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>> No.9184245 [View]
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We've got a little problem anons, I don't know what font Vaeros used for the text in Ad Mortem, so to make more text for level names and such, we'll have to
1. Track down the font ourselves
2. Wait for Vaeros to come back and provide it (seeing how there's been no sign of life for 3 months, this is unlikely.)
3. Reconstruct the font manually
I'm not gonna let this stop me. If all else fails, then I'll do option 3, but it would be nice if we could just find the font itself.
That aside,
I can see the demonlets working as a swarmer enemy, but I just can't see the rest doing anything the existing monsters already do but better. I'll also echo what >>9183937 said, we don't want this turning to an R667 clusterfuck.

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