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>> No.11515304 [View]
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>> No.10452881 [View]
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Better now?

>> No.10197987 [View]
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Obviously there's no point in having a Discord server for this thread, but what about something like Mumble or Matrix for projects? It's unlikely anyone is already using them for something else, so it's easy enough to just use a different name from what you have elsewhere. It also cuts down on the autistic back-and-forth hand holding posts that you generally see when noobs get involved in something (especially with the Quake mapping it seems). General progress updates and whatnot would still ideally be posted to the thread though.
As long as the expectation of anonymity can be maintained, I don't see the issue.

>> No.9876779 [View]
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>How is the Nightdive port of Quake?
It's alright.
>It is a good way to play Quake for the first time?
Yep. It's pretty much on the same position as DOOM re-releases from Nerve Software (the Unity ones). Easy to pick up and check out the vanilla stuff. Simple co-op, bots and console release are a few bonuses.
>Or should I be using vkQuake?
Source ports will be better in the long run. You should also look into Ironwail and many other options out there to pick what's best for you in case you wish to Quake for a long time.

>> No.9814450 [View]
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>> No.9736872 [View]
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>> No.9637941 [View]
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>I won't be looking for replies here because no idea how that even works.
Lurk more newfag

>> No.9602596 [DELETED]  [View]
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If most people can dismiss one of SLADE co-creators being an autismal tranny and an IRL pedophile cuck with a piss-golem fetish, why shold I be even bothered by an edgy H.R. Giger wannabe from some ex-commiebloc shithole?

>> No.9571075 [View]
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>> No.9382747 [View]
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Amusing, but sometimes there's art in subtlety, anon.

>> No.9241036 [SPOILER]  [View]
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he cant breathe

>> No.9204748 [View]
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This survey is intended for those intending to make a map for the project:

I have a couple issues to track down so I haven't updated the progs yet, but the development folder can be found here: https://mega.nz/folder/LVlWVK5D#H5iqeD61bSItMIVeGqymTQ

I'll let this go until next sunday then consider it final. You can of course start mapping as soon as you like.

>> No.9198882 [View]
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This survey is intended for those intending to make a map for the project:

I have a couple issues to track down so I haven't updated the progs yet, but the development folder can be found here: https://mega.nz/folder/LVlWVK5D#H5iqeD61bSItMIVeGqymTQ

I'll let this go until next sunday then consider it final. You can of course start mapping as soon as you like.

>> No.9093630 [View]
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>Doesn't like Quake
Maybe I should've gone a bit more in-depth on it. I *liked* Quake for the eerie and gothic atmosphere back in the day. Especially Quake 1 felt really grainy / gritty, but I prefer the "lived in " and interactable feel of Duke / Shadow Warrior, Half Life 1 etc. Someone said, I think it was in these threads that Quake and Duke were kinda like polar opposites in that Quake was a big push forward in graphics and tech but the only interaction you have in the game is being able to shoot enemies compared to say Duke 3d and a great wealth of it's objects and world being interactable in various ways. So saying I don't like quake, was probably wrong, I liked it, it was fun and atmospheric and I liked Quake 2 as well but hopefully my explanation gives you an idea why I'm not so big on it compared to the others.

>> No.8974772 [View]
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Wait a minute... is that...?

>> No.8899014 [View]
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Sorry fren, I can't read…

>> No.8642642 [View]
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>You could even start with Doom 3.
I actually remember my dad playing it on original Xbox, so maybe it is a good idea.
>it can be fine for non-shooters
I intended to it mostly for platformers and such, but wouldn't mind experimenting a bit for the hell of it. At first I wanted get the Series one, but here it costs around ~$100 due to shortage. That's just ridiculous and can't save up that much, sadly. So 360 seems like a good retro option, even with D-pad kind of concerns me.
That's how I'm feeling too. Wolf3D specifically feels like the one that could work well with controller due to its overall simplicity.
>it can kinda feel like a bottleneck on some PWADs
Of course it would. More depends on specific PWAD. Not that I really played much of them, but it's easy to understand.
>I've been playing older games with a gamepad for many years as I've always been a laptop gamer.
That's actually where I am at right now, except the gamepad part. lol
>Half Life Source
Would rather play either original or better game like Ricochet.
Alright, I see. Thank you all for replies, anons. I guess I'll look more into the options and grab the controller if there's a reasonable offer.

>> No.8409081 [View]
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Of course. That's what I'm here for, anon! Perhaps even gonna throw some of my dumb ideas here again, don't know. Would prefer to get myself busy with stuff like that though. Maybe one day I manage to do something meaningful, like try out Trenchbroom or something along those lines.

>> No.8390030 [View]
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Wish there were more unique techbase enemies for Quake like that. The name didn't age well though...

>> No.8257986 [View]
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>> No.8060371 [View]
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>> No.7926559 [View]
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I like these, and someone needs to make a Frank Drebin player skin, complete with sound, but he gets the Doom logo font wrong, the bottoms of the letters aren't supposed to lean just one way.

It's lame as fuck, but it can be used against him, like attaching his watermark to great images like pic related.

>> No.7862747 [View]
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I won't complain, but some boring person with no sense of humor might. Are the Quake equivalents to Doomworld as pozzed?

>> No.7748870 [View]
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