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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9997045 No.9997045 [Reply] [Original]

what are your non-negotiable absolute MUST PLAY 16-bit games?

>> No.9997067

Dragon Quest V
Metal Max 2
Akumajou Dracula XX
Batman Returns (SNES)
Wild Guns
Top Gear 2
Streets of Rage 2
Ghoul'n Ghosts
Shinobi III

>> No.9997068

shining force 2
super mario world
final fantasy 6
revenge of shinobi

>> No.9997071

Spoon feed thread, these have gone through the roof since a certain website had a meltdown, there’s no way you couldn’t find must play 16 bit lists on google. Inb4 they all suck or are AI generated, go past the first page

>> No.9997079

Star Fox

Everything else is a distant second

>> No.9997101

Demon Castle Dracula X: Rondo Of Blood
Metal Slug 2 (Yes Neo Geo is 16-bit, shut up)
Super Mario World

>> No.9997140
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>> No.9997278
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I don't think there is such a thing. Most people will list games like Mario World, Link to the Past etc which I still to this day have barely played because they don't interest me at all. At the same time although they are some of my favorites not just of the era, but all time, I would never recommend Ecco the Dolphin and Shiren the Wanderer to everyone.

Games like any art form are far too diverse to put into such simple terms.

>> No.9998035

I disagree, I believe there exists a set of games which is important for people who want an understanding of the medium to play, not so much out of enjoyment but because they're very much the definition of what a video game is. No one will like every game out there just like not everyone will appreciate the Mona Lisa, War and Peace, or Citizen Kane, but they're still something that's held in regard by many invested in their medium.

For 16-bit games, I'd say exactly what you mentioned, Link to the Past, Super Mario World, Super Metroid, all are something that people interested in video games as a whole should play, particularly Super Metroid and Link to the Past. They're fundamental building blocks of the medium existing in a state between video games' primordial beginnings and the hyper-specialized games that came after.

I think a full list of games in general should also include Doom, Quake, Pokemon Red/Blue, and Starcraft, as all of those hold tremendous value as historical artifacts as well.

>> No.9998434

>I believe there exists a set of games which is important for people who want an understanding of the medium to play
I think that's a bit different from being a "must play", I agree with that other guy that there's no such thing but that if you were to say "I think this is a must play for people who like x" or something like that then you can get close enough but it's still pretty opinionated, "for an understanding of the medium" is a bit different but it's roughly the same thing except a little less opinionated.
>Doom, Quake, Pokemon Red/Blue, and Starcraft
Curious about why you chose those ones though. I by no means mean to knock any of them, I get Doom since near enough everyone has played an FPS but not the others. I can agree with Pokemon and Starcraft being historically important for sure, but not so much on a list of must plays for that reason; like I feel everyone gets the idea of Pokemon and RTS games I feel are pretty secluded, so yeah sure play SC if you play RTS games but otherwise? I really don't know as I said.

>> No.9998550
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one one that matters

>> No.9998572

This is very relatable. Just like when you want to mention one of your favorite games and say that it's 'among the best of all time' but realise that it would lowkey look like bait/trollposting

>> No.9998691

Doom is because it's sort of the quintessential 2D FPS shooter, there are older games that came before it, but nothing that's quite as streamlined and to the point as Doom. It's also revolutionary for its nod towards modding, as before, players have been modifying games for some time but Doom was built with that idea in mind.

That said, I personally think Quake is a better example of the medium. Adding the third dimension to the mix and utilizing verticality brings it to a whole new level and the atmosphere, level design, enemies, and overall feel of the game lets players not only enjoy straight combat between enemies but also explore and discover the world around them in a way you can't quite do in Doom which creates a feeling of immersion that its predecessor doesn't quite achieve. Also like Doom it has a very strong modding scene and the game was designed around it.

Despite actually enjoying other JRPGs more, I think the simplicity but depth of Pokemon makes it probably the best example in the genre. Dragon Warrior/Quest could be a contender but I think its difficulty relative to Pokemon actually holds it back to some degree, along with a few more archaic design choices. Pokemon can be picked up by anyone, immediately figure out how to play, and the variety of monsters add a lot of charm that almost everybody can be attached to, their selections being based on their personalities and adding flavor to everyone's playthrough such that no two people quite play it the same.

Starcraft is the only one on my list that I would accept any number of substitutes for just because that particular genre has a lot of great examples with their own merits. Dune II is probably the granddaddy of the genre, but I would consider Command and Conquer to be an example on par with Starcraft, though C&C only for the campaign. Age of Empires II matches SC in multiplayer, but I would argue its campaign is weaker. Warcraft II is also great, but mostly towards the campaign.

