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/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.11215801 [View]
File: 1 KB, 324x180, garmfield.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Week of Garfield.

>> No.10559927 [View]
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>Why were some licensed games so horrible?
You posted a game based on a superhero franchise. How do you exactly make a game about a guy who's impervious to nearly anything that could kill a regular man? He's the fucking SUPERMAN, it's right in the title! Superman and similar superheroes has always been a tough theme for a video game. The reason why other franchises had it easier with games was the characters, who might be also super-awesome in their own right, but they're far from being nigh-indestructible like Superman - think of TMNT, Chip & Dale and other Disney characters, who have got their fair share of exceptionally good licensed games in the /vr/ era. Then there are developers who are just sloppy with just about any licence - case in point, pic related. It could've been an enjoyable, if mediocre platformer featuring the titular lazy ass cat. Instead it's a hot mess, an example of "how not to make a game" in general. But I'm getting a little bit extreme here, because the best example of a company that churned out licensed slops is Bandai. I can't really think of even average licensed game released by them, they just used their license and commissioned TOSE or other third-party developer to quickly make a game off a popular anime franchise or whatever.

So what makes a good licensed game? The way how gameplay ties in with the characters and settings of the franchise, even if it doesn't result in the greatest experience of all time. Just don't fuck it up like most Bandai titles or aformentioned A Week of Garfield and you're good. Why do you think fucking Pepsiman is so remembered among the retrogaming community? Because this game is a well done tie-in to the Pepsiman commercials - put another character without the catchy theme song and all the ridiculous shit that happens in the game and all the magic is gone.

>> No.10495462 [View]
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A Week of Garfielf

>> No.10304989 [View]
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>> No.9964309 [View]
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A Week of Garfield

>> No.9732769 [View]
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Get on my level and play a Week of Crapfield.

>> No.9613507 [View]
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>I can't help but think many would have performed well out of a Japan
And others would horribly fail - case in point, pic related.

>> No.9538424 [View]
File: 1 KB, 324x180, garmfield.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Week of Garfielf is definitely one. Why did I play through this piece of crap?

>> No.9275037 [View]
File: 1 KB, 324x180, garmfield.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best game this fatass ever could get. I've beaten A Week of Garfield fully legit on an actual Famicom and to this day I still wonder why the fuck did I put myself through that torture.

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