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/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.8595257 [DELETED]  [View]
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Even journos agree with this now. https://www.cbr.com/half-life-duke-nukem-retro-shooters/amp/

>> No.8595047 [DELETED]  [View]
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Why does /vr/ defend this shitty game now?

>> No.8593941 [DELETED]  [View]
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Jannies literally can't stop deleting criticism of this game.
The truth is that literally ruined the genre.
Old /vr/ hated it and laughed at people who like it.
Just like COD and Halo babies.

>> No.8593346 [DELETED]  [View]
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Why do /v/edditors love it so much?
It killed fps.
Doom, Quake, Duke, Blood, Unreal, Shadow Warrior, Tribes, Marathon, Outlaws, Dark Forces, Strife, Cybermage, Sin, Redneck Rampage, Powerslave, Turok, Thief, Deus Ex, System Shock, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Timesplitters, Ultima Underworld? Now those are timeless classics.

>> No.8593268 [DELETED]  [View]
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Old /vr/ hated this game

>> No.8593127 [DELETED]  [View]
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Literally the most divisive retro fps of all time.
Old /vr/ hated it for ruining the genre.
Only zoomies like it.

>> No.8591545 [DELETED]  [View]
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Half-life. It was the beginning of the genres decline in level design. Moving away from open-ended layout design for singular paths with forwards-only progression. https://www.cbr.com/half-life-duke-nukem-retro-shooters/amp/

>> No.8589980 [DELETED]  [View]
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Half-life. It was the beginning of the genres decline in level design. Moving away from open-ended layout design for singular paths with forwards-only progression.

>> No.8589893 [DELETED]  [View]
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Half-life. It was the beginning of the genres decline in level design. Moving away from open-ended layout design for singular paths with forwards-only progression.

>> No.8589856 [DELETED]  [View]
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Half-life. It was the beginning of the genres decline in level design. Moving away from open-ended layout design for singular paths with forwards-only progression

>> No.8587807 [DELETED]  [View]
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Overrated garbage that ruined the genre.
The gaming forum consensus agrees with this.
GOG, rpgcodex, escapist forums, 8ch, Quarter to Three all ccnsidered it overrated.
After 23 years HL series is forever ruined.
Doom, Quake, Duke, Blood, Unreal, Shadow Warrior, Tribes, Marathon, Outlaws, Dark Forces, Strife, Cybermage, Sin, Redneck Rampage, Powerslave, Turok, Thief, Deus Ex, System Shock, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Timesplitters, Ultima Underworld?
Now those are timeless classics.

>> No.8585104 [DELETED]  [View]
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Which are the best fps?
Pic unrelated.

>> No.8576256 [DELETED]  [View]
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The Golden Age of FPS began with Wolfenstein 3D in 1992... It died on November 19, 1998 with the release of Half-Life. It was an age marked by countless great shooters, all with maximum amounts of soul. But then came Half-Life and it all disappeared.

>> No.8575337 [DELETED]  [View]
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Quake and Doom have much better core gameplay than either Half-Life. Large levels, good weapons, good enemy variety. Both Half-Life games start with overly long cutscenes-that-are-not-cutscenes, where you can walk around but still have to wait until the scene is over, with no option to skip it. Half-Life 2 has a TON of these. You go meet your allies, they talk about shit, meanwhile you crowbar Alyx's boobs and throw computer hardware at Dr. Kleiner's face who don't even react to your shenanigans. There's no way to skip these scenes on a second playthrough, other than straight-up quitting back to the main menu and restarting from the next chapter... or using a level skip cheat. Apparently having a silent protagonist increases the immersion because YOU are Doctor Freeman and the devs never put any words in your mouth... but when your game has you interact with NPCs this much, and instead of making those into cutscenes you allow the player to dick around like a retard, it just becomes absurd. "Oh hey Dr Freeman it's so nice to finally meet you, I respect you so much, you're a great scientist!" Proceeds to dick around like a turboautist on a mixture of meth, speed and cocaine, crouching down and savaging her cunt with a crowbar, then grabbing all the science equipment in the room and tossing it around like a monkey throwing poop.