>> No.9998826

I still just plain disagree with the notion in general. I give zero fucks how popular or influential Mario world and LttP are, I don't consider them building blocks at all. For one, Mario 1-3 would be more important than World in that sense, and if you have little interest in platformers in general then that matters even less. Zelda fsr less so still is really only a building block for more Zelda games, it's barely a building block for other Action Adventure games.

It's also very, very telling that the three games you pick are Nintendo games that mostly lead to other Nintendo franchises.

>> No.9998893

Super Metroid
Chrono Trigger
A Link to the Past
Mega Man X
UN Squadron
Yoshi's Island
Seiken Densetsu 3/Trials of Mana

Streets of Rage II
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Shining Force
Crusader of Centy
Phantasy Star IV
Gunstar Heroes
Thunder Force IV
Castlevania Bloodlines
Beyond Oasis

>> No.9998897

>People hold games a company I don't like in high regard, stop the presses!

I couldn't care less what company produced the games I recommended, all that matters is that they are the best example one can find of what a video game is. You might as well complain I'm an id fanboy or a Blizzard fanboy or even a Microsoft or Westwood fanboy for recommending one of their games.

Consider that perhaps these games have a near-universally positive reception to people in general for a reason. This isn't a question about what someone's favorite game is, it's one about what everyone should play for an unspecified reason, to which I chose the games I did because I consider them quintessential to the medium as a whole.

>> No.9999047



>> No.9999127

>all that matters is that they are the best example one can find of what a video game is.

That's one of the aspects I disagree most strongly with. Even if I agreed that there was a concept of a "must play" set of games for someone to build a hypothetical base for understanding gaming, 16 bit is a terrible place to start.

>> No.9999197

Mega Man X
Mario World
Rondo of Blood
Sonic 2
Sonic 3K
Streets of Rage 2
Donkey Kong Country
Devil's Crush
Chrono Trigger
Yoshi's Island
Shinobi 3
Ninja Warriors Again
Super Metroid (with GBA controls hack, otherwise dismiss)

>> No.9999213

Almost all of those are side scrolling action/platform games which is a perfect illustration of how embarrassingly limited many of the people here are in what they think of as games. A bare start off the top of my head...

Street Fighter
Dragon Quest
Golden Axe
King's Quest
Sim City
Dragon's Lair
Spy Hunter
Flight Simulator
Metal Gear
Battle Chess
Alone in the Dark

>> No.9999294

>Street Fighter
I have no business playing 4th gen fighting games
>Dragon Quest
Shite. I was hesitant to even put Chrono Trigger. If you want a must play JRPG, begin with the PS1
Not a 16-bit game lol. Actually this can be said of much of your list
If you mean any of the console versions then roflmao
>NBA Jam
I'm Australian
>Golden Axe
Good but not as good as Streets of Rage

Refer to the above for why I'm not going to nitpick the rest of your list

>> No.9999298


Must play because they are good or because they are historically important?

I'd say Super Metroid because it's a masterclass in every aspect of game design. I'd probably also say Yoshi's Island since the 16-bit console era was defined by platformers and Yoshi's Island is the zenith of 2D platforming.

Probably maybe some Sid Meier, Bullfrog or Psygnosis titles ought to be in there as well. Lemmings, Populous, maybe Civ. More because they're influential than because they're fun to play - probably too slow and clunky for modern audiences.

Sonic and Streets of Rage 2 are still vibrant and fun to play. I'm not so sure Starfox is; it's more of a historical curiosity, after playing modern 3D games it's not so much fun anymore

>> No.9999307

>in every aspect
except the controls

>> No.9999338

DKC trilogy
Mario RPG
Super Metroid
Earthworm Jim
Kibry's Dram Course
MK2 or one of the first three anyways

>> No.9999347

and Out of this World

>> No.9999349

You're making my point for me. Your list might as well be Coby Show, Friends, Big Bang Theory. Great for the most boiled down milk toast recommendations for normies, terrible for an actual introduction to video games. Enjoy your Zelda bing bing wahoo all you like though, I'm sure it's comfortable.

>> No.9999412

If you think those sitcoms are good you need a second lobotomy

>> No.9999424

I didn't know PC-Engine games were famed by normies, God what a sin recommending good games. True gamers come into a thread specifically about 16-bit games and recommend Starcraft, then insinuate that sportsball games are not only non-normie but more profound than Chrono Trigger

>> No.9999428

Not to mention I didn't even put Zelda, rofl. What bogeyman are you trying to project onto me, who do you think you are mate

>> No.9999467

They are highly popular above anything else which is what OP seems concered about. If you think those examples of extremely popular shows are bad then maybe you're close to getting the point.

