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>> No.1781157 [View]
File: 374 KB, 1680x1050, Screenshot_Doom_20140718_231625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's my first map ever.

Actually pretty good for a first. I played on skill3, didn't find the secret, and I agree that there is a bit too much shotgun ammo.

In the 'general' things, there are 2 things that put me off:
1 - I find it a little weird that if you don't go in the path that holds the blue key first, you can go ALL the way to the end of the map killing the vast majority of enemies. This means that if you don't go get the blue key first, you'll have to backtrack that long way empty and come back again, with it empty; and also you'll be killing most enemies WITHOUT the double barrel shotgun (though that's not exactly an issue).
However, the only way to prevent this, would be to change how the locked doors are configured, and for instance make the door on the right of where i stand in this pic locked by the blue key (and then replace the blue elevator lock by a button triggered elevator; using the same button in the adjacent room).
This however, would make the map a bit more linear. I personally would like it better that way, but maybe you don't.

2- The revenants. I think NONE of the revenant encounters are good for revenants. For instance, imo the one in the dark area calls more for invisible pinkies. The one in the small room that unlocks the eleavtor, i'd put chaingunners.

The rest of my 'complains' aren't as important :
- I think you need more variety in textures. For instance the room in the pic; it's a different room than the rest, could use another set of textures. That white wall texture is everywhere, i'd suggest change some rooms of that (or like, keep it for corridors and have 'rooms' use another texture, or vice versa; or find one or two textures that you can combine with that texture a bit everywhere to make it look less bland and repetitive)
- quite a lot of misaligned textures a bit everywhere
- i don't really like when you get chaingun/shotgun from enemies, but that's just me i guess

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