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/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.8185696 [View]
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Why did people prefer Goldeneye 007 over it?

>> No.8172724 [View]
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Perfect Dark has anti-piracy code that attempts to permanently corrupt the game's EEPROM save chip. This isn't a super well thought out anti-piracy method (although the game had many others hidden away) since the people most effected by it seem to be legitimate owners who had the code trigger on their carts, possibly due to a memory overflow bug in the 1.0 NTSC version. The way to fix it is to flip the N64's power switch rapidly for a few dozen times to cause the EEPROM to become wiped, undoing the sabotage.

>> No.8162804 [View]
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There's an old, poorly documented problem with Perfect Dark where the game will declare that the Game Pak is full.

We now know what is going on. Or we partially know.

Perfect Dark has numerous "fuck you' anti-piracy mechanisms. Ranging from not being able to walk up slopes to not being able to open doors to deleting the Skedar King's model index so the game crashes on the final mission to benign stuff like giving everyone chipmunk voices.
But there's one piece of recently discovered anti-piracy code that is particularly nasty:
>This is writing a file to the start of the EEPROM data.
>The file is PAKFILETYPE_TERMINATOR, which is used internally to mark the end of the usable space. This effectively deletes all save data on the game pak and makes it permanently unusable.

Of course this isn't actually permanent. If you rapidly power cycle the N64 enough times in a short period of time it will nuke the EEPROM and undo the sabotage.

The question that remains unsolved is why this was triggering on legit copies. This was supposed to trigger on piracy devices. Not real carts. But it definitely occurs on real carts. One possibility is that the 1.0 American's versions memory leak which was quite nasty and hastily patched out, was triggering the AP.

For a long time there has been a rumour that intentionally triggering the warehouse challenge memory leak with 3 simulants or something like that would corrupt the EEPROM. Knowing what we know now, that seems plausible. The memory overflow could plausibly corrupt memory enough that the game's endless litany of AP checks would fail.

>> No.8053074 [View]
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Oh yes.

>> No.7795479 [View]
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I just want to be able to run this game in virtual reality, is this so hard? I can get every other N64 game working with DolphinVR but this one's apparently impossible to inject into a WAD that makes it playable with that emulator, and N64 VR emulation is nonexistent otherwise.

>> No.7793296 [View]
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lol how they fucked up her nose in the render (no nostrils) so on the label they stuck the tendy seal over it.
She looks like half a grey-alien herself the way they did this putty-looking model but no, that's not intentional - the alien is in her eye reflection. that's enough alien references for one image

>> No.7477460 [View]
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Are there good emulators for this? Wanna play it on my computer.

>> No.7111794 [View]
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>> No.5796492 [View]
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This game was great on the 64, why didn't it see any success with sequels or later reboots?

>> No.5689307 [View]
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Bought the transparent smoke version and it looked awesome with that red expansion pack. We played THPS and Goldeneye so much it was crazy. Electricity was shut off so we hauled it and the TV to the park down the road to play under the pavilion.
There were so many great games for it. The Zeldas were absolutely captivating. As far as multiplayer, Perfect Dark had to be the best. 4 way split screen and managed bots. Not to mention the absolute variety of weapons. Favorite play of mine was to find a room with two entrances I could watch, set proxy mines at both and then throw the laptop gun turret on the wall behind me. I still havent seen anything like the adrenaline shot or the n-bomb in gaming. It was way ahead of it's time. Alien tech indeed.

>> No.5646098 [View]
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>> No.4886204 [View]
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>> No.4558568 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 62 KB, 1024x768, Perfect_dark_cover_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfect Dark is the best first person shooter ever made.

It has incredibly satisfying gunplay, great weapons, great maps, a single player with dynamic objectives and real difficulty, highly customizable multiplayer with custom characters and player profiles/stat tracking, AI bots with custom personalities, a metric fuckton of unlockables and secrets, great graphics, amazing music, and features like counter co-op that no shooter since has ever had. No game can match this.
>b-but muh PC shooters
PC shooters are terrible. Yes, really. Almost every single one is either a piece of shit arena shooter like Quake 3 or Unreal that consists of circle strafing and shooting rockets at each other thousands of times, or some kind of "deep" and "engrossing" story-based shooter like Deus Ex or Half-Life with shit weapons and snore-inducing mechanics. Meanwhile, Perfect Dark provides a blend of fast-paced run and gun gameplay, stealth, exploration and team combat. All in one.
>b-but muh framerate
With 4 human players, 8 AI and high-resolution mode turned on, the lowest PD will fall even during high action sequences is about 7 or 8fps. Under normal circumstances, such as 1 or 2 human players and a few AI, the game runs at a smooth 20~30fps consistently, unless there are a lot of explosions or something. If you can't enjoy a game at 20 or 30fps, you shouldn't be on this board. If it really hurts you that badly, you can even play the XBLA remake at 60fps or emulate on PC with 60fps and kb+controls. In other words, you have no reason to complain about this.

Ask yourself: why are you a faggot that doesn't play Perfect Dark? Why are you content playing beyond repetitive arena shooters and boring singleplayer games when you could play a game with varied missions and objectives, all sorts of crazy gadgets with different abilities, cool setpieces and amazing music and atmosphere? There is no excuse for your faggotry.

>> No.4551756 [View]
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No, I just played the better game instead.

>> No.4206559 [View]
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my favorite rare game but the least talked about. i think its great and way better than golden eye. every best of n64 lists i see i never see it.

>> No.4063159 [View]
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>weapons: turret guns, n-bombs, farsight, slayer, combat knife, and grenades only
>level: random

unwritten rule: grenades are only used in proximity pinball mode. Also using the primary mode of fire with any weapon is generally dishonorable

>> No.3751508 [View]
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Never played this game. Altought I loved Goldeneye I don´t know what should I expect from it.
Recently found a cartridge for 10 bucks on a retro store. Should I buy it?
Sell me the game, /vr/

>> No.3692079 [View]
File: 62 KB, 1024x768, perfect_dark_wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Times when composers fucked up

Grant Kirkhope on Perfect Dark

>Those random twinkles and fart noises that make me think more of Banjo Kazooie than a scifi conspiracy thriller

>> No.3125635 [View]
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What's the sonygger's answer to this?

>> No.3047726 [View]
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Looks like Arale. Am I right to assume this is a Toriyama character?

>> No.2889852 [View]
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I don't know what kind of black magic Rare used to fit so much content on a N64 cart but I wish more people had access to it.

>> No.2851772 [View]
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There's a romhack that replaces Perfect Dark N64's mp3 files with the ones from the XBLA version for improved voice acting quality.



It requires a big-endian (U) 1.1 Perfect Dark rom.

>> No.2797520 [View]
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Assuming you meant female

>> No.2702427 [View]
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What's your opinion on the sudden change in direction Perfect Dark went about halfway through? Do you feel the alien stuff was out of place or do you think corporate espionage styled missions would have gotten old if they stuck with it the whole game?

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