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/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.5111980 [View]
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It's not only young people, theyre just the most obviously not interested. Us slightly older 30-year old boomers are mostly over deathmatch-style games too, and for good reason.
1) FPS reflexes get worse with age (less practice & body slowing), i can't aim for shit these days, as a teen i was pretty good
2) Shallow gameplay - yeah it was fun, but it was all we had. Modern diverse gameplays now distract us from the "boring" old DM. There is just so much more to play.
3) Deathmatch is a simple game style based on kills, so your k/d ratio is all important as a yardstick for being good and having fun. This makes it particularly easy for people to try a game, suck, then quit. With fewer noobs other's k/d suffers and the entire pyramid scheme of killing collapses with only a small inaccessible community of hardcore pros left. I've experienced this in multiple FPS games over the last decade, so it's not only "old" games that suffer this. By contrast, battle royale makes almost everyone in the match a loser and downplays k/d, so people might suck but they find their own expressive form of play style and they come back for more.

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