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/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.6280387 [View]
File: 4 KB, 400x380, Arcade - Vulgus - Everything.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recorded a demo that has a voice recording inside of it with my live thoughts and reactions, which you can listen to while it plays in this fork of PRBoom: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/96894-my-prboom-build-with-in-demo-voice-recording-support-and-something-extra/ (the demo will work in normal PRBoom too)


This was not a particularly interesting map. No fights really stood out as memorable or tricky or involving more thought beyond "keep shooting until they die," and there are multiple points where all I had to do was just stand at a doorway and keep shooting and occasionally twitch around a projectile. Even the double-cybie fight at the end is basically just an extended exercise in circlestrafing. The map is not particularly detailed visually (though the leaking nukage tank was pretty cool), so combined with the very bog-standard shooting and the sheer size of the map, it was a pretty boring affair. The map flowed well enough that I don't think I was truly lost, but there's a blue door by a flight of stairs full of specters and hell knights that doesn't open, meaning that those monsters are useless because they won't attack unless you actively hit them.

This was a perfectly serviceable map, though it could probably have been cut down in size a good amount and still kept most of what it was trying to do. Your fundamentals are alright, but I think you could afford to think about cool setpieces or more complicated fight setups to make your maps more than just walking down one hallway to the next.

Thanks for making it.

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