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/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.9670851 [DELETED]  [View]
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You're such a blind old man

>can't read because no attention span
Read WHAT? Manual information must be in the game not on a piece of paper. Nigga you must be reading literally all wikis before playing any game. That's not how it supposed to work yaknow (but of course i cant blame REALLY old games like Ultima or Wizardry where additional documentation is literally the only way to help players to get into game)

I can't really blame you. You just playing this old mediocre RPG games only because they're old and only because /vr/ said they're good (or because of nostalgia). Then you ended up on 4chan because you’re like 54 years old trying to defend awful game design because you have shitty taste in vidya that was dictated by other anons.

>Is this meant as bait?
No...i'm not the one who wrote it but i think he's right. It doesn't look like a bait because it's true.

>these games were made for were often D&D players
So board game players, according to game designers and you, are so autistic that they necessarily need a five-volume read and an overcomplicated interfaces to make their gameplay seem more "real" and "fun"?

>There was a time when reading information on a game, what it's about and how it plays wasn't seen as some terrible chore, it was part of the appeal
This "appeal" doesn't have any sense because we can read that shit IN THE GAME. If a game designer can't make a game so that you can't play it without using the manual, then he's terrible at his job.

And yeah, FUCK JANNIES!!!

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