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/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.7091879 [View]
File: 621 KB, 1920x1200, Screenshot_Doom_20201118_080742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All Hell is Breaking Loose!!!

Ah, yes, "classic". Was featured in that list with Best 90es Wads and represented 1996.

I can see why - it has a fuckton of custom enemies: green flying demons that scream FUCK YOU and flip you off when they die, two-headed machinegunners that use autoshotgun instead, helicopters that spam rockets at you and probably the worst shit I've encountered in Doom - new twoheaded autoshotgunners riding on a spider that's much more aggressive and doesn't stop shooting ever. Also last level has mimic Archvile that's disguised as a medikit.
Levels are nothing interesting either, get worse and worse as you play, culminating with a Downtown-style map.
You can imagine it's a pain in the ass to play, I died a lot and in the final level I started to use resurrect because I just wanted to finish it.

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