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>> No.1896562 [View]
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Great concept, kinda bad implementation.

The map is really nice looking, but some sprites are corrupted and cant be displayed properly.
You can also walk through fences, but thats just a minor problem.

>Bike mod itself
Many bugs. Crashing with the bike causes sometimes a bug, where you clip through walls, what the hell.

Crashing causes another bug: You keep the "steering wheel" of the bike in your hand, but you already fell from your bike. If you press forward this time, Zandronum crashes.

Another problem with crashing: It does not always happen. Sure, if you're driving slowly, you cant drop. But it doesnt even happen if you're really fucking fast. Sometimes, you even fly ridiculously far if you hit something.
But why does the bike get destroyed when I hit a demon, and doesnt when I hit the wall?

Also if you accelerate, release the forward button, and just keep turning, you never get below 9 mph, this doesnt make any sense.

Can you tell me why Zombiemans gib when you shoot them? Guess you forgot to add +NOEXTREMEDEATH to the bullet puffs, I've never seen someone gib because of a single pellet, ridicolous.

The engine itself feels weird. Sometimes you accelerate extremely fast, sometimes you need up to 10 seconds to increase your speed by 10 mph. Why does this happen?

The controls are stiff. Its damn hard to turn around when you're driving with a really low velocity. Just why? Try to increase the angle per tic variable when you're driving really fucking slow.

If you shoot the bike a few times (TRY NOT TO DESTROY THE BIKE), and get on it, it suddenly explodes. I dont know what causes this, I'd take a look at the code, but I'm afraid its a mess just like Brutal Doom.

Everything else was okay.

I also agree with this anon (well for the most part):

Would give this mod 4/10, needs a lot of improvement. I was kinda disappointed to be honest.

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