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>> No.9835531 [View]
File: 2 KB, 256x240, Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone (J)_006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit I did it bros, finally. Billy died in the process though but he will be remembered as a hero. now I just have to do it all over agian in the US version

Overall I have to agree with >>9833105
in saying it's a better game than DD1 (NES). The game's reputation mostly comes from the difficulty, and the problem is that the learning curve is very STEEP, and since at first you have no lives, no continues, it feels like the hardest game ever. When you learn the game, the two first stages are actually the hardest though, outside of those 2 areas in Egypt.

I think the other problem with the game is the level design. 75 % of the game is just a straight line followed by a small room. And even when a level does something interesting, like Italy having giant steps in the middle of the stage, the game doesn't exploit it. The reason is that the entirety of the stage's enemies come at EVEN if you haven't moved an inch from the first screen, rather than typical "kill a few enemies, advance a bit, repeat". DD3 is more like "kill all enemies and then advance through a completely empty stage", that sucks.

The other thing is that the controls are a bit awkward due to some animations being too slow/long. Also I swear the game has trouble with input detection at times, like I'm standing on top of a knife, I press A, which punches, press A again (without moving) and NOW it picks up the knife, geez. Sometimes special moves don't trigger even and I have no idea why either, just feels like eaten input.

On the + side, the game has some great moves, like the running moves; and I really liked the idea of being able to play with the entire roster at once and being able to switch on the fly, rather than the tradional "pick your character at the start and stick with him until the end or until you use a continue"'; that + the subweapons management really brings a welcome "tactician" gameplay to a beat em up.

oh and fuck the unskippable cutscenes

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