I was just pointing out that of the 13 games you posted, 11 of them are 2D scrolling action platformers and how funny it is that your tastes are so limited.

>> No.9999492

>how funny it is that your tastes are so limited
>what are your non-negotiable absolute MUST PLAY 16-bit games?
Given those criteria, it's a fine list. Pilotwings is not a must play. If you want more genre diversity amongst must play titles then 4th gen systems are woefully underequipped

>> No.9999494

you're so close to understanding his extremely simple point and then stumble right at the end
it's almost endearing to watch you struggle

>> No.9999497

>11 of them are 2D scrolling action platformers
Also, can you count?

>> No.9999582

mario rpg seven stars
link to the past
chrono trigger
final fantasy 4 /or 2
monster boy
illusion of gaia

>> No.9999668

Most of the most highly regarded games are overrated and over hyped and if you have normie tastes you might like them or nostalgia. FF7 looks like shit with it's terrible 3d graphics, but Chrono Trigger looks way better.

Also, I've watched Citizen Kane and it has really cool cinematography, but that is the most overrated movie of all time that exists for people to sniff their own farts over.

Anyway, there are no must play games that everyone should try. You just have to do what we actually did back in the day, just try anything that has cool box art and you either like it or you don't. The notion of "must play" games makes it seem like there's something wrong with you if you don't enjoy certain games and people will force themselves to play games everyone likes that they don't mesh with actively hurting their enjoyment of the medium as a whole.

>> No.9999676

Citizen Kane is enjoyable on the surface level, regardless of fart sniffer praise. It is a good movie.

>> No.9999689

FF7 has excellent visuals. Especially 3D.

>> No.9999708

>FF7 has excellent visuals. Especially 3D
I think bringing up Citizen Kane is a great example here, because much like most people are philistines who will never watch a black and white movie. Most people will criticize FF7's graphics, despite most of the backgrounds being absolutely stunning and iconic and most of the in battle graphics being really interesting. Because they are told they are supposed to think that way. Keep in mind most people won't even read a book. If they are told by some "authority" that FF7 is old and outdated because it doesn't have ray tracing, that's what they will believe.

>> No.9999758

I think the Popeye arm models look like shit, the rest of the game is fine, but those models are so egregiously bad that they kind of ruin the entire experience. They clash so bad with everything else in the game, this is why FF8 didn't do it that way, though more than likely it was just tech limits at the time.

I think most people have just stayed on FF7's dick because Square never stopped putting out FF7 related content in other games, so they kept the nostalgia high going all these years so fans of the game never had to shut up about it and move on. They put Cloud in every other game they put out so people could go "I clapped when I saw the thing".

>> No.9999850

>though more than likely it was just tech limits at the time.

It's not a tech limitation. They have the high res models in battles, there is technical reason why they couldn't use them outside of battles (outside of a couple of scenes like the Junon military march but then they would have found a way, like making them part of the background which is what FF8 did at the Edea parade).
It's a stylistic choice, and the reason why it's like this is because, outside of a single exception (FF6) the way FF7 does it has ALWAYS been how Final Fantasy does it: birds eye view for exploration with lower res characters, and close-up with higher res characters for battles. They just didn't want to change the formula and stick to what they knew worked.
The arms (and animations in general) are exagerated because the models need to be able to convey expression from that birds eye view.

FF8 does it differently but you should also notice that, in the vast majority of cases, FF8 also gave up on the birds eye view and have much closer camera angles, with many more camera angle changes and scrolling within a single location, it's closer to something like Resident Evil in fact.

>> No.9999890

Forgot about modding completely there, never been much of a PC guy in that sense, Doom and Quake seemed a little weird both on a list of just four like that but I suppose that was just a section of it, so yeah I can see both of them. I see what you were going for with the other two as well, I don't think I'd pick Red/Blue myself but I get your choices, and now that I think about it more it'd be stupid to leave out the entire genre of RTS games if you're going for a understanding of the medium.
Quake was also the one that more started the multiplayer stuff right, or was that Quake 3?

>> No.9999892

FF6, it should be noted, while it uses the battle model for both, uses a similar chibi style as the other games.

>> No.9999905

Super Metroid. I like most Metroid games, but Super is still the best to this day.

>> No.9999913



WAHOO !!!!!!!!!!

>> No.9999917


>> No.10000013


Look up "the western canon".