>> No.8575009 [DELETED]  [View]
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The Golden Age of FPS began with Wolfenstein 3D in 1992... It died on November 19, 1998 with the release of Half-Life. It was an age marked by countless great shooters, all with maximum amounts of soul. But then came Half-Life and it all disappeared.
Not the only who believe this btw
Like rpgcodex says "popamole decline garbage".

>> No.8573904 [DELETED]  [View]
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The Golden Age of FPS began with Wolfenstein 3D in 1992... It died on November 19, 1998 with the release of Half-Life. It was an age marked by countless great shooters, all with maximum amounts of soul. But then came Half-Life and it all disappeared.

>> No.8573710 [DELETED]  [View]
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What's the best HL level, enemy, weapon, track and mod?

>> No.8572521 [DELETED]  [View]
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It literally killed fps.
It will be never respected by retro gamers.

>> No.8572401 [DELETED]  [View]
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Quake and Doom have much better core gameplay than either Half-Life. Large levels, good weapons, good enemy variety.

Both Half-Life games start with overly long cutscenes-that-are-not-cutscenes, where you can walk around but still have to wait until the scene is over, with no option to skip it. Half-Life 2 has a TON of these. You go meet your allies, they talk about shit, meanwhile you crowbar Alyx's boobs and throw computer hardware at Dr. Kleiner's face who don't even react to your shenanigans. There's no way to skip these scenes on a second playthrough, other than straight-up quitting back to the main menu and restarting from the next chapter... or using a level skip cheat. Apparently having a silent protagonist increases the immersion because YOU are Doctor Freeman and the devs never put any words in your mouth... but when your game has you interact with NPCs this much, and instead of making those into cutscenes you allow the player to dick around like a retard, it just becomes absurd.

"Oh hey Dr Freeman it's so nice to finally meet you, I respect you so much, you're a great scientist!"
Proceeds to dick around like a turboautist on a mixture of meth, speed and cocaine, crouching down and savaging her cunt with a crowbar, then grabbing all the science equipment in the room and tossing it around like a monkey throwing poop.

>> No.8572215 [DELETED]  [View]
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Overrated garbage that ruined the genre.
Doom, Quake, Duke, Blood, Unreal, Shadow Warrior, Tribes, Marathon, Outlaws, Dark Forces, Strife, Cybermage, Sin, Redneck Rampage, Powerslave, Turok, Thief, Deus Ex, System Shock, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Timesplitters, Ultima Underworld?
Now those are timeless classics.
There is a reason why old /vr/ hated it.

>> No.8049785 [DELETED]  [View]
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The AI that everyone liked was dumb as a brick. I regualarly saw groups of marines yell, ''gernade, duck'' and crouch down next to the gernade for extermination. Also, the aimbot mentality of the AI underpinnings resulted in numerous ''monsters'' blowing themselves up while standing at a corner of a doorway. That coupled with scripted events just not working if you distrupt their path too much, made the game more comical and tedious than what it should have been. At most, the AI was clumsily executed in places.

All in all, only the marines had any decent AI of the group, with the rest of the AI being your classic death fest shooter AI which used the rush the player until you run out of warm bodies. The marines for the most part tried to execute logical maneuvers only to be ruined by impercise path finding and lack of proper threat analysis (see my reference to the ducking next to the gernade behavior).

The more commonly overlooked AI is the AI from Unreal which had much better execution and much better results from the path finding. I found myself regularly surprised when the AI would pin me down behind an embankment or wall while its buds would flank or encircle me. If HL had better pathfinding, I might have been more impressed with the AI that what I was with Unreal. Instead, I am left with a feeling that everything in HL was a scripted event with no AI to support it beyond some minimal efforts at maneuvering

>> No.7220157 [View]
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Or you think this is better?

>> No.7108595 [DELETED]  [View]
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>22 years later
>still it and its mods make an entire board seethe
Holy based.
Boomers couldn't recover when it killed shitty doom clones like Liquidator, Cyclones, Blood, Shadow Warrior, Island Peril.
Btw Quale was a tech demo.

>> No.7043010 [DELETED]  [View]
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Sorry /vr/ but it was good and it didn't ruin fps.
Also the mods were good.
No amount of seethe will change that.

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