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/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.10942952 [View]
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>I'm a zoomer who has never seen a CRT irl
How old are you out of curiosity?
I'm a 99 Gen Z and I still remember the 20/27 inch Zenith bubble tube and RCA rear projection we had for 5-7 years in the early 2000s
I even had a 13" DVD combo in my room until about 2012/13 when I inherited the 2007 Philips LCD when we upgraded the livingroom TV

>> No.10593694 [View]
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X1>(power gap)>X2>X3>X6>X8=X4>X5>X7


Wily did nothing wrong

>> No.10385229 [View]
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>> No.10230441 [View]
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>fake US boxart for a Jap only game

What compels people to do this

>> No.10214063 [View]
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All good tho desu


I always wondered this. Most people seem to share the opinion that X1 is the best X game and that quality varies after this, but it steadily trends downwards and never quite hits the peak of X1

Like, what the fuck happened? Did Capcom put their A team on the first game and then contract out the rest of them

>> No.10164992 [View]
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>FFIX has the better card game

>> No.9820895 [View]
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>X5 was a good ending for the series

See, I know that was the intention on Inafunes end and most people seem to think that it serves as the finale, but I've never felt it really hits the mark as a conclusive story entry. Part of the problem is every supposed climactic event has already been done by the series anyway or already rendered moot.

>Wily is nebulously implied to be back

Serge already existed in X2. And again, he has no real presence or explanation how or why so it doesn't even matter if he's actually back.

>X and Zero fight
This already happened in X2.

>Zero is actually a Maverick
X4 already revealed this.

>Zero dies
He's been dead before, hell the first game ends on this. And even then, he still came back (As does every Maverick you fight twice) so I'm not sure why Zero dying in X5 is supposed to have any gravitas when death is evidently just a minor inconvenience for reploids.

All X5 does is reuse story moments the series had already done before but it doesn't actually do anything new with these - It feels completely impotent as a story entry since the status quo of the world is essentially completely unchanged by the end of the game regardless of which ending you have. We don't even conclusively defeat Sigma or anything - everything is just a retread of prior X game ending with the exception that this time we are supposed to assume Zero is dead for realsies.

tl;dr fuck X5s plot, its an awful finale that makes no sense and resolves nothing

>> No.9393830 [View]
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If you only play one, make X1. Its almost unanimously considered the best entry.

If you are still hankering for more afterwards, X2 is still great but is not as polished as 1.

Anything after this is personal preference. If you want more X, just keep going but be wary that quality will vary wildly.

For my two cents, I rank them


And honestly, outside of X7 which is a genuine dumpster fire, they are all perfectly playable.

>> No.9004168 [View]
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>Zero gets hyped as the eventual Mega Man killer in MM:TPF
>spend decades waiting to see this happen in a game
>they just make it so all the robots, including Mega Man, get unceremoniously decommissioned because reasons
>reveal this in some obscure data book or some shit
Fucking Capcom.

>> No.8952808 [View]
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Worse yet:
>Selling a game
>Potential buyer asks "Hey is this still available?"
>1 day goes by
>No response
Mother fucker other potential buyers are being put on hold because of you.

Or my favorite:
>Selling relatively new game for Ex.) $45, when the average used price is $50
>"Hey would you be willing to do $40?"
Fuckin' Normiebook Marketplace...

>> No.8904970 [View]
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>Its a "Started the level with less than two lives so might as well kill yourself to maximize your chances" episode

Is there truly some purist autist out there who would reject to the game refilling your lifes if you enter a stage with less than two lives in stock

>> No.8874339 [View]
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>mfw people shit on Link because the tourneyfags call him low-tier
IDGAF, Link is fun as fuck to play. Spamming boomerang and bombs all day erryday, and spiking niggas with the spin attack near the edge is satisfying. Sure, he can get whooped up and down by tryhards playing Fox and Falco who more or less know what they're doing, but you can still catch them off guard if they get complacent by switching up your playstyle.

Young Link is fun too, I guess.

>> No.8842874 [View]
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>Is there a Mega Man platformer made by Capcom that you dislike more than X7?
Tough sell, but probably not. I haven't played X6, so I'd personally say X7's a little more bearable than X5 and X6 because of the 3D sections, but that's NOT saying much.

>Is there anything that you actually enjoy about the game?
Yeah, the terrible Eng dub.

>> No.8822234 [View]
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>what what fucking right

>> No.8807785 [View]
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>I'm not even trolling
>these games have such a blindingly accepting fanbase
I swear the majority of vidya posters have failed English class in middle school or are still attending it.

>> No.8723538 [View]
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I really like the Mega Man games bros

Lets talk about them

>> No.8666992 [View]
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>Mavericks are reploids who rebel out of their human-tier free will out of a myriad of potential valid reasons; Dissavowing their servitude, considering humanity inferior, or simply wishing to have nothing to do with the world
>Maverick hunters essentially function as a judge/jury/executioner type deal who treat any transgression with extreme force and work entirerly under the whims of humanity
>Ripe for a morally grey conflict
>Actually most of them just do it because of a computer virus lmao
>Oh yeah this virus is somehow airborne and appearantly propogates over time like a regular virus
>And uh maybe Wily made it or it merged with Sigma
>Oh hey, we found another type of software called cyberelves which can curb any potential Maverick behavior by detecting potential anomalies
>Essentially putting reploids under a police state-tier mind control
>this shit >>8666956 which would had vindicated Wily but they ended up chickening out on the original X plotline

There is some potential for raw fucking kino in X/Zero lore but holy shit does it need an editor or a full rewrite of some kind - For every good idea they just fuck around with five dumb ones or completely drop the ball with the execution

>> No.8650691 [View]
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>Hating on Contra 3

Nigga what? Don't tell me the overhead levels filtered you.

>> No.8645239 [View]
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I started losing patience on the Meme Disc.
Shit was getting just too crazy for it's own good, shoving tons of concepts at you with little time to process it, then "NANO-MACHINES, SON!" was the go-to a cop-out for almost everything.

The build-up to several mysteries/characters lost all their weight once the twists were revealed. Miang and her nonsense really set me off, especially how it related to Fei's mom. At that point, I checked out mentally for everything and dropped the game at the start of the final dungeon. Fei's an obnoxiously DULL lost puppy of a character that only ever seemed to emote when it only came Elly from what I recall. I'd rather have a whiny brat like Shinji or Tidus in his place.

It doesn't help that XG shares a lot of parallels with Chrono Cross in terms of twists, hard left turns the plots take, dropped/very little character development as well as point-pointing exactly when the stories were rushed and budgets cut.

inb4 >"You just didn't get it!"
Oh I understood it completely after a while. It's STILL retarded.
Just like with Chrono Cross: 10/10 OST, slapdash of a final act.

>> No.8481072 [View]
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>instead of looking at the past.
Are you lost or something? Where do you think we are?

>> No.8273532 [View]
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>I'm a 36 year old boomer
Don't stoop yourself to Gen Z's level of terminology, Oijisan.
Why have Ojisan and Kodomo-kun not been used as filters respectively for this shit yet?

>> No.7310652 [View]
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>To get to the next warp room: use the platform that appears in the centre of the room

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