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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.9052886 [View]
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>potentially profitable stopgap titles like what became Shenmue Saturn, or Sonic Xtreme, or Resident Evil 2 and most 2D Capcom offerings from around 1998, were cancelled because the install base and prior software sales just don't paint a good picture.

I understand what you mean but I still don't see how the fuck they ever thought this strategy made sense

>so we're not selling as many games as we need to be
>well we won't even release any games at all haha fuck you America that'll teach you not to buy our shit
>huh somehow sales are even worse now

>> No.8974578 [View]
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Yeah I assume they didn't want to bundle a memory card with the console because they'd either have to raise the price point or eat the cost and selling them separately was a huge source of extra revenue but fuck, that was cheesy. There had been a lot of successful games that didn't use save states at all but pretty much everything they had planned for the console that wasn't an arcade port was going to use them and they knew that. And they knew the disks didn't have any internal storage capacity so without the additional expense of a memory card you were basically stuck with demo version of games you'd paid full price for.

And even after they finally transitioned to built-in internal memory with the ps3 they were *still* pulling this shit with the PSP and Vita decades later. Like, I understand not giving out 100gb memory cards like candy but Jesus, give people like 2 gigs to work with out the box. That's like the bare minimum of functionality.

>> No.8965229 [View]
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I always thought it was kinda weird he got so much credit for the design of Doom and Wolfensten. Like, what was so spectacular about either? Wolfenstein was robot Hitler and corridors made of plain brick walls and Doom was generic demons and le heckin' angry space marine with a shotgun. They were fun games and technologically groundbreaking for their time but nothing about the level design or characters seemed above-average.

>> No.8772014 [View]
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People don't realize how big of a dealbreaker this was, if you were a kid getting an extra controller wasn't up to you. You had to beg your parents for it and good luck explaining to boomers who don't even play games why the game you insisted they buy doesn't work with the controllers the system came with and they have to buy another, even more expensive one. That shit did not go over well in working class-households, lemme tell ya.

In retrospect, for as innovative as the Genesis wanted to be I'm still not sure why they went with three fucking buttons out of the gate. Like, they looked at the Master System and just said, "yeah one more is all we need." You'd think they would have at least jumped right to four at a minimum.

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