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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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>> No.9551536 [View]
File: 2.27 MB, 800x450, More big changes for a small man.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still on the upswing from being sick, but here's what I got so far:
I'm working on adding a throw for the powered sword, it does the same damage as a boosted sword throw, just with splash damage, though you give the sword up for awhile if you do this.

I'm also changing how the axe behaves. I love the recursion effect but the more I use it the more I realize it's not terribly practical. It'd work better if you could throw more, or if the axes had splash damage. But rather than that I'm opting to make them behave in reverse to the lances: They deal boosted damage and explode at close range, and then they fizzle out and become normal after a short distance. I just need to figure out a good visual effect for the boosted axes. Right now they're just BIG, but when they shrink back to normal size, it's hard to notice because they're flying away from you.

I plan on further fucking with how the power sword is handled in the near future after my break: I'm going to remove the ability to manually toggle the sword on and off, and instead I'll make it automatically kick in after hitting stuff enough times, then it'll be all about just pressing forward to keep the sword powered up as long as possible. I'll just need to figure out what the fists get during this powered up state.

Those explosions for the axes and sword are placeholders, if you're wondering.

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