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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.1339335 [View]
File: 132 KB, 561x368, nova_beta__MAP24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, does anyone remembers that raggidy-ass map that was placed in the middle of N.O.V.A and completely broke the pace of the entire WAD? It actually got rearranged and now it's playable unlike the other retarded piece of shit that was placed in the earlier development stage of the wad

For those who weren't around the time, allow me to explain. N.O.V.A. The Birth was (maybe still is) a map pack filled with short to medium-sized, fast paced maps that could be beaten in 5 or 10 mins, and sometimes they were interconnected between each other at the end and beginning of each map. If you knew what you were doing you would end up with tons of ammo

So now, you were in the middle of the road, you just've obtained this BFG near the end of MAP13 (I think it was there) and a wall was lowering, just to reveal a Cyberdemon that you should kill with that thing, but that was quite simple. Enter MAP14 and all out of a sudden you're in this open-sized, rejected slaughtermap with revenants that were placed as turrets in each corner of the center of the map, unreachable arachnotrons at ever corner you could imagine, a pit with WATER THAT DAMAGES YOU and a pack of imps placed almost in front of you, ready to welcome your unaware ass.

I'm glad to report that this map got moved to a more decent place (MAP24) and there's tons of changes that make possible a pistol-start run of this thing. Now there's like two, maybe 3 arachnotrons that serve as snipers, but they can be easily dispatched via infight with other monsters. Pic related is how it looks right now.

But be warned, because the next map has been tagged as being made by Mouldy. So I guess you should what does this means.

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