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>> No.4804189 [View]
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>Perfect Dark is already an extremely fuzzy game. Expanding the viewpoint has a negative impact on texrects because the bilinear filtering doesn't handle stretching well.
Except that isn't happening and it isn't. Considering this is being shit out of an N64 without RGB into a webm, with stretched non-square pixels, not in high-res mode, this looks remarkably clear >>4802231

Your argument, the "muh bilinear filtering doesn't anamorphic stretch well" (directed at 3 or 4 point bilinear i can't even tell anymore) doesn't hold up to scrutiny at all.

There's only one significant disadvantage to 3 point bilinear filtering and you haven't even named it (instead you've named the font rendering which has nothing to do with 3 point). And that's 3 point filtering creates weird diamond shaped artifacts in textures when you look closely (though these can be avoided if the developer pre-filters the texture).

>Factor 5's MusyX audio system is fantastic. You're basically just saying, "I like British composers more than German composers imitating the works of John Williams."
No, I'm not saying that at all. I'm saying that MusyX sounds like tinny MIDI, while the audio in Rare games on N64 actually have richer sound production.

>Several N64 games use MusyX, including Resident Evil 2 N64
I'm pretty sure RE2 is the only one that uses the whole audio driver outside of Factor 5's own games. Shit like Pokemon Stadium only used the voice decompression. RE2 on N64 also sounds pretty tinny despite allegedly using superior music samples to PS1, I think the only genuine improvement is the Dolby Surround support (which Rare and even Nintendo in MM also managed in their audio engines).

>The point of MusyX wasn't so much to make better quality music. It was to reduce the CPU overheads of music.
GPU overheads actually, since the N64's GPU processes sound. Too bad it sounds like a General MIDI module from 1993. I don't doubt the efficiency though.

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