Although games are an incredibly young medium, there's no reason why people shouldn't already be thinking about which games are worth remembering and keeping.

This isn't even up for debate. Every medium has its essential pieces.

>> No.10000158

That's still just a list some guy decided on. No different than a modern e-celeb, he just put it in a book instead of in a youtube video. Doing stuff like that just gives people a list they can check off without having to form their own opinions and make their own discoveries.

>> No.10000190

No it really isn't. It wasn't made by one person, the book you found on Google and then stopped looking might have been written by one person. But the western canon itself wasn't decided by a single person.

The western canon was decided by every reader throughout history.

You didn't research that very far did you? Ever heard of a classical education? It was reading the western canon and thinking about it. Its also called "The Great Conversation". It wasn't just decided by one person. These books and choices of books were passed down throughout history. And that's why OP is starting this conversation. OP wants to get people talking about which games are worth passing down.

>> No.10000201
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>That's still just a list some guy decided on

>> No.10000243

The problem with this analogy is it assumes games are equivalent to proper artforms such as literature, music, and fine arts. They are not. Games are toys designed for children that exist to waste our time, then we get bored and move on, it is nothing more profound than that. The idea that any of them are "worth remembering and keeping" is laughable.

>> No.10000319

This would be better bait if you weren't on the retro video games board.

>> No.10000324

Oh shit, Aladdin for the Genesis is a good one I forgot to add to my list

>> No.10000341

>This isn't even up for debate. Every medium has its essential pieces.
There is no piece of media that everyone should experience, there are pieces of media that everyone invested in and interested in the history and development of the relevant medium should experiece; these are two different things. Granted we are on what is essentially a special interest forum so most people here are probably interested in that but I still stand by what I said.
>and keeping.
Every single piece of media ever created is worth keeping. Apart from anything else, there's no reason not to keep everything. Nothing made by a human being is competely without merit.

>> No.10000346
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make me fag

>> No.10000350

lmfao this nigga doesn't know about storage limits and the work necessary to collate media what a maroon

>> No.10000361
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Metroid 3
Sonic 3

>> No.10000378

>There is no piece of media that everyone should experience
I disagree. I think if everyone at least attempted to read the western canon the world would be a better place. But that's not even what I said, I said "essential pieces", not pieces "everyone should experience". I'm not OP.

>Granted we are on what is essentially a special interest forum so most people here are probably interested in that but I still stand by what I said.

Would your pedantry here be satiated by altering what OP said slightly into "games that every person who is interested in games as an art form should play"?

>Every single piece of media ever created is worth keeping
You could get rid of Action 52 and nobody would care in 50 years time. Lots of art works have been lost and for the most part that's fine. 99.9999% of the time, anything worth keeping is made into so many copies that it becomes impossible to lose completely.

I'm not of the opinion that absolutely everything should be preserved. I think that it's good that humanity forgets certain things. Should we preserve every tweet too? Where does your preservationist mindset end?

>Nothing made by a human being is competely without merit.
What about the shit I took this morning? Or for a less pedantic response (since I just mentioned your pedantry), I'll just point to Action 52 again, where is the merit in that? If you suggest that the merit is in how bad it is, then I will suggest that we will literally never run out of examples of that. 95% of everything made is somewhere between shit and okay, 10% is between okay and good, 5% is between good and great (in the true sense of the word, as in a "great work").

>> No.10000397

Maybe I'm wrong dude, maybe I am. But given how cheap SSDs seem to be these days, surely you can do it with magnetic tapes at worst. And things getting lost sucks,and compared to bloody making it in the first place it's not that much work to keep it around. I'm not going to fault people for stuff getting lost unless it's a particularly aggregious case, I just wish it didn't happen.
>But that's not even what I said, I said "essential pieces", not pieces "everyone should experience".
My apologies.
>Where does your preservationist mindset end?
Practical limits only.
>I'll just point to Action 52 again
I think Action 52 is one of the worst examples you could have picked given how many people still play that thing, also seeing as the Cheetahmen theme is genuinely amazing. It also has merit insofar as to why and how it exists in the first place, I can't say I know of any other game that exists entirely due to a guy utterly misunderstanding the popularity of something like that.

>> No.10000406

you really have no idea how much space all human media would take, do you? why dont you leave the discussion to people who know what they are talking about?

>> No.10000408

Then tell me how much fucking space it would take jackass. I may be stupid but you aren't fucking helping.

>> No.10000435

Quake had multiplayer, shortly after the initial launch Quakeworld released with some extremely improved netcode on the base game. It was a huge step for PC multiplayer gaming, you had MUDs before that and some games supported null modem cables and occasionally direct dial up connections but Quake leveraged TCP/IP networks to host games up to 16 players. It set the stage for modern multiplayer gaming which hasn't really changed from that core since.

