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>> No.9221131 [View]
File: 233 KB, 1202x905, stale&oldPASTAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gen2 enjoyer
this cannot be the proper way to store those kek
nice use of backdrop
looks good
thrift store tapes are cheap too
not a fan of the white labels though
it takes 20-30 seconds tops to look at them
post the room
based 3DO enjoyer
i dont think you needed all that rackmount
but whatever makes you happy anonkun
still based
but i know you secretly want to paint your furniture so it all matches now kek
a lot going on on the walls
but still based, wii was top-tier in my poorfag days
you dont need the cabinet liners
i used a rackmount for years and nothing bad ever happened
needs something to break up that wall
& make things more like a home
nice collection though
what neck pickup????
"guys will live in an apartment like this & think nothing is wrong"
rome wasnt built in a day
do your neighbors hate that amp?
remove clutter
remove cabinet liners
although the mvs multicarts do have some fuckups - i noticed i couldnt get to the credits on blazing star
money spent on figures when you could have got more systems ;_;
check out noir (90s)
GC & PS2 era was comfy
>ds lite
checks out
stop drinking monsters
you are poisoning your mind\body
v good
i hope you play pc engine on the wii
nice find
i always love cd racks
i hope you play pc engine on the ps classic
its a mess
but i do like it
perfect use of tape deck
i beat mario in a setup almost exactly like this
>questionable wall art
>displaying clutter in pc area
nearly there
that tv rack looks great
no eating in your room
i do miss times like this though
would pet the cat
i have a huge cd binder too anon
its completely full kek
do you have any irem boards?
dragon breed?

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