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>> No.11495097 [View]
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I've tried to get all of them at least once in the Sonic titles I like, except the Advance series because it's too awful there, and it's really my least favorite part of Sonic, especially since I'm a bit of a completionist. Anyways, if you're like me, I'd recommend both my favorite Sonic titles, Sonic 1 (Game Gear/Master System) and Sonic 2 (Game Gear/Master System) as the Chaos Emeralds in them aren't located in other levels or mini games, they're just found through the levels by exploring, I love this approach and they remain my favorite Sonic titles to 100% because of it.

>> No.11424952 [View]
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I like all of them for their differences, 1 is my favorite because I grew up with it, but 2 is the one I like playing the most... 3 always felt a bit odd to me, I just find the levels to be a bit too long for their own good, too big and tiresome, I find the length in 2 to be just right. I honestly prefer the Master System and Game Gear stuff over most of the Genesis ones actually, it's fun.

Simplicity can go a long way.

>> No.11359054 [View]
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I love Game Gear Sonic 1... but why did Bridge Zone Act 2 had to be an auto scroller? It has a good level design, that would be fun to play if only it let me move freely... it sucks. I still love playing this title though, the best Sonic for me.

>> No.11276575 [View]
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We all know what the best version of Sonic 1 is.

>> No.11199850 [View]
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8-Bit Sonic is often easier, I'd try out Sonic 1 on Master System if I were you, OP.

Go play it, you can thank me later.

>> No.11130924 [View]
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I didn't like it when I first played it for that very reason... the levels just felt like they dragged on for way too long, I'd rather have them like Sonic 1 or Sonic 2, even the 8-Bit counterparts I'd say... I mean, even CD felt better for me despite taking longer too since at least it had the whole thing of finding the generators and having to explore a lot... but here it just ruined the pacing for me.

I've replayed it since and, I have to say, I like it a lot better now, it's good and well made, and I see why people love it ... but I'd rather play Sonic 1 on Game Gear or Sonic 2 on Master System still.

>> No.11100513 [View]
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I love how 8-Bit Sonic 1 and Sonic 2 did it... with you finding the Chaos Emeralds by exploring all of the levels and just... finding them. A shame it didn't catch on, even the rest of the 8-Bit ones... all went with the same route as the 16-Bit ones. Sonic Chaos and Sonic Triple Trouble aren't bad about it like Sonic 2 is, where it feels impossible at times, but they were pretty bad with this too.

I finished Sonic 2 100% once, legit, and it wasn't fun or worth it, I hate the Chaos Emeralds here, or how you can't choose when Super Sonic goes on or off... at least Sonic 3 got it all right after it.

>> No.11093406 [View]
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Sonic 1 for me. I do have Sonic 2 for the Master System as my favorite 8-Bit Sonic... but when it comes to Game Gear and the lower resolution, I have to admit Sonic 1 shines a lot brighter, it has excellent level design and flow, and was adapted to the Game Gear's screen really well, it's how a portable/handheld port should be and it excels at it. I love exploring for the Chaos Emeralds too.

I wish we had gotten more titles like 8-Bit Sonic 1 and Sonic 2, though Sonic Chaos was fun, if a bit too easy for me, I wish they kept the whole thing of finding the Chaos Emeralds inside the levels.

>> No.11074375 [View]
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I mean, don't get me wrong, I find the term quite overused and often avoid it, but in this case I find it fair since a lot of the difficult present on Game Gear, that isn't on Master System... isn't just due to level design changes, it's because they didn't change it enough in fact, because the screen on the Game Gear being smaller and having quite a low resolution makes the FOV too much worse.

I think the worst example isn't even the 1st boss, as the main issue there is that the bombs bounce in different heights... it's actually the Green Hills boss, with spikes you can't see... until you land.

The fact that the level design is identical, with a smaller FOV, and the fact that this play faster if compared to 8-Bit Sonic 1, which was fine on the Game Gear, leads to a lot of leaps of faith and a ton of instant death on sections without rings or just full of spikes... it's doable, I've finished both versions and love both, but I'd never recommend the Game Gear version over Master System...

Actually, I would, but only if you want a tougher Sonic title to play, otherwise Master System just does everything in a way that's more fun to play and it's thanks to, you know... being able to see.

>> No.11067229 [View]
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Bridge Zone: Act 2
Is it as fun as Act 1? No... but it's still fun.

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