For example, I remember trying to get C&C 95 to connect to my cousin to play a match against him and it was a massive headache because the only real option you had was to connect by 28k modem to each other.

>> No.10000469

I'm able to acknowledge the things I enjoy for what they are on an objective basis, without attempting to turn it into some pretentious idea about "art". How about yourself?

>> No.10000479

well now i dont want to help you. rude.

but i will say: a shitload more space than a few ssd’s. the work of gathering and maintaining is as large a concern though.

>> No.10000647

Well you obviously think some of these "toys" are worth keeping or you wouldn't be talking about "toys" that are 30 years old.

Just play the new games then.

That's how I know its bait.

>> No.10000670

Front Mission: Gun Hazard

>> No.10000682

Okay, personally I don't think something being so astonishingly bad that it makes you question how it is possible makes something worth preserving, but whatever.

You should play MGS2, the highlight of that game is when it talks about this very thing, and I for one agree with it.

Things used to be lost to time and only the things worth keeping were kept because they were spread so widely that it was impossible to lose. Nowadays everyone wants to archive everything. Eventually we'll be lost in the noise. What's worth paying attention to? Well be paralysed by choice and forget everything. Nothing will mean anything to us because everything is in the way.

Aside from the questionable nature of what you're saying, it is still an incredibly difficult task to preserve everything as that other anon said. He's being a dick for some reason, I was being one too slightly but you're being respectful so I apologise for my rudeness in calling you pedantic. This is 4chan after all, it's too easy to get carried away with the vitriol.

>> No.10000713
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if someone put a gun to my head and asked what the best game of all time was I would have to say Super Metroid. It’s the only game with literally zero flaws.

>> No.10000715

you're right anon, i was needlessly mean. i'm new to /vr/ and used to the more abrasive cultures on other boards here. i apologize and will try to move forward with greater care for everyone's feelings. it wasn't right to talk the way i did.

>> No.10000730

Don't be pedantic. OP didn't as for "must finish" or "must enjoy". There are plenty of games people should at least try if they like vidya

>> No.10000772
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>literally zero flaws
It actually has one flaw:
If you save past a certain point near the end, you can't come back to continue exploring and 100% the game. Sure you can avoid it if you already know about it but it still sucks when it's your first time beating the game and you don't know anything about it.

>> No.10000873

Sonic 3- greatest 2d platformer ever made
Sor2- best belt scroller beat em up

>> No.10000890


>> No.10000917

That game is 2D devil may cry mixed with zelda mixed with fucking final fantasy existential kill god shit

>> No.10000968

/vr/ is no different tbf anon, though probably a little bit nicer than /b/ or even /v/, this is still 4chan and people are openly dickheads to each other. I wouldn't worry about it.

We were both being dicks to that anon. I just always feel bad when I'm a dick and the person I'm a dick to acts respectfully.

>> No.10001159

>literally zero flaws
>can't leave Tourian
>the one-way door in Maridia
>the controls

>> No.10001273
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>thinks your preferences are what defines whether a flaw objectively exists or not.

>> No.10001436

what are you talking about
i want to leave tourian

>> No.10001443

>must play
Pick one

>> No.10001557
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>> No.10001562

Play Super Metroid

>> No.10001615

Hard one, a lot of genres don't hold up that well compared to later entries
Not saying the 16 bit library can't be fun, but we are talking _must plays_ here.

Example, I recently beat Alisia Dragoon (yes without save states you fuckers) and loved it myself, but would not consider it a must play for others.

Fighters? go to 5th gen or later instead
Racing games weren't that great to begin with and only became good once we could do proper 3d, (again 5th gen or later)
Same goes for any vehicle based game
Sports Games? (lel)
Puzzle games can still be nice, but no must plays

RPGs? Maybe Chrono trigger or Phantasy Star 4 but not sure about that either

That leaves us with the usual 2d side scrollers/top down games
like Sonic 2, Super Metroid, ALttP and even those are up for personal taste

>> No.10001618

>the controls
that's the one I don't get, because you have a run button? If you're talking about the low-gravity jumps that's more with the physics than it is the controls.

