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/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.10899846 [View]
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Doesn't seem like anyone else is contesting that suggestion. Best Buy has the Companion 2 series III for $150USD. It'll take a bit to save up, I hope they are shielded.

I use the hardware and emulate. Each has their own advantages.

No! Say it ain't so. What are we fighting for?

>> No.9135239 [View]
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I didn't win the Megamillions, so I'm still unable to afford the legit stuff. Emulation is my goto since everything's so expensive now.

That is the problem with going for things made in China. A huge hit in quality, but the price is slightly more palpable.

I think that's because it was replaced by the 161 which does not need an ugly cable coming out of it for dip switches to select the game.

>> No.8694641 [View]
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Increasing gas prices and inflation at an all time high has really beaten me down.

>> No.8566331 [View]
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It is a Super Retro Trio, not a Retron. Besides, the Victor Wondermega is original hardware.

I utilize my computers and phone for emulation.

They don't have much of a lifespan.

>> No.8309820 [View]
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Atari 2600

>> No.7042143 [View]
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On a tight budget, storage space does become a premium.

Not at all. It is a part of my living room setup. Aside from the non-rounded start and select buttons, if blindfolded, I cannot tell the difference between those Genesis controllers and a real SNES controller.

>> No.6978171 [View]
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I finally got a modern LCD monitor, but it only has HDMI and display port. I thought 1440p should be good for 240p content line tripled to 720p, but it still ends out blurry. I am disappointed it does not align pixels perfectly, and one would imagine it has enough pixels to scroll smoothly without shimmer.

I am currently trying to put together some old 486/MMX/Pentium3/Athlon computers. What LCD would you recommend? The LCD panels of the past were not of the quality of modern ones, but modern monitors do not accept DVI-I nor VGA.

The OSSC is really cool. Waiting on the Pro. I have to start saving up to get the SCART cables but they should be worth it.

>> No.6939193 [View]
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I have no idea if they are profitable, but I am glad the Chinese makes those clone consoles as they are affordable unlike the popular stuff around here. The target audience, like myself, who enjoys games but do not have the budget.

>> No.6580208 [View]
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I cannot afford the real things, as they are priced way too high. I have no other recourse but to buy Chinese knock offs. I've gotten flashcarts, multicarts, computer parts, and even consoles from China. If minimum wage here matches the cost of living I wouldn't be forced to buy from China. If not for the current epidemic, I'd be purchasing from them right now to build a computer.

>> No.6567049 [View]
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I think the sub-PCB has to connect to something which this console does not have so the dip switches are the only way it works on the system.

It is pretty sharp with component but you have to use your TV to change the aspect ratio back to 4:3 pic here has ghosting I think comes from the TV not the console. The acrylic pieces not screwed down rattles if you shake the console because I guess they gave themselves a lot of wiggle room for tolerances I guess for weather or not overshooting the sizes. I like how it allows for Sega Saturn controllers to be used. It is a bit big.

>> No.6100835 [View]
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It is a good co-op game which didn't get the same attention like a Ninja Gaiden series or Contra series probably because there was not much articles in Nintendo Power about it. It is cool.

I too use Chinese bootleg flashcarts because of their lower price, but I am just saying with a high value expensive item like the AVS it may be more prudent for OP to get one directly from krikkz or stoneagegamer as the quality control for items from China can vary wildly from the corners they cut when producing in high volumes. I use the same Chinese NES flashcart and it has not damaged my system, but the potential for it to do it is always there. Just saying for OP's peace of mind with an expensive console, a Christmas gift even, may be worth spending the extra.

>> No.5426596 [View]
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The Trump tariffs seem to have hit this bootleg console hard, as I got it a while back for much less. It is an older Unibios, but it is stereo. I have been using the 161-in-1 and Super 138-in-1 until I can save up enough to afford a flashcart.

What sound issues? I have not played all 161 games fully to know. I also have the Super 138-in-1 cartridge. What type of capacitors where? Link me.

>> No.5330973 [View]
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I intend on gettting to them one day. Friends and co-workers do genuinely like it, so it's worth a try at least for conversation.

Cool However, in my experience, it cacn take a couple months for things to arrive, and by then the protection has ended. Just giving a word of warning from purchasing stuff from China. I've done it a few times already.

Sorry, it is not my intention of being overly negative. In fact I have a lot of fun with my bootleg flashcarts and systems. However, I think it is fair to give a warning about bootlegs and products from China. While they are affordable and not geniune, there are risks.

>> No.5272298 [View]
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Saving money with Chinese knockoffs.

>> No.5211061 [View]
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I have the non-HDMI version of that and I like it. I recently decided to buy a Yobo FC from my local bookstore for a Christmas donation to underprivileged children, and I am hoping it will bring the joy of NES games to kids as it did for me. There was a review on youtube that recommended that.

>> No.5197339 [View]
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What is a good native 720P TV that has low input lag?

>> No.4911829 [View]
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Aliexpress. They sell retro games and consoles at pretty cheap prices if you are willing to put up with a collection of repros and bootlegs.

>> No.4876173 [View]
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In need of a good sound setup. Want to change the Samsung TV to a TCL one to complete the China experience.

>> No.4809023 [View]
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I was so happy getting my $0.25/hr raise I bought a new Chinese bootleg console with what I thought I'd earn in the coming months. Now it is somewhat a regret purchase with a car that died. Local gamestop would probably not take in the Chinese console/game, so I am stuck with it when I could have used the money for the Uber rides to work. I am happy playing the great games, I really love them but it is not easy when times get hard.

I'd imagine either the ground TV or PVM gets cooked from underneath. While it looks great, I'm just more concerned with the heat that could be generated from all I see there. I like the Sega section in the corner, your high quality stuff for the Nintendo section, and I am guessing on the left off the image is a Sony section?

That makes me sad as I really want a 20" BVM. Finally saved up almost a grand after a couple years for one and it is still not enough to get one out here, then my car breaks and I will still never have a BVM to enjoy my games on as that resets my savings back to 0. It is cool you have friends that also enjoy classic games. I am just left envious.

>> No.4799837 [View]
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I have been playing some SVC Plus, which is a bootleg of SVC Chaos: SNK vs. Capcom but it has a lot of characters available to select at the onset, which I think is superior to the original.

Rage of the Dragons is my 2nd favorite game made by Mexicans. They bootleggged the Double Dragon characters, but I thought it was really well done. Vorpal is my favorite Mexican made game, wonder what ever happened to its planned sequel.

>> No.4796071 [View]
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My clone console cost me about $10 more, but it also has a Genesis and NES ports. However, my clone console has to run through the framemeister to play on a modern TV with its analog outputs, while the one you have pictured has HDMI out. For half the price of a real SNES, that's not a bad price if you already have a lot of SNES games to play on a modern display. At $45, that's already less than the HD Retrovision cables alone for the SNES.

What if I cannot afford anything better than the Chinese bootlegs. These old games that I like are so expensive now.

>> No.4790282 [View]
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I haven't seen many talk about consoles made in China. There are some great games it could play.

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