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/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.4847620 [View]
File: 51 KB, 344x477, 1528863604631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Common sense tells me that buying a GPD Win is a terrible idea, the naive child in me tells me that it's pretty cool. Particularly the 2 since you can emulate Gamecube and PS2.

Anybody here own a Win?

>> No.2568414 [View]
File: 51 KB, 344x477, duwang5 map01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hard to describe.
It's like a tense horror action like Aliens mixed with the charm of Evil Dead.
The games feature huge demons, gun weilding zombies and gore; however the weapons have flamboyant animation, the monsters can attack each other and the music features metal songs played as smooth jazz.

The levels are unique and movement has a great feeling of momentum as well as speed. Gibbing was satisfying because it was feedback for excessive damage and berserk was a secret treat most of the time.

Opinions and ideas nobody cares about below.

The level design is clever at times, but the visual design is odd. However with modern tech they could go nuts and avoid typical industrial environments altogether. Colonising Mars would be difficult if people don't think it looks pretty and comfy.
Using clean environments and destruction effects could really show off the chaos of the combat well.

The weapons are a mix of lofi and scifi tech, getting more advanced as they get more powerful, which makes progression clear. Maybe the military are having nostalgia for wooden stocks?

The monster design is simplistic, however with modern tech, they could be given unique character and charm rather than just being mindless beasts.

Hell could have an unlimited range of visual designs in one game if explain well through lore. It might even be possible to employ perspective tricks and such to make environments feel really alien, similar to thief 1's mansion level.

The story should serve the rest of the game in Doom. To explain the variety and uniqueness and to drive the stakes upwards throughout the game by learning more about the demons.
Maybe the Big Bad has a motive? Maybe the UAC really are the good guys? Maybe Doomguy fucked it all up and now has to clean up his own mess?

I would want a doom 4 to focus on it's own charm, uniqueness and variety. Gore, guns, movement and music are all elements of that.

>> No.811135 [View]
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>> No.348951 [View]
File: 51 KB, 344x477, 1308651085070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Pro" translators' works is usually aimed for general audience which means you have to localize the living shit out of everything and cut as much irrelevant lines as you can so that even the most retarded amerikkans can keep up with the subtitles. Even in other countries (like here in Finland) you miss a ton of shit if just rely on subtitles.

Fan translators work for dedicated fan bases (especially in anime and tokusatsu), which is why the subs can be more elaborate and contain untranslated terms and translation notes (like unit conversions instead of going full imperial retard). I definitely wouldn't leave "kuso-ge" untranslated since "crappy game" gets the message across pretty damn well, but forcing western titles (like in Abarenbou Tengu) or inserting a shitton of swearing is not really something to aim for.

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