>> No.10001625
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Super Mario World
Donkey Kong Country series
Mega Man X
Sonic the Hedgehog series
Street Fighter II (any version)

Realistically these lists should be super short and focus on the basics/essentials, not obscure niche games for the advanced player. I'm very tempted to throw in SEGA CD in general but realistically people should probably play the regular cartridge games first

>> No.10001631

I would say the early Street Fighter II entries are still very important, for racing games possibly OutRun or I guess depending on who you talk to Super Mario Kart or F-Zero. I don't really think any sports game is a must play lol. For puzzlers I think most of the important ones came out years prior on the 8-bit consoles like Tetris and Dr. Mario. It's actually hard to make these lists without 8-bit, some of the most important games came out on 8-bit arcade boards like Pac-Man and Space Invaders

>> No.10001645

But the snes/genesis street fighter 2 ports are the worst way to play them. You are better off with the ps1/saturn version (or arcade) instead.

Same with racing, Genesis outrun is not that great compared to the arcade/saturn. and mode7 racers are okay at best. Also outclassed by later entries.

>> No.10001662

Street Fighter Zero 2
Shining Force 2
Super Ghouls N Ghosts
Puyo Puyo Tsuu
Neo Turf Masters (with friends)
Bomberman 94 (with friends)

>> No.10001676 [DELETED] 

Well not only does the run button provide nothing useful for me, cycling through equipment is cancer. You wanna use Power Bombs? You gotta cycle through your other stuff first. You have missiles equipped and you want to go back to firing your regular beam? Gotta cycle through everything. What's most baffling is that the Power Bomb is included in this list; why on EARTH isn't it separate from your beams/missiles? If I'm in ball form, I shouldn't have to cycle through my missiles to get the bloody Power Bomb, and likewise, when not in ball form, the presence of the Power Bomb just adds an additional useless button press when cycling through gear. Later Metroid games got it right: Wanna switch to your missile? Hold R. Wanna not use your missile? Let go of R. Wanna use Power Bombs? Hold R when in ball form. Wanna not use Power Bombs? Let go of R.

And then there's the physics like you said

>> No.10001682

Well not only does the run button provide nothing useful for me, cycling through equipment is cancer. You wanna use Power Bombs? You gotta cycle through your other stuff first. Gotta cycle through everything. What's most baffling is that the Power Bomb is even included in this list; why on EARTH isn't it separate from your beams/missiles? If I'm in ball form, I shouldn't have to cycle through my missiles to get the bloody Power Bomb, and likewise, when not in ball form, the presence of the Power Bomb just adds an additional useless button press when cycling through gear. Later Metroid games got it right: Wanna switch to your missile? Hold R. Wanna not use your missile? Let go of R. Wanna use Power Bombs? Hold R when in ball form. Wanna not use Power Bombs? Let go of R.

And then there's the physics like you said

>> No.10002391

I'd say Link's Awakening. It is absolutely perfect within the constraints of the technology it was released on. I think Super Metroid would come 2nd. I'm not sure though.

>> No.10002537

>I disagree. I think if everyone at least attempted to read the western canon the world would be a better place.

Why do you say the Western canon over any other? By chance, are you Western natively?

>> No.10002681

I knew someone would say that.

Go for Eastern or Arabic if you wish. My point was more that things would be better if more people read any canon. Don't be so pedantic and touchy. This is an English speaking website, the entire western canon has been translated into English multiple times. Its a fair bet that the Western canon is by far the most accessible to people on this site. So there's a legitimate reason for that choice.

Just read more, thats all I was getting at with that statement, more people should read.

I really fucking hate pedantry.

>> No.10002708

>My point was more that things would be better if more people read any canon.

I'm just pointing out that's not what you said, and you were referencing the world, not just 4chan. I'd agree it would be better if everyone learned the basics of multiple cultures.

>> No.10002772

I like SMW/alttp but don't care if you're not a fan of them, it's enough that you played or... well, it's a "must know" game, basically. It would be weird if you didn't know about it to some extent. Also recommending Mario 2 sounds kinda bait-ish. I doubt telling someone to play Mario 2 (wut?) would be to most people's taste.
I think you have a point that one must know Mario 1, it's very iconic. There's a strong argument to it. So both that and World which still is a good compromise as it's better than to tell whoever is asking to play the whole Mario saga and all obscure titles just out of hate for World, I've nothing against researching these titles but that's beyond what they're even asking.

>> No.10002807

>but you didn't say that exactly

My apologies for not spending more time considering the possibility that you would come along and ruin my day with pedantry disguised as an argument.

>> No.10003523 [DELETED] 

>Why do you say the Western canon over any other?
Lmao, let's look at the canon of the rest of the world:
Raping 9 year old girls (Aisha)
>East Asia
Bugman philosophy that includes Legalism (aka 1984) and overall extreme envy
>Native Americans
The righteousness of ripping live people's organs out or chucking live people into volcanoes
Their canon is worse than fanfiction. It makes Kingdom Hearts's story S-tier.

