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>> No.10998797 [View]
File: 788 KB, 2592x1944, No_Lines_at_CES_in_my_day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had no idea SegaSonic the Hedgehog was rare. My friends and I first played the game at a trade show in the mid-90s, and we all loved it such that we pooled our money together to get the board in the late 90s. Even got the panel of 2 official Sega trackball and wired a 3rd official Sega trackball to play it though a Supergun. I think it was almost $1000USD back then for the board which was a lot of money. Sadly we all parted ways in the mid-2000s so we had to sell the board and the trackball panels and made out decently okay with it. Now I had no idea it was rare, since I can still go to a place that has it within 10 minutes, but now I feel almost as bad about selling the board as when I threw away all my first years of Nintendo Power just because I had to move.

>> No.6441309 [View]
File: 789 KB, 2592x1944, No_lines_to_queue_for_any_game_back_then.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember one year their booth was next to Nintendo's massive floor presence, taking up about 3 table lengths. There were maybe 2-3 representatives at the booth, but no one was there nor interested in their games. I decided to go up and ask them about their games or a flier, and they just gave me Eternam just probably for being the only person that even noticed their presence at the trade show. It's not a good game so I barely ever touched it. Next year their booth was slightly larger and their main game on display was Corridor 7, which I remembered at the time thinking "this is a lot like Wolf3D" while talking to their reps, at least their booth was situated a lot better for visibility that year and was a bit more popular. It was not visually impressive as the year before EA/Origin showed off Shadow Caster which did impress me. I guess they made me very happy one year just giving me a full game.

Also, I am not playing TF4 now, this is a really old pic.

>> No.5553957 [View]
File: 789 KB, 2592x1944, No_Lines_at_CES_in_my_day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back when I lived up north, I remember going to CES before E3 was settled. It was held 10 minutes walk away from my home back then, so I decided to check it out. I got so many brochures form so many developers and publishers as I could but now most of those are left at my sister's place. I still remember the two I visited, but it would turn to a blogpost.

So since you're mentioning Sega, I remember one year Sega had a huge 2-part floor presence. They were featuring the yet unreleased Sonic 2 on about 8 stations, and I played that demo first stage a few times (no lines, or waited behind one person). I distinctly remember no one was at the Streets of Rage 2 setup next to the Silpheed setup. Streets of Rage 2 was only the the character select into the first part of the first stage (before it scrolls diagonally) with no enemies. I remember trying out David Robinson's Basketball at the end of the equally as large 8 row Sega Sports setup next to Sonic 2. There was a dude in a Sonic costure walking the floor, they wouldn't let me take pictures as Sonic 2 was unreleased. I didn't frequent Sega's 2nd part of the floor as much, but I remember they were showing off arcade machines instead, but there was a line to the Segasonic the Hedgehog machine. The trackball was tiring to use but super fun.

I remember calling my cousin's to come and join in, and we had a great weekend. The following year, a friend got me in and it was just as fun. I hear E3 is a lot of lines and waiting now. Fond memories.

>> No.3296938 [View]
File: 789 KB, 2592x1944, No_Lines_at_CES_in_my_day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't follow this year's E3 due to work, even though I spend most my videogame time on old videogames, I can still get my hype boner up for modern E3 as seen in this video:


I remember a couple years of ancient CES when it was literally walking distance from my home and I went there in back to back years after school. I was very young, obviously a kid, but I still asked asked a few presenters at the booths what I thought were some decent questions. My memories are very vivid of these two because I experienced them.

Squaresoft was showing off "Final Fantasy 3" (showing off the beautiful snow sequence we all know) and I asked them about Final Fantasy 5 and their plans on releasing it to the US. The representative's response was saying they wanted to release the game as "Final Fantasy Extreme" (it was the 90s) because it was very different. I also asked about jobs for their US division, and they told me to send work in, of which later they did create a game in the US as we know would become Secret of Evermore.

Capcom had a booth showing off the then hotness that was Street Fighter Turbo for SNES with the equivalent of a modern day hype man, emphasizing "competition" but more interesting to me at the time on Nintendo's floor, Capcom had a station with what would become Mega Man X's tutorial stage without dialogue windows at the end.

Origin impressed me with their games they had on display. As a fan of Wing Commander it was nice they opened up a scenario creator which became Academy. More interesting to me was what I felt was a modified Wolfenstein engine for Shadowcaster which I asked about. I learned of Raven Software then, and realized they had some great artists.

Comment too long, I can go on about Sega, TTI (TuboDuo), Megatech, Mindscape, Nintendo, Capstone Entertainment, Phillips, etc. Point being, trade shows was a great experience alongside videogames, I loved it when I was young, maybe kids like them now too.

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