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>> No.5212409 [View]
File: 605 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20181022_015415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he new ID games (and Machinegames games) are so faithful to the original spirit of those games that it feels like the original ID Soft is still there

Ehhh I can't say the new games are very faithful to the feel of the original games. Nu-Doom can't really be threatening anymore. Nu-Doom is more what doom has become in the cultural consciousness rather than what Doom ever *was*. It's a Far Cry 3 style sequel to Doom 3, taking the opposite approach of the previous game to please the fans who felt burned by the last game. }
It's not a bad game, it's just not what I feel like Doom is.
Doom's never been a power fantasy to me, at least in the conventional way. It's been about beating overwhelming odds, navigating a difficult and treacherous environment around, past or through enemies who feel like real obstacles as you slowly accumulate a growing arsenal of really cool guns.
It's not about upgrades, it's not about how cool you are, it's about surviving, a normal, albeit incredibly angry guy in a very bad spot, using the right weapons at the right times and rationing your supplies to win.

Doom 2016 isn't a game about that. It's a game about tearing your way through hordes of enemies who are never an obstacle, and many of which will actively run from you rather than try to stop you. They're just points or a key to open a door. It feels fantastic, but that's not what I come to Doom for. I don't want to be Master Chief, I want to be John Mcclain.
I don't want to be Neo from Matrix Reloaded, I want to be Snake Plisken.
Ellen Ripley not The Predator.

It's good, I won't deny that. The lore is absolutely pointless, but it's good. It's just not what I look for.

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