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/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.4294668 [View]
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Bushido Blade 1 and 2 - Sort of realistic weapon fighting sims. You pick a character and a weapon and try to KO your opponent in one blow. It was an awesome party game back in the PS1's heyday.

Crusaders of Might and Magic - Bargain bin action RPG by 3DO. Only marginally related to the PC game of the same title, as each version was outsourced to different development studios. If you've ever asked yourself, "Were there any Souls-like games for PS1?", well, here you go.

King's Field - Speaking of Souls-like, this series was developed by the same studio. It shares some of the same elements, just not the complex character customization system or third-person view. If you want to try a similar game with an even darker tone, there's also Shadow Tower.

>"hidden gem"
This is the current state of /vr/

My only problem with this game is how disproportionate the graphics are. Twisted Metal had similarly bizarre designs. The textures for building structures are so low-detail that they look like toy models.

>> No.4268765 [View]
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Bushido Blade 1 and 2. No gauges, no powering up, just hit your opponent with a weapon and they die. Although duels do tend to last a bit longer than that due to opponents blocking, or your weapon striking non-vital areas. In the latter case, you can break your opponent's limbs and diminish usage of their arms and legs.

>> No.3880708 [View]
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Spent many a-nights with my bros playing bouts of Bushido Blade. The sequel was good too, although I think they tweaked the mechanics to reduce the accuracy of blows, resulting in way too many blocked / deflected attacks.

>> No.3846586 [View]
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>Would pic related be a good start? I like Rare

I don't care much for fighting games myself, but I did enjoy Bushido Blade. Rather than having to remember a bunch of inputs for various character combos, you just impale your opponent and they die immediately. No health gauges or any of that nonsense.

You do have to pay attention to your opponent's fighting stance, though. It's a kind of rock-paper-scissors ordeal. Certain stances will let you block certain maneuvers, or at least walk away with a broken limb instead of being killed outright.

The sequel was equally as good, if not more so.

>> No.2551054 [View]
File: 92 KB, 800x600, bushido_blade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some retro games that you and your bros used to sit up all night playing?

Pic related. Bushido Blade was the shit back in the day. We also played the shit out of Smash Bros. and Gauntlet Legends.

The N64 was a pretty good platform for party games since it had four-player support, but we did alternate turns with PS1 games from time and time.

>> No.1790732 [View]
File: 92 KB, 800x600, 2246712-bushido_20blade4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been messing with this game, it's rather strange. Also been playing some 3rd strike for Dreamcast on an emulator but I keep getting weird lines on the screen.

>> No.1291035 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 92 KB, 800x600, Bushido Blade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This series had the potential to completely revolutionize fighting games as we know them, but fell short due to its clunky controls and questionable hit detection.
>1997 and 1998 (pre-Smash Bros)
>effectively Square games
>NO life bars
>no timer
>no supers or other stupid bars whatsoever
>no movelist if I remember correctly
>you die in one clean slash just like you would in real life
>some slashes just bounce you around or damage your limbs, and you can clash swords
>honor mattered, if you killed your opponent dishonorably when he wasn't fighting you yet, you were punished for it (I think)
>tons of weapons like Soul Calibur, but they ALL have different stances, each character even has multiple weapons I think
>you can play in FIRST PERSON if you want to (!)
>you can interact with the environment, such as picking up and throwing sand in the opponent's eyes mid-fight or cutting down bamboo on accident as you slash at the opponent
>it featured a gunner in a game full of swordsman, and he wore pink

Holy shit did these developers have some balls. They were putting things into their fighting games back then that even today would blow our minds. Unfortunately, as an actual game, it needed serious improvement. It's such a shame, because it was truly wonderful on paper and just needed some tweaking to be an easy timeless 10/10. When you play them, you can feel how good they could've been if they had just spent a little more time polishing things up.

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