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>> No.7834585 [View]
File: 240 KB, 1200x1508, misrihalek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did it really deserve number 1? I didn't have the impression that pic related was THAT memorable - it's even above Deus Vult.

>> No.7484401 [View]
File: 240 KB, 1200x1508, misri halek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like that it's abstract, yet also feels like you're traversing hellish wastelands between two bastions in hell. Slough Of Despair isn't some castle or temple, it's not a location which was built, it's just a rocky canyon, which perhaps due to the influence of evil magic took on its odd outline.

There's a guy with a site, yeah, just a minute.

Regrettably, he does not have TNT Evilution nor Plutonia on this page, only Doom and Doom 2. I have this image of Alien Vendetta's Misri Halek rendered like this, so either he did that on request, or the tool for this exists somewhere or he lent it out, I wish I could have it so I could render up a whole bunch of cool levels I like, it would be fantastic if I could have renders like these for Doom 64.

>> No.5788665 [View]
File: 240 KB, 1200x1508, 1665529130_4_01misrihalekiso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, first version is from 2001, was revamped into the 2002 version because of speedrunning.
Alien Vendetta Black Label from 2016 is kind of a patch only, you still need the alien vendetta 2002, just load the black label one after it. Black Label just replaces MAP01 and MAP02 up to more modern standards.
The 2002 versions changed a lot, from the doomwiki:
>The second release, made in 2002 when it was selected for usage on Compet-n, made various changes to almost all of the levels; the biggest change is the replacement of MAP25: Valley of Echoes with another map, MAP24: Clandestine Complex, as well as the relocation of the former MAP24: Demonic Hordes to MAP25.

All versions can be downloaded from the official alien vendetta page at http://doom2.net/av/get.html

>> No.5712681 [View]
File: 240 KB, 1200x1508, 1665529130_4_01misrihalekiso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I was browsing through this Doomworld article, The 100 Most Memorable Maps

I read their explanation for why Alien Vendetta MAP20 is the #1 spot, but - what do you guys think? Is that really the most memorable map in Doom history? Or among most memorable?

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