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>> No.10181492 [View]
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Star Wars: Dark Forces Remaster has been announced.

Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion is getting a re-release.

>Not possible yet. Activision purchase has not yet been finalized.
Actually, there's really nothing on the way for Heretic, Hexen and its sequel's re-releases. They have publishing rights to it and, for example, nu-Atari was able to let Nightdive do Blood: Fresh Supply thanks to that.
Granted, being cut off from Portal of Praevus doesn't leave much chances for Hexen 2. That's just matter of time before it stops being a problem though.
>I would like them to do a good Wolf3D port.
I'm still counting on Nerve Software putting one out eventually. They didn't have any releases in years it seems and, much like with DOOMs, Nerve made console ports of Wolfenstein 3D in the past.
>Maybe a hint of Sin since they got this crossover thing with 3DR going on.
I won't expect any updates on SiN at least until the second half of 2024. Nightdive can hold onto it and work on re-release and remake/reboot on the side while taking on any rising opportunity.
Phantom Fury might help with kicking off SiN discussions though.
Aside from obvious "they were re-released already", both DOOMs are the kind of games that don't need any visual enhancements. You can try and pull All Stars on them, but the original look is timeless.
Completed CotM yesterday and I enjoyed Darkest Depths. Whole expansion was pretty neat overall.
Personally, I don't like the current take on 2D parts of cutscenes. It's too floaty or something.

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