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>> No.6067172 [View]
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>You can look at the bright side but it was actually that his boss fight and death was cut for time constraints.

That's a fucking lie. They fully intended for him to live. You don't end your game like this calling attention to the fact that he's not dead if you just ran out of time and money to kill him.

>> No.4891829 [View]
File: 39 KB, 640x480, 65-Breath_of_Fire_IV_02821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Close but no cigar

It's both.

>Ursula's grandfather was supposed to sneak on Yuna and break his neck

I call bullshit. That's just Capcom backpedaling when they saw how much hate Yuna got. You know how I know it's bullshit?




Let's say they DID intend to kill Yuna but just ran out of time. Then why in the fuck would you end the game like this. They didn't just not kill Yuna, they made sure the player KNEW they didn't kill Yuna. If his death just fell through the cracks in the development cycle he'd just fuck off without a word and never be mentioned again, the staff hoping the players might forget about him after focusing on a bigger flashier villain. Instead they went well out of the way to show him alive and plotting again.

Do you know how easy it would have been to just have him get some crappy throw away death? Im not an expert but I can't imagine it would have been terribly difficult to kill him any number of ways. Toss his sprite in the path of Tyrant dragon, add a spell effect, a couple dialogue boxes and boom.

Yuna's survival was always the plan. Not only because of what I said but because of what


His survival works too well, adds too much and them showing, not hinting, not implying but FLAT OUT SHOWING his survival? Too intentional. And even if it wasn't the story is better for it

>> No.4652212 [View]
File: 39 KB, 640x480, 65-Breath_of_Fire_IV_02821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I dunno I can't get over the fact that the one dude gets scot-free, because of.. teleportation skill I guess??.

Part of what 4 good WAS that Yuuna got off Scott free. Him living is what separates the final confrontation between Fou and Ryu from every other ideological anime/game clash between the hero and the antagonist. From Fou Lu's perspective humanity was completely without redemption. Not after what he saw, not after what they did to the only decent person he knew. He wanted to see them punished for their wicked ways even if it meant laying waste to the entire capital. Ryu however saw both the good and bad, he had friends and allies who supported him through the tragedies and horrors he saw as well as seeing lot's of good things because of them. When the two finally clash they're at an impasse. Is it better to punish the innocent alongside the wicked or save the innocent even if it means the guilty go free? The catch is up to this point all the guilty have been punished. There's no examples of bad guys left who didn't get dealt with. Except Yuuna. His survival is a sign that humanity has good with the bad and while there may be more of the former we can't pretend the latter are just single outliers.

You need Yuuna to give Fou Lu's argument weight, because sparing him alongside the rest is part of the games final message. Second chances and new beginnings. It's up to humanity to decide what it wants to be and no doubt plenty like him will choose evil and we need to be mindful of them.

There's talk that Yuuna was MEANT to die but I find that to be baloney. If he was meant to die they wouldn't have called so much attention to him like they did. And that's because it fits in with the games themes. I

>> No.4117653 [View]
File: 39 KB, 640x480, 65-Breath_of_Fire_IV_02821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feeling all too well. There are some games that when I complete I just think about about playing again, like Inlike still want more.

Breath of Fire IV's ending really sticks out to me. The ending is pretty bittersweet as technically everything is resolved though what will happen in the future is unonow as well the main villain is fine and even plans to continue his evil. It feels like a proper ending and I'm happy it's deeper then just saying everything is fine now, but it still just leaves me wanting more.

>> No.4061941 [View]
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It's definitely Capcom backpedaling. If they just ran out of time to kill Yuuna then they would have left the issue there after he bamfs off somewhere sort of like that asshole Rowd from Suikoden 2.

THIS is how BoF4 ends. Not only did they never intend to kill Yuuna they flat out wanted you to know he was live. No way this isn't anything BUT intentional.

>> No.3926398 [View]
File: 39 KB, 640x480, 65-Breath_of_Fire_IV_02821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They also said A-tur would have eaten him. It was back peddling. You know how I know it was back peddling? Not just because it fit the narrative perfectly but because THIS FUCKING SCENE RIGHT HERE.

If they intended to kill Yuuna but just couldn't they would have just had him scamper away never to be scene again. They didn't. The ended the game with him flaunting how he didn't learn a damn thing. They went out of the way to show how he was alive.

>> No.3153806 [View]
File: 39 KB, 640x480, 65-Breath_of_Fire_IV_02821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they were originally going to have Ursula's father kill Yuna off.

No they weren't. Ive said it before but Yuuna's survival is too perfect.

It ties into Ryu and Fou's final confrontation and their nature as opposites.

Fou Lu driven mad by the events he witnessed aims to wipe humanity out because he deems them wicked even if it means taking the few good with him. Ryu's goal is to protect the innocent even if it means the wicked go unpunished. Yuuna being the single most wicked we've seen.

With Yuuna surviving it ads real weight to this clash of ideals. Yes people like Elina and Mami are good without question but compare that to the damage one Yuuna is capable of. Are "humans" worth protecting? Are we all as bad as Fou believes or is he just angry from loss?

The game ends with Ryu winning as the good ending but thanks to Yuuna surviving and planning on starting all over the question isn't so cut and dry.

If Yuuna and all the badguys died the ending confrontation would amount to generic anime idealism and sophistry. We need a consequence on the good side to balance out the bad side and keep it from being a black and white cliche. Maybe the game could have spelled it out better but I like that they didn't beat us over the head with it.

Plus if they really wanted him to die they would have killed him in the manga adaption when they had the chance too. (pretty good read, check it out)

plus there's the popular fan theory that Yuuna is the one who created Myria and is responsible for well pretty much every bad thing that happens in the series ever. Myria the false goddess, Yuuna's main goal was the creation of such a thing. He's also totally the kind of guy who could turn a bodyless goddess into a snake women too.

food for though

>> No.2417608 [SPOILER]  [View]
File: 39 KB, 640x480, 1432181059219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you do the Yell + Focus thing, just make sure you've got a strong weapon on, use Two Swords if you can, and you can crown Velius over the head and one-shot them. You keep the same stats that you had when you fought him in the first half, and he'll go down just about as easy as he did last time if you can still get two rounds before he gets one.

As for my own game, I absolutely love Breath of Fire IV.


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