>> No.10003682

Not him but you are behaving like a litereral retard

>> No.10003683

>literally zero flaws
I remember having to press select or something to cycle through your bombs and beams and shit. Something very tedious that did not need to be there.

>> No.10003715
File: 369 KB, 1280x1656, mj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Michael Jordan: Chaos in the Windy City
Slam City with Scottie Pippen
Barkley Shut Up and Jam!
Barkley Shut Up and Jam 2
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker


>> No.10003718

>Michael Jordan: Chaos in the Windy City
I don't know if you're being a smartass or not but I think Chaos in the Windy City is a pretty good game honestly.

>> No.10003725
File: 86 KB, 433x427, 1686534212843014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, well in that case you might also like Bill Laimbeer's Combat Basketball, or Dick Vitale's "Awesome, Baby!" College Hoops

>> No.10003746

K240. You didn't play it, but you should have.

>> No.10003786

The great Battle V
Dragon Quest III snes
Super Robot Taisen 3
Mother 2
Zelda ALTP
Seiken Densetsu 3
Megaman X
Megaman 7
Chrono Trigger
Captain Comando arcade
Tales of Phantasya
Super Mario World
Sonic 2
Super Metroid
Breath Fire 2
Aero Fithers

>> No.10004191

no one mentioning pc engine games except shared multiplats so i'll start
>rondo (no brainer)
>parasol stars
>bonk 2
>soldier blade
>galaga 88
>gate of thunder
>lords of thunder
>ys iv
>legend of xanadu
>legend of xanadu ii
>super darius
>ninja spirit

>> No.10004216
File: 38 KB, 322x290, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your list.
>Mega Man X
>Mario World
>Rondo of Blood
>Sonic 2
>Sonic 3K
>Streets of Rage 2
>Donkey Kong Country
>Devil's Crush
>Chrono Trigger
>Yoshi's Island
>Shinobi 3
>Ninja Warriors Again
>Super Metroid

Here are the ones that are side scrolling 2D games with a mix of playforming and action as their core gameplay
>Mega Man X
>Mario World
>Rondo of Blood
>Sonic 2
>Sonic 3K
>Streets of Rage 2
>Donkey Kong Country
>Yoshi's Island
>Shinobi 3
>Ninja Warriors Again
>Super Metroid

Now I'm sure you're itching to say how totally different Super Metroid is from Streets of Rage, to which I reply that's exactly why I am mocking all of you fir having such pathetically limited scope.

>> No.10004229

Neither game is influential for other games in the genre though.

>> No.10004757

smw/alttp? After thinking through my post many times...over and over...maybe 'must play' really is vague. In casual speech, it just means you like it. Is it intended to imply 'historical importance'? A good sample? I suppose at most it's a good sample of a mario game and zelda game and afaik M1 at least should have historical importance... while alttp is a good example of...its own genre, whatever that may be, though I'm sure there's another out there that's...16-bits. It's perhaps must-play by virtue of being itself. The OP did specify must-play 16-bits so you can't list M1. Yet, you could just not list anything. I hate DKC so I hate that it was listed. So in the end, I'm none the wiser from when I started, in the inquiry that maybe just meant 'what are sum gud snes games'. I know that I know nothing.

>> No.10004758

Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures

>> No.10004991

>I want
just proved his point

>> No.10005241

Dunno if this counts as 16-bit or 32-bit, but Pac-Man Arrangement (1996) is a definite must-play.

>> No.10007620
File: 150 KB, 720x926, Screenshot_20230622-093938_Opera~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except it wasn't pedantry in any way. You tried to back pedal, but said western canon specifically and we both know you meant it and was quickly highlighted by the trolls. What is familiar is good, what is unfamiliar is bad so everyone should have the same base opinion of what's good and what isn't. But that just boils down to bland popularism where the easily digestable is what's left. You can go aheadband strive for a world where everyone agrees that Super Mario World, Friends and Red Hot Chili Peppers is the height of culture but simply do not agree.

>> No.10007647
File: 187 KB, 244x406, Astal_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of Super Metroid callouts, and I agree; even toppling CT/FF6 for the best overall showcase of 16-bit graphics. (Sega, for me, it's Gunstar Heroes) Here's another one I loved for its graphics back in the day. And speaking of Super Metroid...

