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/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.11215554 [View]
File: 1.21 MB, 768x1050, castlevania.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After playing and finishing Castlevania 1 multiple times to the degree of consistently being able to get a 1CC, (1 credit clear) I have come to question the intelligence and proficiency of the average supposed videogamer. This game is easy as fuck. As long as you're patient and make deliberate moves, you'll never die outside of the birds in the last level. It is definitely not "clunky" or "stiff" as I was forewarned, it plays very responsively and I never felt like I died unfairly. It's a easy game, but in a good way because every mechanic is consistent and you'll never die to random bullshit out of nowhere, like RE4, which I think all of us can agree is a perfect masterpiece despite being easy.
...and yet, I remember that for years, I always heard that this game was some kind of uber duper super ultra ball buster that was fucking impossible. I remember watching the AVGN episode where he concludes the only way to get past Dracula is to grind the candles by respawning them over and over. I remember seeing hundreds of basedllennials and Xers sperging out to the camera in their youtube videos about how the hallway before death always kills them. To get past that section, you just need to whip the axes the knights throw, then pause whenever a medusa head comes forward and whip it as well. The cross/axe eliminate any need to engage in close quarters combat with the knights, so you don't even need to take any risks. Am I not seeing something here? Am I somehow super good or are they just all retards? I seriously don't get it.
t. born in the year of the playstation 3, 2006

>> No.11042608 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 1.21 MB, 768x1050, castlevania.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open youtube video made by guy who has been playing castlevania 1 since has was 3 year old child
>he sucks ass at the game and can't even beat the death boss without holy water
>I am able to beat the game with one continue after only playing it twice
Is it just me or are all of these guys complete shitters? t. zoomer

>> No.11006936 [View]
File: 1.21 MB, 768x1050, castlevania.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beat Castlevania 1 for the first time today. It was pretty good. The second phase of the final boss felt downright impossible until I learned you could only damage him with the whip by hitting him in the head. Will replay.

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