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>> No.8938826 [View]
File: 1011 KB, 2880x2025, RE1 Official Sega Saturn Magazine - september UK #23 (1997) - Page 48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As this anon said >>8936198 those are hardest.
If you had to split hairs, Saturn is probably slightly harder since it had a bonus boss fight included too.
I've played it without auto-aiming, it's not too bad at all, although you do kind of miss it going back. I mostly missed being able to check if a zombie was alive/dead when off screen.

>> No.8600003 [View]
File: 1011 KB, 2880x2025, RE1 Official Sega Saturn Magazine - september UK #23 (1997) - Page 48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice, good luck friend. Think you'll give it a run through as Chris next? I think it's worth it, the experience is sufficiently different.

>> No.8272375 [View]
File: 1011 KB, 2880x2025, 1630651963473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're wonderful. I played through RE1 Director's Cut for the first time last week and kept thinking what a beautifully designed game it was. Every room, item, weapon, character, monster and trap has a purpose - there's no filler whatsoever. The way the mansion slowly opens up to you and expects you to navigate using your own knowledge of enemy placements to ensure the safest passage is great fun too. I still think REmake is probably the better game (not even taking the graphics into account) but people shouldn't be so quick to write off PS1 RE1. It's just great.

RE2 rocks but for entirely different reasons and I don't exactly hate how much more action packed it is compared to RE1 because I always liked the weapon and death animations in those games a lot. Scoring a headshot on a group of zombies has yet to get old. I do wish the exploration aspect of it didn't narrow so much after you left the police station, but I like the RE2 labs more than I like RE1's labs. The sewers are just a bit too linear.

RE3 is my least favourite of the trilogy, but it's still a fun time. Has some of the best pre-rendered backgrounds of that era, Nemesis is awesome, the Carlos segments are fun and I like the sudden location shift to the clock tower. What I think really lets it down are the boss fights and the finnicky new movement combos for dodging and shoving. I grew up playing tank control games and have no issue with them, but they just don't play nice with such action packed boss fights. Nemesis outside the clock tower in particular is complete horseshit.

Code Veronica has it's charms but that's really where I stopped giving a shit about the story of Resident Evil. It's just okay. Resident Evil 4 is the greatest third person shooter of all time and my favourite RE along with both RE1 DC and REmake.

>> No.8252594 [View]
File: 1011 KB, 2880x2025, RE1 Official Sega Saturn Magazine - september UK #23 (1997) - Page 48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently Playing: Resident Evil series. I recently got the MODE for Saturn and it piqued my interest to play the original on Saturn. So now I've beaten RE1, 2, 3, CV and currently playing REMake for the first time. I love all of them, I'd never actually played and beaten 1, 3 and REmake before now.

Backlog Management: I don't really have anything sophisticated, I play what I feel like, and if I find myself unsure I keep an excel sheet with titles if I think 'I must play that one day'. It works for me.

In general I've moved to flash-carts and ODEs for my old hardware, and for anything I don't own I'll just go emulation. I would love to own all the original hardware, but I can't justify buying more, not that my collection is huge. I love the convenience of Flash/ODE, it's so great just being able to pop in any game I fancy and either try it or hammer it out to finish it. Also great for things like mods/patches. I played all of Shining Force III translated somewhat recently.

I don't go and buy vintage magazines, but I do love them and will often go back and read contemporary articles/reviews of old games I'm interested in or playing currently. I loved CVG an Sega Saturn Magazine, but also Australia's MegaZone mag as well. I have a decent collection of those, but don't often see them for sale. I'm maybe soulless, but anything I don't already own I'm happy to get PDFs of.

I also want to shout out Retro Gamer mag, it's surprisingly good and has some really nice articles with interviews and obscure backstories. Also contributes to my backlog with tons of games I didn't know much about before reading in their pages.

>> No.8098350 [View]
File: 1011 KB, 2880x2025, RE1 Official Sega Saturn Magazine - september UK #23 (1997) - Page 48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just recently finished for the first time ever, loved the game and can see why it launched such a successful franchise.
I played Jill on PS1 via emulator, and then played Chris on my Saturn. Definitely a jump in difficulty for Chris, but once you know most of the map and how to deal with enemies it's not a crazy challenge. Missing the grenade launcher and less inventory space definitely adds to the challenge though.
Overall I think the PS1 definitely looked better with the transparencies, but Saturn still looked good, had slightly different character models and some minor changes. The 'new enemy' I found out was just reskinned Hunters which was a bit disappointing, but the second Tyrant fight was cool.
I was a bit disappointed we didn't see more of the Chimeras. Seems a shame they were solely used in the power generator room when they're a scary and cool enemy. I guess that's part of the appeal too, though.

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