The Metroid sound effect is based off of a fucking bird, I know it because I hear it every morning I ride my bike. Which bird is it though, GRAAAH

>> No.10008276

Uncharted Waters: New Horizons

>> No.10008428

super metroid

>> No.10009882

I googled it and saw what it was on wikipedia, why would I do in depth research about anything some guy on 4chan told me to look up? So what you're saying is a lot of e-celebs got together to decide, yeah? Also lol @ people paying to go to college to have a circle jerk about some dusty old books so they can feel validated. Just download shit off the net for free and read what you want in your own time and form your own opinions. No need for some teacher to tell you what is or isn't good and make your choices for you.

>> No.10010215

What did you think the western canon meant before googling it? I'd never heard of the term before entering this thread yet I automatically assumed without googling it that's it's the corpus of the most important works of western culture because I can fucking read the three words "the western canon". Fuck! WORDS. WOOOOOOOOORDS CUNT. CAN YOU FUCKERS NOT READ THREE FUCKING WORDS BEFORE YOU RUN INTO PROBLEMS TRYING TO FIGURE OUT WHAT SOMETHING MEANS WITHOUT AN ELI5

>> No.10010250

2D games suck

>> No.10010437

>Metal Max 2
hold on now, op said 16-bit. Metal Max 2 is 8-bit (NES) and the remake is 32-bit (NDS)

>> No.10010539

Metal Max 2 is on SNES. You're thinking of Metal Max 1, the only 8-bit entry in the series.

>> No.10011170

piss easy, tourian

>> No.10011176

chrono trigger. everything else is a waste of time

>> No.10011184

>11 of them are 2D scrolling action platformers
Of the 13 games we can strike the following as definitely not being action platformers:
>Streets of Rage 2
>Devil's Crush
>Chrono Trigger
>Ninja Warriors Again
>how totally different Super Metroid is from Streets of Rage
Yeah, they're not close to the same genre.
>pathetically limited scope
Your scope is so broad that you didn't even listen to OP's criteria and started listing 8-bit and 32-bit titles

>> No.10012440

I see the word canon and all I think is fags arguing over fan fiction or Disney fucking over the Star Wars timeline. If it was called WatchMojo's Western Canon, I'd know it was just a top list of something.

>> No.10013049

>Yoshi's Island is the zenith of 2D platforming
It's not even the best 2D platformer on the console, that being Donkey Kong Country 2, and I'd even rate the original DKC higher. Yoshi's Island has extraordinary presentatiion, but the actual gameplay is a sluggish bore, and can be incredibly tedious more often than not. I'll never understand why it has so much acclaim, as much as I can freely admit it's very charming visually and musically.

>> No.10013097

>Also, I've watched Citizen Kane and it has really cool cinematography, but that is the most overrated movie of all time that exists for people to sniff their own farts over.
Citizen Kane's cinematography is the reason it held so much acclaim to begin with. That got distorted into "it's the best movie of all time," when its story or performances or whatever else were never the aspects garnering the unique praise it earned (even though those are all good anyway).

>> No.10013198

Did you learn the word "canon" from the new Spiderman movie? jfc

>> No.10014329

Gunstar Heroes, no doubt.

>> No.10014370

Chrono Trigger
Secret of Evermore
Trasure of the Rudras
Breath of Fire 2
Bahamut Lagoon
Final Fantasy 4
Final Fantasy 6
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
Harvest Moon
Ogre Battle
Star Ocean
Super Mario RPG
Demon's Crest
Donkey Kong Country 1~3
Megaman X
Super Mario Kart
Super Mario World
Super Metroid
Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past
Altered Beast
Ecco the Dolphin
Elemental Master
Shinobi 3
Sonic Series

>> No.10014467

I love metroid games and i have played them all several times again and again. But having to bomb every pixel is a very very bad design choice.

>> No.10014480

Revenge of Shinobi
Streets of Rage 2
Legend of the Mystical Ninja
Super Castlevania IV
Ninja Warriors Again

>> No.10014496

after not too much time you're already well aware that there are secret tiles on this shit
you should also be aware that shooting them will reveal them
bombing every pixel is just you being dumb, really
>inb4 muh tunnels
the only time you really have to use your infinite resource to find the tile, really
until the power bomb, that is

>> No.10014513

if you're not retarded, then without even giving it much thought your brain is automatically gonna think "if i were making the game, i'd put a secret here"

>> No.10015123

Honestly, it has anime cinematography. Like a lot of odd camera angles you'd use in animation to save on budget, but you don't need to do that in live action film.

>> No.10016282

Does it have pillow shots or whatever they're called

>> No.10016513

Donkey Kong Country series
Secret of Mana
Super Mario All Stars + Super Mario World