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/vr/ - Retro Games

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>> No.10959545 [View]

>I wonder what would have happened if they made katsuyas art the more pronounced one instead of the more anime art the ultimately went with to promote lttp.
Ultimately, Zelda is considered by NoJ and by Japan itself to be a "young children's games", so much the Twilight Princess manga got delayed for a decade because the magazine Shogakukan refused to have an adaptation of a game aimed at teenagers on a kids magazine (shogakusei literally means elementary school student), Aonuma and Miyamoto had to actually bend arms at the magazine to reach a compromise in 2016 because both men appreciate the hell out of the hag duo "Akira Himekawa" as artists and contributors (hence their prequel manga in Hyrule Historia).

I think Tears of the Kingdom did a fine enough job to add back some grit to Zelda even in its "expressionist painting" artstyle, ReDead Ganondorf was cool. But I miss the more "European-centric" fantasy stuff of earlier Zeldas where stuff like the Sheikah's ninja motif was an oddity rather than a central piece.

I don't like most western kusoge, I'd rather replay Mega Man X7 american hard mode 5 times in a row with no bathroom breaks over touching Goy of War.
Or Prince of Persia: Warrior Within for a GOOD Western game.

>> No.10959549 [View]

Fuck off, /jp/ weeb.

>> No.10959552 [View]
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Here since 2004, too late for me to leave.

>> No.10959565 [View]

Great non-sequitur. Now delete the thread, shitposting Mod.

>> No.10959567 [View]

It's always been known the original release of the decompilation project was severelly buggy and many AI such as Morpha's being broken.

To this day people bitch at the SoH staff because they haven't fixed most of it, instead overly focusing on randomizer speedrun bullshit nobody cares about for their stupid Reddit Gold.

>> No.10959570 [View]

Gothic 1 is really good

>> No.10959571 [View]

NTA, I went look for Gothic 1 screenshots and I like what I see. Should I jump into the game "as-is" or any fixes needed to run on modern OS or QoL stuff fans might find important?

>> No.10959576 [View]

there is an upcoming remake just wait for it
the original is a cluncky slop even by Eurojank standards

>> No.10959579 [View]

Neat, seems like my PC will be able to run it with no issue.

>> No.10959583 [View]

It's not clunky at all, it just requires learning how to actually play it. You can think the design ideas are bad, but all of the games systems work exactly as intended.

>> No.10959585 [View]

Yeah clunky is a matter of taste. I've played garbage games because I just liked them, and if something is 'clunky' you just goddamn have to think about what's happening and adjust to what the game is telling you rather than what you think 'should' be happening.

>> No.10959634 [View]

Yes. It really is that good.

>> No.10959645 [View]

seemed amazing at the time, but is actually very clunky and unrefined. it has aged like milk and is wildly outclassed and surpassed, much like the vast majority of n64 shit. that doesnt mean it cant be enjoyed or that people cant have fun playing it. it just means that it is objectively flawed. oot zealots are just contrarian dipshits blinded by nostalgia. there is no critical thought from them.

>> No.10959664 [View]

It's pretty great. I enjoyed playing it all the way through for the first time recently. I liked it a lot. Its my favorite

>> No.10959695 [View]

You must be gen z if you'd ask if ocarina of time is for boomers. It's a good game btw.

>> No.10959937 [View]

I give your trolling 8.8/10

>> No.10959950 [View]

>they couldn't picture a child with a small body frame and a small sword being able to take over larger enemies in a 3D space on sword combat like it was possible in Zelda 1 and ALttP.
That's fucking stupid... they're Nintendo and they don't fucking know who the fuck Link is?
If you can't picture some little snot nosed brat who has fucking magical items stuck up so far up his pepper ring he can fucking life boulders of multi-thousand pounds. He can fucking jump over fucking houses, he can turn to a fairy, he can run nonstop like the wind, he can trudge through all weather, he can fucking walk on water, Shoot fireballs, teleport with the wind, reflect magic, polymorph enemies, and bring down lightning against everything in his path.
So the first two games alone he has stupid feats as a child and he had a fucking triforce to boot.

Plus this coming from a country where fucking Dragonball exists? A cartoon where a tiny child fights an army with tanks, missiles and bullets and no one bats an eye? Or even worse Arale before Goku grew up.

By the time OoT was being developed gaming and anime and shit was littered with the world being saved by a bunch of drama club teen virgins who weighed fifty lbs soaking wet. A trend that's only gotten worse with time.

>> No.10960051 [View]

I mean linear levels are more fun then dungeons. N64 is too weak for complex lttp dungeons.

>> No.10960067 [View]

Here, contemporary bitching about Wind Waker's reveal dated August 2001

And some arstechnica posts around the same era

>> No.10960120 [View]


>> No.10961590 [View]

It is really that good. Don't expect it to blow your mind or anything, but it knows what is and does that very well.

>> No.10961596 [View]

>N64 is too weak for complex lttp dungeons.
This is a dumb as fuck statement.

>> No.10961603 [View]

Boomers didn’t play video games, they thought they would rot our brains

>> No.10961610 [View]

They don't mean boomer boomers. They mean boomer brained people, like you, or other genx or late millenials who use "fellow kids" terms like kino and soul and other stupid shit because your brains are rotted.

