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/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.11061762 [View]
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I respect your opinion, anon. We can't enjoy it all and just because something's popular and loved, that doesn't mean it'll click with us every time... I still don't think it's fair to call it "dogshit" though, there are tons of classics I dislike or just don't go out of my way to play, but I don't act like they're not good video games, I just don't like 'em much.

>> No.11052753 [View]
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I also hate when there's too many settings, 3 is ideal: Easy, Normal and Hard. If you have more it's just a chore if you like to play through all to see how they differ, or if you're a completionist too. I liked how Easy mode was often called the Practice mode on early Genesis titles, and often it'd lock you out of the ending, usually having a few levels to play, telling you to switch it up.

>> No.10939665 [View]
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I get that, though maybe I'm alone in feeling this way, but when I really like a video game, a part of me tends to feel curious about its "inferior" ports from the time and, more often than not, I like the simplicity of said ports better, which is why stuff like the Master System and Game Gear libraries, to me at least, are gold. Also, as (>>10938182) said you'll see more exclusives in 1995 and 1996.

>> No.10926785 [View]
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Thank you, anon! I hope your surgery goes well too, and that the Steam Deck can help you get your fun and comfort while you recover. I think I've never taken medication as much as I am now, hopefully during your recovery there isn't a lots of pain and/or your physician gives you stuff that helps, like mine did. It's a pain, but it's either do the surgery now or later when things get worse.

Cheers, anon!

>> No.10759737 [View]
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I wouldn't say half, a lot of them are just titles we don't see often on these lists, that got voten in a bit before more popular titles did, but of course I can tell there's some joking around, it's just not a huge issue in my eyes, the list feels legit enough.

I think you've summed up my feelings perfectly, I and a lot of others had fun making it and it'll be a good memory of something we might want to do it again in the future... and we had fun building it, seeing our favorites getting in or just missing the mark. I'm glad you've enjoyed it, anon! Cheers!

I mean, sure there's a few jokes here and there, but I do feel that a lot of titles people might see as joking can be a beloved title for someone who finally got to see something special for them be represented in a top 100, like (>>10758972) did, I also don't see the issue with Sonic, sure 10 is too many I guess, but top 100 lists often have tons of Mario and Zelda, for example, if it's an icon of the industry, it's expected for it to be represented in a manner like this... but maybe it was too much.

I made the thread for the same reasons I already described on the previous thread itself, the grid with all 100 titles, and this thread... I recalled us having a thread like this many months back, and I wanted to do it again because I recalled having a lot of fun, having a system like this instead of a poll makes the very act of nominating and voring way more engaging and even dramatic among all of us, and fun, that was the point. I knew there would be joke nominees and winners, but it's not my priority and I don't think that takes away from what the experience was like for all who liked it.

I disagree with every single Sonic installment in the list, besides Sonic 2 being bad, but we all have our tastes, I personally think most of the ones here are quite good, except Blast, also I've never played SA1/SA2 so I can't comment on it.

>> No.10752131 [View]
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I'm posting it this time fuck you

>> No.10738662 [View]
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>There's so many on sega genesis
SEGA failed because they were stupid enough to not take advantage of dozens of good IPs in the Dreamcast and especially in the Saturn days...

What a shame.

>> No.10714347 [View]
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I recall a thread here on /vr/ once where the way to choose titles for the list was simply getting 5 (You)s and, while a terrible metric if you want to do something objective, and avoid people voting multiple times, we got a pretty "alternative" list I think, I might have it saved somewhere, though I don't know if I saved it or not, anyways I liked it as it was a change of pace, we should do it again.

>> No.10655953 [View]
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Have you looked for treatment, anon? What's been bothering you most? I hope you get better. I was like this too, sometimes I couldn't enjoy anything at all, and other times it went full circle and I felt it was all so awful that just getting the pleasure of playing a bit in peace was a blessing which I felt grateful for, we have ups and downs.

I think the best thing is to be a bit autistic about a feel franchises that you want to finish, so you limit your choices a little bit more.

