers look a little too squat. I do like that Toad is the only unique one for once though. In fact, if Square strongarmed Nintendo enough to keep it as "Mushroom People" in the remake, I'll be pretty damn impressed. Super Mario RPG was the last time they really did that, I think.

>> No.10008095

It is odd that only Mario and the literal automaton don't have light reflections. Also his right pupil is smaller than his right even taking perspective into account, and it makes him look unhinged.

>> No.10008103

Have you already played it to make that statement?

>> No.10008132


>> No.10008179

It will indeed be interesting to see how he's handled in this, given that part of the "gag" was him being a static flat sprite. I'm guessing they'll just redraw the sprite and use that.

>> No.10008250

>This doesn't make the remake not pointless
Why? This same question was asked eailer in the thread to a different anon and it went unanswered. Are you just being an entitled poopy baby?

>> No.10008410

Or remove him altogether and put something else there entirely.

>> No.10008425

It's people desperate to prove their "reteocred" by shitting on any remake.

>> No.10008432

This is very much the "Old man yells at cloud" board and you really shouldn't expect anyone here to not yell at clouds.

>> No.10008437
File: 216 KB, 512x680, paper bowsette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my only complaint about the original, was that bowser was useless.
too slow, so he never gets any turns, and gets out damaged by everyone else.
too slow to recover, so his minimal hp/def isnt enough to keep him alive w/o wasting other peoples turns healing him
and he hardly gets anything in his skill pool.

I know I want the game to be more faithful than not, but this was honestly a rather annoying issue, since i always wanted to use him, but always ended up going with mallow or geno for my 3rd member. (and obviously peach, since its pretty much a requirement after the sunken ship part)

>> No.10008440

When it was primarily a "old man" board it wasn't this way.

>> No.10008443

I used Mario+Bowser+Peach for the whole game because I liked Bowser's attacks. Shit like the Hurly Gloves are just funny.

>> No.10008445

>given that part of the "gag" was him being a static flat sprite. I'm guessing they'll just redraw the sprite and use that.

I don't think that was a "gag", I think it was just them doing it in FF6 style. The sprite is not paper-thin like Paper Mario is, it has depth, just drawn-on depth like many sprites would rather than being an actual 3D model that was converted into a sprite.

I guess they could still make him a sprite to make him look like he is out of FF6, but that will stick out considerably in the remake (and I don't really think they were ever intentionally trying to make him look flat in the original). Or maybe they could give him the sort of chibi 3D model design that the remakes of the classic FF games got, like the DS/3DS remakes of the NES/SNES games.

..... just as long as they don't give him that Newgrounds/Flash animation look that some of their remakes from a few years ago got, including FF6...

I suppose that's also a possibility, but I think people won't be happy if the game sticks this closely to the original but then swaps out Culex for some modern final fantasy reference.

>This is very much the "Old man yells at cloud" board and you really shouldn't expect anyone here to not yell at clouds.

Well then that's their strife, not mine. And the cloud has been very useful for me in keeping my saves backed up.

>> No.10008447
File: 40 KB, 512x448, 1538056956881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never cared, the game is too intrinsically braindead to care about optimization, and getting to play as fucking Bowser was a significant part of the game's appeal anyway.

>> No.10008450

average mobile game

>> No.10008457

>(and I don't really think they were ever intentionally trying to make him look flat in the original).
The original Japanese script spells out that he wants to fight Mario to test the power of the third dimension. He's canonically 2D.

>> No.10008472

I'll take this restarting the Mario RPG series over the slow death it had with AlphaDream's death and Paper Mario becoming something else entirely

>> No.10008489

I wish I looked at that and saw what you saw, your life must be crazy

>> No.10008503

>I think it was just them doing it in FF6 style
Yeah, I call it a gag because it was a meta reference to the different graphical styles and drastically different character design styles between the games. Maybe not meant to be laugh out loud funny, but I'd still consider it something of a joke.

>> No.10008515

Which part are you not seeing?

>> No.10009105 [DELETED] 

they made mario even shorter.

>> No.10009645

>Exactly, it's not like when SEGA pulled the original versions of Sonic 1-2-3-CD from Steam when Origins came out, the originals are still there
Except they did by pulling the entire virtual console and stopping people from buying the old VC games by shutting down the eshops and Nintendo did this for EVERY old game they put out on the Wii, Wii U, and 3DS, requiring you to buy it again as a remake or to buy their subscription service to play them on a modern platform because they refuse to sell those games a la carte again like they used to.

People need to stop giving Nintendo a free pass for this, it's one of the most fucked up things in modern gaming and this is coming off Sony giving people free PS4/5 copies of Killzone Liberation that they got for free on their PS3 back in 2011 after the hack because they let it carry over. Every game you bought on the 360 arcade also still works on the Series S/X and you can still buy those games from their shop. It's just Nintendo doing that scumfuckery. They created the problem and they're offering you $60 remakes as a solution, for games that you could snag for $5 before.

>> No.10009653
File: 345 KB, 1770x555, df.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the remake is the top selling game on Amazon
>people here try to say it was unnecessary

>> No.10009661

Cultists get pissed when we point out, but I noticed it too.

>> No.10009884

I hate tits.

>> No.10010101

we know, homo

>> No.10010115

it seems to be Nintendo's (JPN) most popular tweet of the direct too. Even more popular then Super Mario Bros WONDER


>> No.10010139

I am a girl. I just want to cut them off so bad.

>> No.10010256

Then have them surgically removed.
Just remember that you will never be a man.