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/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.1615443 [View]
File: 29 KB, 383x592, punchout_miketyson_sheet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just checked the WAD contents....what the fuck!? There's not a single trace of a custom monster in the DeHackEd file, they could've inserted Mike Tyson easily while still being vanilla! Also it's not like the WAD was made in the early days, it's from 2011, people had already made terrific things with .deh files even before the 2000s

For those that may not know how custom DeHackEd monsters work, in short, instead of ADDING custom sprites/sounds/code for each monster, you REPLACE somebody else's assets with your own set; the one enemy that in 99.3% of the cases gets removed is the SS Nazi, thus making it so that when you play a Boom-compat wad in ZDoom the obituary will read "Player met a Nazi" (a good example of this is the Dopefish from D2TWID. Yes, you can fight Dopefish in a WAD)

And like I said, you don't even need to use ALL the frames from the NES game, just pick the first 4 for movement, then the 2 frames that get used for the uppercut, a single frame for its Pain state and then the last 3 would be its "death" animation. Add some speed to it, and the Revenant punch attack with a small and proper buff. Replace the Keen sounds with some Punch Out effects...And you're fucking set!

What a wasted opportunity. It almost makes me want to contact the creators of Vanguard and create a small "fix" to the bonus map

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