>> No.10633848 [View]
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I know, and it's usually when I hate the most fun, I try to study enemy behavior in later stages, as I understand that simply punching and hoping for the best won't cut it anymore, but often in later stages beat 'em ups throw a bunch of enemies at once with different behaviors and in tight areas, I suck at multitasking and paying attention to this stuff all at once, so I often get lost and take hits.

I've barely play shoot 'em ups, only did it a bit as a kid because I had some, and when you're a kid you play what you have, I had some fun with few of them, but it's never been one of my favorites.

I have a GF, not a BF, and she's not very good at video games, not retro ones at least, she's more into whatever new video game's trending, or the stuff you can get for iOS to waste a few minutes.

I grew up with Streets of Rage 2, so I suppose it feels appropriate to tackle the 1st one to get my grips with the genre. I really need to find a beat 'em up with unlimited continues, as getting sent back is what messes me the most, I tried doing this method of playing one that interests me, both Maximum Carnage and Separation Anxiety for SNES, as I really like Spider-Man and Venom.

I was completely beat up by both, I did get a bit further in SA since it at has a password system, even made it to the last level, but then it had a boss rush with always a couple at the same time.

I just can't deal with having to multitask and the need to deal with multiple enemies with variety in their behaviors, since I need to think, and as I think, the other enemy's beating me up aswell.

I've seen it before and it always looked good to me, but I had forgotten about it, perhaps it's the time to finally check it out I guess. Thanks for the recommendation, anon. I hope I can play it well.

I mean, you can say that about any arcade title, not all difficulty is cheap by desing, it does vary.

>> No.10624617 [View]
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It's literally me with the exception that I'm only lazy, and not dumb, and that I've been getting a bit of sleep in the last few weeks, just bad sleep.

I love video games, they help out in these rough times of uncertainty and change in life, I'll keep playing them even when things get better too.

>> No.10608590 [View]
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NTA but as a kid whenever I had school or had to go to bed and I was getting far in something... I'd just keep the console powered on until I could go and play it again, to pick up from where I left off, I avoid using save states like this and do my best to beat it all in a single sitting when it has neither passwords or save system, but I don't think using save states for this would make a run not legit...

>> No.10592928 [View]
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Indeed, it's why retro's so fun to me really, how it used to have this somewhat arcade inspiration in it, where you'd often get sent back to the start. I used to dislike this as a kid, but I've grown and its something I appreciate now, replaying those first levels and getting better and better at them, it's so rewarding, and when you master them and, as a consequence of it, get more lives for later ones, it's enjoyable to get further and further, until you finally finish it and realize that this title that took you so many hours is actually 30 minutes long at most, and now you can breeze through it easily.

I loved this sense of growth, you could just force your way until the end, you had to learn, and you learned by failing over and over until something clicked and you felt like a genius, so satisfying.

>> No.10524339 [View]
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No... it's just that I'm sort of autistic so when my hyperfocus is on an IP and/or video games I can beat them more regularly. Also, I tend to go for titles that aren't too difficult, nor too long, so I can often beat them on the day I pick them up.

Well, a lot of the times it's just me being quite curious to see how the versions differed, if they were almost the same then I can finish fast since I already know what to do, and if they're unique it's a whole new playthrough and I find it fun for it being new and different alone. With GG/SMS I find that I enjoy the SMS version for visibility, as it's got a bigger screen resolution, but GG has a lot more color and looks nice with LCD shaders, again it's just me being autistic about it I guess.

Of course! I actually beat a lot more than 38, but I tried making a list with only stuff I beat for the 1st time, though I love replaying my favorites on days where I need something more comfortable to cool down from stress and just enjoy playing.

If I went into detail with everything, I wouldn't have enough characters, since the limit is 2000, of course I could write more than just an OP, but then I'd end up making a blog out of this, usually when I really liked what I just beat, I make a new thread dedicated to it so I can discuss it with /vr/ and all. I don't see video games as a checklist...

>> No.10514739 [View]
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Should I invest 10 bucks into a Sega Genesis Model 3?

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