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/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.1153598 [View]
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Wow this thread is still going on. I love me some beat em' ups. I can play them for hours. SoR2 was the my thing back then and now that I own a Genesis, it was so amazing. I almost beat it as soon as I got the game but here's a list of my favorite Brawlers:

Battletoads (Yes this game even though it's challenging I still wanna beat the game)
Battletoads and Double Double (I prefer the NES but the SNES is fun too and looks updated)
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs(FF Clone with amazing music, SFX, and very gory but enjoyable beat it in 2 hours.)
Captian Commando (Enjoyable CPS-1 game)
Final Fight (I prefer the Sega CD because Soundtrack and GBA because SFA versions of Guy and Cody are cool)
Double Dragon (Amazing title)
Double Dragon II (Love this game a lot and without this, Final Fight wouldn't have existed well if the arcade version wasn't made but the NES version rocks too)
Golden Axe (Classic Early Genesis title loved playing this as a kid on my PC)
Comix Zone (Cool art design and amazing gem on the Genesis)
River City Ransom (Classic Brawler and I can't wait for the sequel to comeout!)
Turtles in Time (Konami knew how to make TMNT beat em ups and the Graphics are colorful and very appealing)
Streets of Rage 2 (Amazing game, great OST, replay value is great)
X-Men (Fun it has it's moments and it was a great Konami title)
Simpsons (I played this game in the arcade as a kid a lot and I love trying to beat it but never made it far as of level 3 ish?)
Ninja Baseball Bat Man (Just the title makes you wanna play this game. Pretty fucking fun literally it's just amazing!)

I never played Guardian heroes but I really want to because I'm a huge treasure fan and the D&D series from Capcom. Also AvP for CPS-2. I hear it's amazing. Maybe I'll try them out

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