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>> No.1542782 [View]
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>What went wrong?

After the success of the Genesis,

The Sega CD came out and people paid a crapload for it, and it failed and very few good games were released, and early adopters were burned

Then the 32X was released, few people bought it and it failed and very few games were released, and whoever bought it got burned on SEGA

Then the Saturn was released, people paid for it but it failed and there were very few games made for it, and whoever bought it got burned again.

I lived during that time, I was over 15 and I remember by the time the Dreamcast was developed way too many people had been burned way too many times by Sega

Why would you buy a Dreamcast if the people who had bought a playstation 1 had gotten a diverse library of games and full support for years and years, and the Playstation 2 was coming and it was likely that you weren't going to get burned like you did with Sega systems?

People were tired of getting fucked by Sega who couldn't make up its mind if it wanted to support the Saturn, 32x, or whatever fucking system it was messing with at the time. It killed their credibility.

Yes the Dreamcast was a solid system but by then nobody believed in Sega.

Any time you want to cry for the Dreamcast and Sega just remember how many times it fucked its customer base. I got a Sega CD for $300 fucking dollars and when it didn't deliver anything besides Sonic CD I literally said never again, never again.

>> No.534389 [View]
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>what the fuck was the deal with the Wind Fish? Where did it come from? Where did it go?

The wind fish, like Levias, is a race of giant air whales that fly around the highest parts of the sky in hyrule. It probably flew away after Link's Awakening, to other parts of the sky

>how exactly did Hyrule become the desolate wasteland it was in Zelda 1?

It was gradually destroyed by Gannon and his underlings when the hero of legend didn't show up in time

>is there more to the events of Princess Zelda I being put to sleep?

Just that she was put to sleep by a wizard who wanted to reach the triforce

>what happens now that there are TWO Zeldas are walking around at the end of LoZ2?
One was probably a queen and the younger one remained a princess, or they ruled jointly

>and did Link really give one of them the dick at the end of LoZ2?

Obviously yes, they kissed for sure but not sure what happened after that... Zelda 2 has the distinction of being one of the games at the end of the timeline so nothing is known of what happened afterwards

>is there some reason that Hyrule radically reorganizes between games?
Well just like in our real world the hyrule rearranges itself, lakes dry up and form, volcanoes erupt, forests die and flourish, etc. Keep in mind sometimes there is a span of thousands of years between games

>what's up with the Magical Sword from Zelda 1 and where was the Master Sword?
The magical sword may be a form of the tempered or master sword but this is unknown. As shown in the wind waker, the master sword has the tendency to lose its power over time

>what of Labrynna and Holodrum?
What of them? They're still there
>was that truly the end of Ganon after LoZ2?
so far...
>is my waifu Marin really gone
Yes. At the end of Link's Awakening, after saving a land our hero was faced with a terrible decision of destroying another one or living in a dream world forever

Hit me up with more questions if you want

>> No.439084 [View]
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>We know the NES is capable of much better visuals, so why is it that a game, especially a first party game looks so poor on the system?

Simple- because it's an earlier NES Game.

The games that looked really good-Kirby's Adventure for example- came late in the system's life

Developers didn't know how to push the system, programming tricks etc.

Compare Antarctic Adventure, an early NES game by Konami


and Gyromite, another early NES game


In the beginning this is what they could push out of the system

As time progressed so did what they were able to do with its power. Before you complain about an NES Game's visuals first look at the release date.

Zelda 1 was released in 1986, Gyromite in 1985

I'd say compared to its contemporaries looking at Zelda 1 was like looking at a PS3 game in the PS2 era; beautiful colorful backgrounds in a videogame era when some games still had flat black backgrounds. Super Mario Bros. 1 also had the same effect. I lived during that time and played games, and when Zelda and Mario 1 came out they blew everything out of the water.

I was used to flat black backgrounds and to see the colorful beautiful lands of the Mushroom Kingdom and Hyrule was a shock to me

>> No.387914 [View]
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Keep in mind, in every other Zelda game Link is treated like a minor annoyance.

No final boss ever takes him seriously, he's just a dumb kid running around and no threat, and at times no final boss really seems to even know he's the legendary hero of time who will end them...not Gannon, not Majora, not Ganondorf, not Demise, not the nightmares, not Vaati, nobody.

Zelda 2 is the ONLY Zelda game where Link STARTS as a legendary hero who just won an epic battle and stays in the land where everyone knows what he's capable of and how strong he really is... so nobody takes him lightly.

Because of this, the forces of evil literally throw EVERYTHING at you, and they don't play fair just like you would expect the forces of evil to do.

for once in a Zelda game the odds are actually against you instead of you just barrelling down Hyrule field and the dungeons mowing down every enemy in sight easily, even the bosses many times

It's pathetic that Zelda completely forgot how to challenge players.

>> No.352491 [View]
File: 18 KB, 299x383, Chimpanzee_thinking_poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the ending of the game poses an interesting dilemma

The nightmare explains that if Link wakes the wind fish, the nightmare will end but it will also destroy all of the island and everyone in it

Thusly, Link is faced with the difficult choices of either living in the dreamland for the sake of Marin and everyone in Koholint, or destroy the nigthmare, wake the wind fish and kill everyone.

Thus, what's your face when you realize that Link decided to kill everyone, Marin, Tarin, the telephone man, everyone in the animal farm, the frog guy, everyone... all the lives in the island snuffed out for his selfish end of waking up and going back to reality...

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