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/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.2411996 [View]
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I like rifles.
You just gotta make them interesting.

What's more interesting? Having to put at least -some- focus on accuracy and making your shots count, or just holding down the trigger without really using the sights because gameplaywise, the rifle because you're playing COD and it just behaves like the SMG but with higher damage?

Not saying that ironsights should be mandatory or necessary, in fact, I'd like it if the rifle was pretty much the only weapon where you could look down the sights, and that's only so that it's useful for medium and long-ish distances. You can choose to use the ironsights on the rifle, but they're not necessary, you can still hip-fire it rapidly into scores of monsters and that works, because you can still let loose a decent salvo of fairly powerful shots in short time.

Just saying, if I were to put a rifle in a Doom game like that, that's how I would do it.
I'd make it an old battlerifle, powerful and accurate, but can't fire in full-auto and the magazine only holds 20 rounds. It's heavy so you can swing the stock like a club (preferably into the face of an enemy).

There'd still be a chaingun and maybe an SMG for rapid fire. And of course the plasma.

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