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/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.4376881 [View]
File: 54 KB, 640x491, home alone gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was always "that kid" who told the most baffling and fascinating little "facts" about vidya he had figured out for some reason. Sometimes he was bullshitting for the sake of bullshit, sometimes he was just telling misinformation by mistake.

I, personally, was somewhat "that kid". I used to play lots of shitty shareware games back in the days, none of those cool expensive full games like Quake and whatnot, so when talking about vidya in school I kinda juiced it up and told stories about things that happened in my games that didn't really happen ie.

>get demo of Deer Hunter 1 from some computer magazine freebie cd
>pretty neat, not exactly doom or duke, but you get to blast guns at things
>other kids are drawing amazing action packed pictures of their gaming experiences
>many of the drawings were definitely exaggerated, but at least they were based on action games so it's alright
>what the fuck am I going to draw about? trees and maybe bush? boooring
>decide to "juice it up" like I told earier, and come up with new plotline about the game being about soldier sent to island where he has to fight against mutants created by some mad scientist
>draw a picture of mad scientist throwing test tubes at the player, some mutant shit going on etc.
>someone asks hey anon what is that game
>"Deer Hunter", I reply
>woooooooaaaah I gotta try that, says the kid

By the way I'm not a native english speaker, so perhaps "Deer Hunter" sounds more fascinating to non-english speakers. It has the word "hunt" in it after all. I still have that drawing somewhere, I might dig it up if you guys want to see it. Nothing special, but it's pretty funny now that I think about it.

Just imagine some kid waiting anxiously to get his hands on Deer Hunter so that he can shoot some mutants when in reality it's a game about standing in a field.

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