>> No.10961617 [View]

I don’t care

>> No.10961632 [View]

I will always enjoy when the jones and boomer generations get mislabeled and misappropriated.

>> No.10961780 [View]

You should be used to this be now. LttPfaggots constantly spew dumbass statements against other games backed up by nothing, and especially against OoT, which they seem to have a massive grudge against for basically doing most of what it does better, which makes them seethe.

Like, I wouldn't have an issue with them if they were just like "hey, I like LttP better and that's my opinion", but no, they have to be the most arrogant fucks there are and constantly shit on rival games with the most idiotic reasoning.

>> No.10961817 [View]

Link getting the master sword all the up to the end of the forest temple is the peak of the series.

>> No.10961834 [DELETED]  [View]
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Boomers boomers boomers kino zoom zoom zoomies zoomer faggot. Boomer gen x millennial gen alpha AI phone. Boomer OoT zoomer boomer kino soul brainrot zoomer pol nostalgiatard, N64, overrated overrated foggy blurry lol lmao

I liked Ocarina of Time and have nostalgic memories of playing it with my best friend Jared, who moved away due to his military family and left me broken and depressed in a way that I still have not recovered from decades later.

Jared, you still out there? Hey Jared. Remember that time your little brother pooped everywhere and we found it on the walls and ceilings? And your cat, the one that fucking bite your neck every time you turned around? What a rascal.

I miss you. Please come back to the neighborhood so we can ride our bikes around the block in summer and play OoT after school. Those were good times, Jared. Please, Jared. Please come back Jared. Jared. I need you Jared. You were the only person I ever knew in life that I felt truly understood me. Remember the Fifth Element? Damn, that movie was great, wasn't it, Jared?

>> No.10961854 [View]

nice Scaruffi reference

>> No.10961913 [View]

>You should be used to this be now.
Does me being used to it mean we shouldn't call it out?

>> No.10961917 [View]

OoT was possibly the first game I ever played, so I'm biased.

I've been playing LttP for the first time recently. The dungeons aren't that complex. I've only recently finished the ice dungeon, so the last few dungeons could be a lot more complicated as far as I know, but nothing so far is as confusing as OoT's water temple.

LttP gives you a map screen that shows you where all the dungeons are. The dark world even numbers them for your convenience. If OoT is linear because of NPCs telling you where to go, then so is this.

>> No.10961924 [View]

>for basically doing most of what it does better, which makes them seethe.
Also, no.
LTTP is still the better game even if they make stupid statements about design and technical properties.

>> No.10961931 [View]

Entrance to many of the Dark World dungeons are not locked behind Dark World Dungeon items with the exception of the Skull Woods dungeon and some other I'm forgetting. You're more free to explore the overworld, too. Dungeon progression in OoT is hard-locked.

>> No.10961940 [View]

True, I did manage to stumble into dark world dungeons 5 and 6 while I still hadn't finished 4.

>> No.10961943 [View]

Original camera sucked really bad
I was surprised that even in late 98 on the critic's darling that also had cripplingly bad performance it was still so bad. I'd have thought at least that was working

Mouselook was already completely normalized on PC. I'm amazed the gap wasn't so obvious that consoles would have to adopt it.

>> No.10961945 [View]

That said because of this I do Misery Mire before Ice Palace, the Cane of Somaria helps wonders.

>> No.10961994 [View]

death of the real zelda franchise. start of nuzelda.

>> No.10961996 [View]

FYI Scaruffi absolutely adores OoT

>> No.10962004 [View]

If it means knowing BOTW is bad, then yeah I'll be a fag.

>> No.10962007 [View]
File: 14 KB, 400x400, 14663222230004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get through boring ass tutorial
>quit on first dungeon
>every time
The Zelda series just isn't for me.

>> No.10962023 [View]

The tutorials didn't get long until Twilight Princess, have some patience anon. Or just play NES Zeldas, which have no tutorials.

>> No.10962038 [View]

The tutorials in these games are pretty long, or drag unnecessarily. For OoT it's the 3 child dungeons that are the tutorial which is a little insane. For MM it's up to the first dungeon which is not as long but close to it. WW it's after the second dungeon. These are long games that don't have pacing options for skilled players.

>> No.10962272 [View]

It was never good. As a 'boomer' can tell you first hand that no one in my gaming circle was very impressed when this came out.

>> No.10962282 [View]

Wind Waker's tutorial doesn't end until you put a sword into Ganondorf's head.

>> No.10962329 [View]
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I can suffer through the tutorial, I've just never found gameplay afterward appealing enough to play through any of the games.

>> No.10962407 [View]

Really wouldn't call the entirety of the child section a tutorial at all. The tutorial ends when you get the sword and shield which takes like 5 minutes at most. Hell even pretty much all of the actual tutorial text is optional to read. Navi forces a single textbox on you once or twice after that but otherwise the game is pretty much tutorial free. Im surprised its not more intrusive given how the later games don't even trust you enough to know how to push the analog stick to move forward.

>> No.10962427 [View]

It’s the best N64 game

>> No.10962457 [View]

It's been a while since I've seen a variant of the Harry Potter copypasta.

>> No.10962547 [View]

I never played it, but I watched a playthrough, and it, along with a few other games from around that time, were the earliest made games that I could still play today and enjoy a bit