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>> No.5418742 [View]
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OoT they ramped up the goofiness for Zelda. The NPCs look silly and comical and make goofy sounds, Ganon is now a big nosed meanie for most of the game, not a hellspawn monster, instead of grizzled old men helping out Link throughout the way you have Zelda dressed as a sleek ninja type guy, instead of elderly mysterious women attendants in the castle you have Impa in the form of a big strong woman, even the "mysterious" elders in the game like the scientist and the witch have a goofy appearance that looks like it was designed more to be fun and comical than anything. Even a "mysterious" character like pic related, in a graveyard, has an overly friendly aesthetic meant to make you more comfortable than uneasy. The flamboyant townspeople, including the big burly men who run around in a faggy way are some of the worst offenders of this design philosophy.

LttP also is more goofy than Zelda II, which has a very uneasy aesthetic, but it still strikes a balance where it has its own sense of a menacing world around you and mysterious characters. OoT went full on for "charm" and "fun." You're getting "kiddie" vibes from it because that's how it was designed. Even the very easy combat, enemy AI where multiple enemies will often stand around as they attack you one at a time, and inability to really get lost on the open Hyrule field with Navi guiding you the whole time are all part of this game being more tailored toward little kids than previous Zelda games, even if we did enjoy the previous games as kids. It was a total transformation of the Zelda series.

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