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>> No.11522281 [View]
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>Ashes 2063
looks interesting, but it takes ages to load on my old lappy. I used to be really into PA stuff back in the early 2000's

>> No.11454370 [View]
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the pillars everywhere. for example into one area with cacos, knights and imps where you can jump up to one secret (which doesn't do anything?). I was able to deal with it by running into the area instead
yeah plundering the cave does make things things a bit easier afterward. I guess one could go there first then into the left area and the aforementioned caco+knight area
I'm also generally irritated by issues related to the last few days' snowfall, my car being frozen over and having to bike home through 10-20 cm of snow. maybe I'm taking it out on your map. let's see what other anons think

>> No.11008612 [View]
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>trying to play Alien TC on gzdoom but it's already the second level is not possible to clear because there are impassable things in the way
>also none of the railing textures work
what magic incantation do I need? with doom2alien.zip I am doing the following:
gzdoom -file atc2tex.wad atc2snd.wad atc2wad.wad atc2sf.wad -def atc2.deh -warp 11
I want my spoops gosh darn it

>> No.10880763 [View]
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don't hold out on us anon

>> No.10792027 [View]
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>playing Going Down
>every single map is more of a murderfest than the last
on MAP20 at the moment which is thoroughly kicking my ass

>> No.10741579 [View]
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>The server reports 1 PWAD(s), and you have 1
>Protected lump authentication failed.
>Please make sure you are using the exact same WAD(s) as the server, and try again.
is there some way to get zandronum to tell me what exactly is wrong? I have Doom 2, Ultimate Doom and Freedom in my IWAD search path.. launching via doomseker

>> No.10694636 [View]
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$ du -sh doom
9,5G doom

>> No.10663095 [View]
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my crusher won't work. what may I be doing wrong?
>set tag on target sector
>set tag on switch linedef
>using linedef action 25 W1 start crusher, slow damage

>> No.10584973 [View]
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if you can play DOOM with it it's a DOOM engine

>> No.10558962 [View]
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just finished SIGIL
>nearly every single map is an elevator puzzle
>that fucking map with the cyberdemon
>oh, you're in a small room? have some cacos and pinkies
ragequit multiple times, but at least I beat it

>> No.10402537 [View]
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what are appropriate tools for doom editing on ganoo linux? I use Debian
I've tried getting Ultimate Doom Builder to work, using both mono and wine, but it crashes when creating a new map. I've tried both r4071 and r4132. I use "Doom: Doom 2 (Doom format)" in settings and add doom2.wad to resources then press OK
with mono the error I get pertains to the renderer whereas with wine the error I get relates to fontconfig:
>Fontconfig error: failed reading config file: /etc/fonts/conf.d: (errno 21)
>Fontconfig error: failed reading config file: /usr/share/fontconfig/conf.avail: (errno 21)
>* Assertion at /vagrant/mono/mono/mini/local-propagation.c:561, condition `ins->opcode > MONO_CEE_LAST' not met
I might give Slade a try also. I'm hoping it supports gzdoom's various features

>> No.7859607 [View]
File: 11 KB, 217x232, doomguy shocked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what mapset?

>> No.5252705 [View]
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Was just replaying Strife and noticed something bizarre. ALL your weapons fire with a random x/y offset, not just your hitscan rifle. And this is without autoaim enabled. So the crossbow, the rocket launcher, all of them fire with SIGNIFICANT inaccuracy. This is probably a significant reason why the combat feels so unfun.

>> No.5160364 [DELETED]  [View]
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>It was discovered that whoever made the levels fucked up the skybox, and put it in as an actual object, so it is throwing a shadow over the whole level.

>> No.4378002 [View]
File: 10 KB, 217x232, excuseme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


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