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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.10863394 [View]
File: 616 KB, 603x709, 1683929389859644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry anon, entering her without consent was considered too problematic so it was removed ;^)

>> No.10624506 [View]
File: 616 KB, 603x709, 1682721430270856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7329308 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 616 KB, 603x709, woke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This screen pops up everytime you load the game.
Some highlights:

>they bothered to censor both jp and us roms
>nu-Square's localization team was involved, at first saying some names need to be fixed (turned O-BAKE into BODACH in the name of localization) then started censoring the hell of it
>FFL2: sewer people were changed
>FFL2: though US version of shogun land sidequest was already censored (opium to bananas) they censored it even further and backported the changes to the JP version
>LOTS of "copyright-related changes" like the lawsuit-bait "Colt" and "Red Bull" (EN) but then... "Light Saber" and "Mobile Suit"??? (a partial jp list below)
>"one of the stairs is colored differently." changed to "pigmented" because color is offensive
>"atomic powerplant" changed to "power plant" because WW2, but "N Bomb" changed to "A Bomb" because african americans rank higher on the intersectional scale than nips
>"Terrorists" are now "Partisans" to avoid offending ISIS
>FFL2 Hana introduces herself as the town's "flatfoot" instead of "detective" because... cops were offensive, and flatfoot is a popular criminal slur for detectives
>FFL2 late game ENEMY soldier changed from "SS" to "SF" to avoid offend... bwahahahahahaahah
>"Tea" is "Coffee" now. Cultural appropriation, maybe?

>resetera loves the changes
>however it's asking why "god" in FFL1 wasn't changed from a certain (((stereotype)))
>and why OG FF7 isn't as censored yet
>it's "not enough"


・ライトセーバー --> ライトサーベル
・モビルスーツ --> モビルマシン
・ビホールダー --> デスアイ

・ライトセーバー --> ライトサーベル
・ねこむすめ --> ねこおんな
・ねずみおとこ --> ねずみおやじ
・28ごう --> 27ごう
・ほんこんびーがた --> びーがた

・ライトセーバー --> ライトサーベル
・ジージョ --> メガマウス
・ジェリー --> ギガマウス
・マイティー --> テラマウス?
・ミッキー --> ペタマウス?
・くいだおれ --> クラウン
・はぐれぼうず --> のろいびと
・こむそう --> のろいリーダー
・ゼンプーリスト --> のろいマスター

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